Engineering or Physics: Making the Tough Decision

In summary, engineering is an applied science focused on designing and building structures, machines, and systems, while physics is a fundamental science that seeks to understand the natural world through mathematical models and experiments. Both fields offer diverse job opportunities, with higher demand for engineers due to their practical skills and problem-solving abilities. Engineering also typically has a higher earning potential, but physicists in specialized fields can also have high-paying careers. To enter either field, a bachelor's degree is usually required, with additional education for certain positions. Both fields also offer opportunities for research, with a focus on practical solutions for engineering and a theoretical approach for physics. Ultimately, the best field for someone interested in research depends on their specific interests and goals.
  • #1
I'm currently entering my sophomore year, and am having doubts about my decision to major in physics. Technically I'm undecided science, and I'm really thinking of switching to engineering before I take any more physics courses.

The main reason is the money. My parents own a small business which is basically going down the tubes due to the recession. They can't provide very much for me anymore beyond a place to stay (and they put a lot of stress on me at home!). I'm not sure I can afford to work internships anymore, and I'm facing the cold fact that I might have to work in the private sector, even though I like university-based research, unless I want to live at the poverty level.

I enjoy my free time, and I don't want to be working more than 60 hours per week after I graduate. Currently 40 hours is a lot. One advantage to engineering is I would probably have a 9-5 job, whereas with physics research, I'm starting to see that I'll be working at home on my laptop evenings and weekends. I'm sure I'll still have some free time as a physicist, but it's depressing me that in order to get tenured and get more awards and honors, my hobbies and free time will have to be sacrificed in proportion to how much more successful I want to be. Basically I don't like the idea of working myself to death. I have food allergies and a few other health issues that require somewhat close monitoring, so traveling a lot also doesn't work too well for me.

Problem is, I enjoy physics and I enjoy doing's just the job isn't very compatible with my other wants and needs.

I'm concerned about the short-term as well as the long-term. I don't like the idea of working 80 hours per week as a post-grad then assistant professor on the tenure-track just to get tenured and sit down and think what the heck I just spent my whole life doing. I also don't want to be unsure of whether or not I'll have be able to land a decent paying job out of my undergrad program. Looking at, I'm fearful that I might earn less than $20,000 per year fresh out of college. That also leaves me uncertain with what to do now. I've been interning with professors doing some research on magnetism, but now that my parents are starting to pull financial support out from under me, I feel insecure doing this, as I get paid less than $10,000 per year. Student loans I can pay off obviously later in life, but I need money now to pay for food, gas, insurance, etc. I would rather not apply for food stamps and aid, because they watch you closely, and it's a hassle. So it would be nice to know if I have any other options I can explore while working on my bachelor's degree, or if earning meager salaries as a undergrad intern is my best option. I know the private sector tends to pay more, so that's why I made that part of the topic...looking at my budget, I need to make around $15,000 to $20,000 starting like next January, and if I want to keep up my fast pace at school, I don't have energy more than to work 35-40 hours weekly. My current professors can't even really provide me more than 30 hours of work weekly, and I get a few months off between semesters that I don't really want...I want to work round the year.

Obviously it's my decision in the end, but with this semester drawing near, I'm looking for any outside advice I can get. What are the best options open to me? Sorry for the wall of text :frown:

Thanks in advance for any help!
Physics news on
  • #2
It sounds like you're in a difficult situation and need to make a tough decision. There are a few options available to you. First, you could choose to stay on your current path and major in physics. This would give you the opportunity to pursue research opportunities that will help you gain experience and make connections in your field. Additionally, many physics programs offer tuition assistance or internships that you may qualify for. If you choose to stay on this path, you should take the time to research what opportunities are available to you and make sure that you are taking advantage of them.Second, you could choose to switch to engineering. This would likely provide you with more job opportunities upon graduation and a higher starting salary. Additionally, if you choose to pursue an engineering degree, there may be internships available to you that will give you practical experience and help you build your resume. Finally, you could consider a combination of the two paths, such as double majoring in engineering and physics or pursuing a minor in one field while majoring in the other. This could give you the best of both worlds, allowing you to pursue research opportunities while also giving you a higher earning potential upon graduation. In the end, the decision is up to you. Consider all of your options carefully and make sure to do your research. Best of luck!

Related to Engineering or Physics: Making the Tough Decision

What is the difference between engineering and physics?

Engineering is an applied science that focuses on designing, building, and improving structures, machines, devices, and systems. Physics is a fundamental science that seeks to understand the natural world and its behavior through mathematical models and experiments.

Which field offers better job opportunities?

Both engineering and physics offer diverse job opportunities, but the demand for engineers is generally higher due to the practical skills and problem-solving abilities they possess. However, the job market for physicists is also growing, especially in fields such as renewable energy and nanotechnology.

Which field has a higher earning potential?

Engineering typically has a higher earning potential than physics, as engineers are in high demand and often work on projects with a direct impact on society. However, physicists in specialized fields, such as astrophysics or nuclear physics, can also have high-paying careers.

What are the educational requirements for each field?

To become an engineer, a bachelor's degree in engineering is typically required. Some positions may also require a master's or doctoral degree. To become a physicist, a bachelor's degree in physics is usually necessary, along with a master's or doctoral degree for research or teaching positions.

Which field is better for someone interested in research?

Both engineering and physics offer opportunities for research, but the focus and approach may differ. Engineering research often involves developing practical solutions to specific problems, while physics research may be more theoretical and focused on understanding the fundamental laws of nature. Ultimately, the best field for someone interested in research depends on their specific interests and goals.

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