Enriching Uranium: Gas Centrifuge Method

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of enriching uranium for the purpose of building an atomic bomb. The methods of gas centrifuge, electrolysis, and fractional distillation are mentioned, as well as the potential use of a breeder reactor and deutrium for a boosted nuclear device. The speaker also mentions their knowledge of building a nuclear device, acquired at their high school's advanced math and science center magnet program.
  • #1
Tom McCurdy
Homework--- Build Atomic Bomb

What is the general output of enriched uranium from an electrolysis and fractional distillation process?
I have already researched the outputs for gas diffusion, thermal diffusion, gas cenrifuge, laster isotope separation, and mass spectroscopy. If you could give me any information on its separative work Unit or Amount of fissionable materials for the two processes could be produced in grams/month it would be great. Its for a physics research project, and as most of you probably know posessing the knowledge of making a bomb, is far from being able to constuct the bomb.

Any help would be great.
Tom McCurdy
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Haha, that's awesome man. Just talk a lot about special relativity, and do NOT do experiments :p
  • #3
haha thanks

well i presented the model today

I decided that i would probably like to use gas centrifuge as a method to enrich uranium. It is realtivly easy to do once you set them up in trains to form cascades then just put the Uranium hexa fluroide gas into the evacuated rotor and press spin. You got yourself some U-235 moving inside while the heavier 238 should move towards the outside. Add an axial countercurrent formed either mechannially with baffles or thermally by heating the caps and you can ever further enrich ther uranium. Then take the uranium to a breeder reactor in detriot to tranform to Pluotonium then your well on the way for an implosion nucuclear device. (who would mess with the gun type... too easy) then maybe just for kicks use either electroylis or fractional distillation to get some deutrium to make a boosted nuclear device. Anyway this is just a small portion of the plans... if anyone want to know how to build nuclear device... I know. hehe I love my high school... (advance math and science center magnet school)

FAQ: Enriching Uranium: Gas Centrifuge Method

1. How does one build an atomic bomb?

Building an atomic bomb is an extremely complex and dangerous process that requires specialized knowledge and materials. It involves enriching uranium or plutonium, designing and constructing a nuclear weapon, and testing it for effectiveness. Only a few countries in the world have successfully developed and tested atomic bombs.

2. Is it legal to build an atomic bomb for personal use?

No, it is not legal for individuals to build or possess an atomic bomb. The production, possession, and use of nuclear weapons are highly regulated by international treaties and laws. Any unauthorized possession or use of an atomic bomb could result in severe legal consequences.

3. How long does it take to build an atomic bomb?

The time it takes to build an atomic bomb can vary depending on the resources and expertise available. It can take several years for a country or organization to successfully build and test an atomic bomb. The process also involves a significant investment of time and resources.

4. What are the potential dangers of building an atomic bomb?

There are many potential dangers associated with building an atomic bomb. These include the risk of accidental detonation, the release of harmful radiation, and the potential for nuclear proliferation or use of the weapon in war. Additionally, the resources and efforts put towards building an atomic bomb could divert attention and resources away from other important issues, such as promoting peace and addressing global issues.

5. Is it possible to build a "safe" atomic bomb?

No, there is no such thing as a "safe" atomic bomb. These weapons are designed to cause immense destruction and loss of life. Even if an atomic bomb were to be built with safety mechanisms, there is still a high risk of accidents or unintended consequences. The only way to truly ensure safety is to eliminate all nuclear weapons and promote peace and cooperation among nations.
