English translation of the Danish article?

In summary: A leading Danish art museum removes a piece of art from fear of Muslim reaction. To that theater's season, they will perform three satirical righted against U.S. President George W. Bush. However, there is no mention of Osama bin Barn or his allies.Some members of the Danish Muslim community demand special consideration for their religious feelings. It is incompatible with a democratic society and freedom of speech, where decent people can be willing to submit to ridicule. It is certain that there will never be a permanent straight attachment between Muslims and the secular Western world.It is so no accident that they turn to totalitarianism to tell their stories or reproduce the dictators critical. This usually happens by reference to the fact that
  • #1
I have been searching for an English translation of the article that appeared in Jyllands-Posten last September. I have found the original article in Danish here (without the cartoons):


Well, I think this is it but I cannot read it. I think reading the original article is important to understand the original intent and the reaction. If anyone has a link to an English version, please post it here.

For other related information, Wikipedia has a number of articles on the situation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Jyllands-Posten_Muhammad_cartoons_controversy" . And a number of references at the bottom of each page lead to even more pertinent references.

Please post no debate or opinions in this thread, only links and relevant information.
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  • #2
Have you tried an online translation software ? I know those are notoriously bad, but it may be better than nothing.


On the other hand, there may be someone here that speaks Danish that might offer to translate it.

(Also - and I have read all the posts or links provided in the other threads but - this is only the second time I see a mention of the Theo van Gogh incident. I was surprised that no one brought that up in the other threads.)
  • #3
Oops, I had the wrong link. The above article is not the one that had the cartoons but a previous one that triggered the publication. The correct article is here:


I will try to use the automated translator and see what happens... Thanks for the tip.
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  • #4
Awwllriiight... Automated translation is as automated translation does. This is the result. I guess you can get the main idea. Still, if anyone is able to find a link or improve on this, it will be welcomed.

Muhammeds face

From FLEMMING ROSE kulturredaktør

The comedian Stamp Hvam admit lately , that he no »tør get pis at Koranen by obviously television - monitor A designer , there shall reproduce profeten Muhammed to a kindergarten , hope that act anonymous. Ditto doing vesteuropæiske interpreters from a islamkritisk essaysamling.

A leading kunstmuseum removes a kunstværk from fear by muslimers reaction. TO that teatersæson build three performances by bits and satirical righted against USA's president George W. Bush , however there's no a sole about Osama bin Barn and his allies , and amid a appointment by statsminister Duck-breeding Fogh Rasmussen V ) call on a imam the government to that do one influence in force towards danish media , so they can be depict a better affirmative portrait from islam.

Examples quoted above treats reason for care , whether the experience fear rests at a dance false grounding or ej. Invoice is , that the reside , and that the guide to selvcensur. There occurs a intimidated from that public partition. Artists , the author , the designer , interpreters and teaterfolk goes therefore to a extensive arc except about vor in time prior kulturmøde , that between islam and they sekulære vestlige community by clutter to kristendommen.


That up to date sekulære community dismiss from some muslimer. They doing demands at a særstilling , catching they insist at particularly consideration to own pious feelings. It is incompatible by a verdsligt democracy and ytringsfrihed , where decent can være ready to that acquiesce gird , spot price and ridicule. It is certain no forever straight attachment and nicely that mind , and ie no , that pious feelings at any price shall do ridiculous , however it is minor to the facts.

It is so no accidently , that they to totalitarian community smoke to prison to tell vittigheder or reproduce diktatorer critical. That occurs as a rule by reference to , that that affronts the people's feelings. TO Denmark isn't it come as far as , however examples quoted above displays , that vi is at way in at a glidebane , where none can be predict , what selvcensuren vil add up to.

12 bladtegnere

Therefore has Morgenavisen Jyllands - The mail call on members from danish bladtegneres brotherhood to that depict Muhammed , that they notices him. 12 forth from ca. 40 has replied the inquiry , and vi brings their drawings here at the paper amid own name. They're : Hearth Blinking Poul Erik Poulsen PEP Rasmus True Høyer Erik Abild Blinking , Stamp Füchsel Peder Bundgaard Bob Katzenelson , Annex Carlsen Lars Refn Jens July His Claus Seidel and Brokerage Westergaard.

Only 25 forth from 40 is actively , and some of they actively is pad a konkurrenceklausul. Single has reason with by their no to that join in , others has referred to urgent arbejdsopgaver , while again others not at all has granted sound from themselves.
  • #5
Here's my own translation:
The comedian Frank Hvam recently admitted that he does not "dare to BS about the Quran on the television".
An artist commissioned to draw the prophet Mohammad for a children's book desires to remain anonymous. The same holds for Western European translators of a collection of essays critical to Islam.

A leading museum for arts removes an artwork out of fear for muslims' reaction to it.
At the theatres, three plays is performed in which wit and satire are directed against USA's president George W Bush, whereas no play is about Osama bin laden and his allies.

At the same time, during a meeting with prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen (V), an imam exhorts the government to make its influence apparent towards Danish media, so that they will paint a more positive picture of Islam.

The examples above give cause for worry, whether the fear is founded upon false premises or not.
The fact is that it is present, and that it effects self-censorship.
There is an intimidation of the public space going on.

Artists, authors, drawers, translators and theatre men are for this reason going in a wide arc past the most significant cultural encounter of our time: the encounter between Islam and the secular, western societies with their roots in Christianity.

The modern, secular society is rejected by some muslims.
They are demanding a privileged, sheltered position for themselves when they insist upon a special form of respect of their own religious emotions.
This demand cannot coexist with a secular democracy and freedom of expression, where one has to be prepared to tolerate scorn and ridicule of oneself. To wit, it is certainly not always sympathetic or nice to look at, and it does not mean that religious emotions should for any cost be sought ridiculed, but that is a subsidiary concern in this context.

It is not accidental that people in totalitarian societies are thrown in jail because they tell witticisms about dictators or portray them in a critical manner.

Putting them in jail is mostly rationalized by saying they are hurting the feelings of the nation.

In Denmark, we haven't come that far, but the cited examplesshow that we are entering a slippery slope where no one can predict what this self-censorship will end with."

This is Jyllands-postens justification for its invitation to artists to portray Mohammed as they see him.
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  • #6
Thank you very much arildno, your translation is much more readable. :smile:

Are you able to also translate the section titled "12 bladtegnere"? I hate to impose. But it looks equally important as it reads like what may be a "call to duty" which prompted the actual cartoons. At least this is what I gather from the automated translation.
  • #8
Okay, then:
"12 newspaper drawers (arildno: do you use "drawer" as the nounfor a guy who makes drawings for a living?)
For this reason, Jyllands-posten, Morning Edition has asked members of Danish Drawers Union to draw Mohammad, as they see him.
12 out of about 40 have responded, and hereby, we publish their drawings with the artists' full names
they arer: Arne Sørensen, Poul Erik Poulsen (PEP), Rasmus Sand Høyer, Erik Abild Sørensen, Franz Füchsel, Peder Bundgaard, Bob Katzenelson, Annette Carlsen, Lars Refn, Jens Julius Hansen, Claus Seidel og Kurt Westergaard.

Only 25 out of the 40 are active, and some of those active have contracts containing a clausule about competition (arildno: restricting their comissions for competitors to their main employer)
Some have given arguments for their chosen non-involvement, others have referred to a pressing workload, whereas others have given no response at all."
  • #9
Thank you again arildno!

And thank you iansmith for the link, which does closely match arildno's translation. I hope it is acceptable to quote the relevant section for direct reference since it is not too long and the containing wikipedia page is considered for deletion (it contains the offending cartoons among other things).

Comedian Frank Hvam recently declared that he "dare not make fun of the Qu'ran on television". A cartoonist, whose job is to depict the prophet Muhammad in a children's book, wishes to remain anonymous. So do West European translators of a collection of essays critical of Islam.

A leading museum of art removes a work of art fearing how Muslims may react. In this season, [Danish] threatres show three different plays with biting satire towards the US president, George W. Bush, but not a single one about Osama bin Laden and his allies, and during a meeting with Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, an imam urged the government to take action against Danish media and force them to present a more positive image of Islam. The examples mentioned above are calls for concern, whether the perceived fear rests on a false basis or not. The fact is that it exists, and it leads to self-censoreship. An intimidation of the public space takes place. Artists, writers, cartoonists, translators, and theatre people consequently avoid dealing with the most important meeting of cultures in our time, between Islam and the secular, Western societies rooted in Christianity.


The modern secular society is rejected by some Muslims. They demand a special position, when they insist that special care is taken to protect their own religious feelings. This is incompatible with a secular democracy and freedom of expression, in which everybody must be ready to face scorn, ridicule, and humiliation. It is certainly not always sympatic or nice to look at, and it does not mean that religious feelings should be ridiculed, no matter the cost. But this is a minor point in this case.

It is consequently not a coincidence, that people in totalitarian societies are thrown in jail for telling jokes or depicting dictators in a critical way. This usually happens with the excuse that the work offends the feelings of the people. Denmark has still not gone this far, but the examples mentioned above show that we're heading towards a slippery slope, where no-one can predict what the result will be of this self-censorship.

Twelve cartoonists

For this reason, Jyllands-Posten has urged members of the Association of Danish Cartoonists to draw Muhammad as they see thim. Twelve out of around 40 replied and we're bringing their cartoons here on this page, under their own names. They are: Arne Sørensen, Poul Erik Poulsen (PEP), Rasmus Sand Høyer, Erik Abild Sørensen, Franz Füchsel, Peder Bundgaard, Bob Katzenelson, Annette Carlsen, Lars Refn, Jens Julius Hansen, Claus Seidel, and Kurt Westergaard.

Only 25 out of the 40 are actively working in their profession, and some of the others are subject to a clause in their contracts forbidding them to work for competitors. A few have argued for why they rejected this task, others have said that a large workload is the cause for not joining, while others have not replied at all.
  • #10
As for the texts onthe cartoons, the one at page at 11 says something like "A prophet who with dick and bang keeps women down"

the one on page 14:
"Stop! Stop! We haven't got any virgins in store for you guys!"

the one at page 18:
"Keep your tempers! After all, this drawing was made by a mere infidel, some Southern
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  • #11
arildno said:
As for the texts onthe cartoons, the one at page at 11 says something like "A prophet who with dick and bang keeps women down"

Uhh... arildno :wink:
kuk is not the Danish word for dick (is it the Norwegian word?). A more fitting translation would be 'Prophet you crazy bloke! Keeping women under yoke'

arildno said:
the one on page 14:
"Stop! Stop! We haven't got any virgins in store for you guys!"

'Stop, stop, we have run out of virgins!'

arildno said:
the one at page 18:
"Keep your tempers! After all, this drawing was made by a mere infidel, some Southern Jutlander".

you mean page 17 :smile:
"Relax, friends, at the end of the day, it's just a drawing by a non-believing South Jutlander".

Thise translations can also be found at http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/danish_muslim_cartoons and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyllands-Posten_Muhammad_cartoons
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  • #12
As for the two last, I was admittedly somewhat free in translation.

As for the first, yeah, I thought the membrum virile had that name in Danish as well..:blushing:

Related to English translation of the Danish article?

1. What is the process of translating a Danish article into English?

The process of translating a Danish article into English typically involves multiple steps. First, the translator will read and understand the original Danish article, taking note of any cultural or contextual nuances. Then, they will begin translating the text into English while trying to maintain the original meaning and tone. After the initial translation, the text will be reviewed and edited for accuracy and clarity before being finalized.

2. Can translation software accurately translate a Danish article into English?

While translation software has improved significantly in recent years, it is still not as accurate as a human translator. Software may struggle to accurately capture the tone, context, and cultural nuances of a Danish article, leading to a less accurate translation. It is best to use a combination of software and human translation for the most accurate results.

3. How long does it typically take to translate a Danish article into English?

The length of time it takes to translate a Danish article into English can vary depending on the length and complexity of the article, as well as the experience and expertise of the translator. On average, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to complete a high-quality translation.

4. Are there any special considerations when translating a Danish article into English?

Yes, there are a few special considerations to keep in mind when translating a Danish article into English. For example, Danish has three additional letters (æ, ø, å) that do not exist in English, so these must be accurately translated. Additionally, sentence structure and word order may be different in Danish, so the translator must take this into account when translating into English.

5. How can I ensure a high-quality translation of a Danish article into English?

The best way to ensure a high-quality translation is to hire a professional and experienced translator who is fluent in both Danish and English. It is also helpful to provide the translator with any background information or context related to the article to ensure accurate translation of cultural and contextual nuances. Finally, make sure to review and edit the final translation for accuracy and clarity before publishing or sharing it.

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