Entanglement and the Pauli exclusion principle

In summary, entanglement is a consequence of symmetrization for bosons (and antisymmetrization for fermions). Whenever we have a system consisting of two bosons (two fermions) the quantum state reads as
  • #1
Hey all,

I have what I think (hope) is a relatively quick pair of questions regarding entanglement of fermions and bosons. First, am I right in saying that if two fermions are in the same position-state, they will necessarily be entangled? My reasoning here is just that if their position-state is the same, then some other aspect of their states (e.g. their spin) must be different (by the Pauli exclusion principle) - i.e. that that aspect of their states will be anti-correlated.

Second, is there any such connection in the case of bosons? Obviously, the PEP doesn't apply; so I'm inclined to think that a pair of bosons could share a position-state and yet not be entangled. Is this right?
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  • #2
Entanglement is not due to the exclusion principle but due to symmetrization for bosons (and antisymmetrization for fermions). That means that whenever we have a system consisting of two bosons (two fermions) the quantum state reads

[tex]|a,b\rangle = |a\rangle_1 \otimes |b\rangle_2 \pm |b\rangle_1 \otimes |a\rangle_2[/tex]

with + for bosons (- for fermions)

'1' and '2' are 'labels' for the two particles. 'a' and 'b' represent all position or momentum space information, quantum numbers etc. Position space and spin are two specific examples. This entangled state simply says that it does not makes sense to say that "particle 1 is in state a and particle 2 is in state b". QM tells us that thet correct description is "there are two particles, one is in state a and the other one is in state b". So strictly speaking labelling particles is nonsense.

And indeed one can formulate QM in a way where one does not refer to these labels.

btw.: the PEP follows trivially for fermions with a = b:

[tex]|a,a\rangle = |a\rangle_1 \otimes |a\rangle_2 \pm |a\rangle_1 \otimes |a\rangle_2 = 0[/tex]

which means that this state does not exist (by construction i.e. antisymmetrization).
  • #3
lotm said:
Hey all,

I have what I think (hope) is a relatively quick pair of questions regarding entanglement of fermions and bosons. First, am I right in saying that if two fermions are in the same position-state, they will necessarily be entangled? My reasoning here is just that if their position-state is the same, then some other aspect of their states (e.g. their spin) must be different (by the Pauli exclusion principle) - i.e. that that aspect of their states will be anti-correlated.

Second, is there any such connection in the case of bosons? Obviously, the PEP doesn't apply; so I'm inclined to think that a pair of bosons could share a position-state and yet not be entangled. Is this right?
1) The total wave function may not be stationary.
-The entangled states are stationary states of the many-body Hamiltonian. However, the total wave function does not have to be a stationary state. The total wave function may be rapidly varying in time.
2) There could be many other degrees of freedom other than position or linear momentum (which are conjugate properties).
-There could be spin, energy, total angular momentum, isospin, etc.
3) The ground state of a system of fermions has to be entangled.
-You are probably thinking of the special case of the ground state (i.e., lowest possible energy) of a system of system of fermions.
-The proof of this is along the general lines of what you are describing.

FAQ: Entanglement and the Pauli exclusion principle

What is entanglement?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle affects the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them.

What is the Pauli exclusion principle?

The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two identical fermions (particles with half-integer spin) can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously. This means that two fermions cannot have the same set of quantum numbers, such as energy level, spin, and orbital position.

How does entanglement relate to the Pauli exclusion principle?

Entanglement is a consequence of the Pauli exclusion principle. When two particles become entangled, their quantum states become linked and the state of one particle cannot be described without also describing the state of the other. This is because the particles are subject to the same restrictions of the Pauli exclusion principle.

What are the potential applications of entanglement and the Pauli exclusion principle?

Entanglement and the Pauli exclusion principle have many potential applications in quantum computing, cryptography, and communication. Entangled particles can be used to create secure communication channels, and the Pauli exclusion principle allows for more efficient and accurate quantum computing operations.

Can entanglement be observed in everyday life?

No, entanglement is a phenomenon that occurs on a very small scale, at the level of atoms and subatomic particles. It is not observable in everyday life.

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