Engineering Technician to EE: Job Offers & Fair Salaries

  • Thread starter jasonleroy
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In summary: Most companies would likely move someone to level 2 engineering after a couple years of experience. You would be eligible for a level 2 position.
  • #1

I was an engineering tech for 3 years in the R&D lab of a major aerospace company. I took an educational leave to get my EE degree and will be graduating soon.

My question is, when considering offers, how much should my technical experience count? I know many companies will move someone to level 2 engineering after a couple years. Should I be eligible for a level 2 position?

I have my tech experience plus a year of interning while at school. Just trying to asses what a fair offer would be. Thanks!
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  • #2
I can't say for certain but probably an extra 5K or so. However when evaluating offers you need to look at a lot of things like moving expenses, selling your old home, cost of living where the company resides, health benefits.

Then when you get an offer you can decide and ask for more citing another company's interest in you with a competing and comparable offer. The negotiating is when you'll make the most money.

Two things to be aware of you can usually do this once per company. Twice may be too much and the company may pull back the offer. So if you had two companies competing for you you hit each one and if they bump it up a notch you might try once again.

The other thing is that having gotten a higher offer they may in the long run delay any future raise to recoup the money they spent to get you unless of course they think you're really outstanding.

During your interview, toward the end ask about how promotions work and the employee levels like associate engineer vs staff engineer vs advisory vs senior. Each company will have different name and the hiring managers may use them during the interview saying when you join you'll be a senior associate and we'll promote you in a year to staff and another manager may start with a different level. The level determines the range of pay so it become important later on as you work there and get one or promotions ie I it could become a ceiling.
  • #3
I don't know what they pay for such experience these days. Nevertheless, If I am on a hiring committee, that is something I rate very highly. Engineers who do not at least have a passing familiarity of what technicians and customers do are a blight on the profession.

Your experience would mean a lot to me. What it's worth to someone else --who knows?
  • #4
Thanks! I'll just have to get out there and interview. Since I'm on educational leave, I expect to get an offer to return to my current company. Just want to make sure the offer is fair.
  • #5
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and for pursuing further education to advance your career! Your technical experience as an engineering technician is definitely valuable and should be taken into consideration when evaluating job offers. Many companies do recognize the transferable skills and knowledge gained from a previous position and may offer a higher level position as a result.

When considering offers, it is important to research the market value for your specific role and level of experience. This can vary depending on location, industry, and company size. You can also reach out to your network or professional organizations to gather more information on average salaries for engineers in similar positions.

In terms of your eligibility for a level 2 position, it ultimately depends on the specific job responsibilities and requirements of the position. However, your technical experience and internships can definitely make you a strong candidate for a higher level position. It is important to highlight these experiences and how they have prepared you for the engineering role during the negotiation process.

Overall, it is important to assess the entire compensation package, including salary, benefits, and potential for growth and development, when evaluating job offers. I wish you all the best in your job search and future career as an electrical engineer!

FAQ: Engineering Technician to EE: Job Offers & Fair Salaries

1. What is the role of an engineering technician in the field of electrical engineering?

An engineering technician in the field of electrical engineering plays a crucial role in the design, development, testing, and maintenance of electrical systems. They work closely with electrical engineers to ensure that projects are completed efficiently and safely.

2. How does an engineering technician advance to become an electrical engineer?

To become an electrical engineer, an engineering technician often needs to obtain additional education and training, such as a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. They may also need to gain experience in the field and pass a licensing exam.

3. What types of job offers can an engineering technician with an electrical engineering background expect?

An engineering technician with an electrical engineering background can expect job offers in a variety of industries, such as manufacturing, construction, power generation, and telecommunications. They may also have opportunities for career advancement, such as becoming a senior engineering technician or transitioning into an electrical engineering role.

4. What is the average salary for an engineering technician with an electrical engineering background?

The average salary for an engineering technician with an electrical engineering background varies depending on factors such as location, experience, and industry. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for engineering technicians in May 2020 was $58,560.

5. Are there any additional skills or certifications that can increase an engineering technician's job offers and salary?

Yes, there are additional skills and certifications that can increase an engineering technician's job offers and salary. These may include specialized training in specific software or equipment, project management certifications, or obtaining a Professional Engineer (PE) license. Continuing education and staying current with industry developments can also make an engineering technician more competitive in the job market.

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