Entanglement, Measurements, and Interactions

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between uncertainty and entanglement, the transfer of entanglement between particles and measuring devices, and the role of wavefunction collapse in this process. It also explores the possibility of using gravitational interactions to measure states of particles and the challenges posed by continuous interactions in this context. The concept of quantum decoherence is suggested as a possible explanation for the occurrence of collapse or entanglement in different scenarios.
  • #1
Hello, I'm trying to better understand entanglement in the context of measurements and interactions.

(1.) Are uncertainty and entanglement linked together? Are the eigenstates of an observable entangled since a measurement of one of them collapses the wavefunction to a single eigenstate, making all the coefficients of the other eigenstates 0?(2.) Consider a very sensitive measuring tool that measures the spin of one of two spin-entangled electrons (their total momentum is 0). Is the entanglement of one of the electrons then transferred to the measuring device (now the measuring device is entangled with the other electron) assuming the wavefunction does not collapse yet?(3.) In general, is the entanglement transferred until the wavefunction collapses? Does the wavefunction collapsing transform/transfer any uncertainty?(4.) Is it possible to create a device that can measure states of a particle based on gravitational interactions? Assuming all particles make a measurement when they interact, what keeps massive particles from continuously collapsing from continuously interacting with other massive particles, also assuming gravity is continuous? With other forces assuming they're continuously interacting?

My thoughts: Interactions do not necessarily cause wavefunction collapse. In the case that they do not, there is some form of entanglement transfer.

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  • #2
JasonWuzHear said:
My thoughts: Interactions do not necessarily cause wavefunction collapse. In the case that they do not, there is some form of entanglement transfer.

That's a fair summary, and it identifies one of the awkwardnesses of collapse interpretations: just why is it that sometimes we get collapse and sometimes we just get entanglement between the participants in an interaction? This is basically the concern that led Schrodinger to pose his famous cat/cyanide/box thought experiment - he wasn't seriously suggesting that the cat was entangled with the radioactive sample and both alive and dead until we opened the box, he was pointing out that quantum mechanics didn't clearly say that the cat would be either alive or dead even before we looked.

Google for "quantum decoherence" and search this forum for a more modern take on the subject.
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FAQ: Entanglement, Measurements, and Interactions

1. What is entanglement and how does it occur?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become intrinsically linked to each other, regardless of the distance between them. This occurs when the particles interact and share certain quantum properties, such as spin or polarization.

2. How is entanglement measured?

Entanglement is measured using a technique called quantum state tomography, where the state of the entangled particles is reconstructed by performing multiple measurements on them. Other methods, such as Bell tests, can also be used to measure entanglement.

3. What are some real-life applications of entanglement?

Entanglement has potential applications in fields such as quantum computing, where it can be used for secure communication and faster processing speeds. It can also be used in quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation, and quantum sensing.

4. How do interactions affect entanglement?

Interactions between entangled particles can have a significant impact on their entanglement. For example, if an entangled particle interacts with its environment, it can cause entanglement to degrade or even break. On the other hand, interactions can also be used to create entanglement between particles.

5. Can entanglement be used for faster-than-light communication?

No, entanglement cannot be used for faster-than-light communication. While entangled particles may appear to communicate instantaneously, they are not actually transferring information faster than the speed of light. This is due to the fact that entanglement cannot be used to transmit information without additional classical communication channels.

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