Entropy, heat death and black holes

In summary: The black hole will evaporate and the radiation will stop when the temperature at the horizon is equal to the temperature of the BH.
  • #1
Talking about the big bounce and black holes in another thread made me wonder about the life span of black holes, especially in the heat death scenario.

If the U went through heat death, does that mean that black holes would also exhaust their energy? Do black holes die, and if so, what happens? I seem to remember a theory about black holes emitting radiation and eventually evaporating, depending on their size.
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  • #2
Yes, black holes evaporate very slowly and eventually evaporate entirely. But it takes a long, long time. As in around 10^100 years for a large supermassive black hole.
  • #3
One can 'experiment' and possibly amuse oneself with a black hole's lifetime using the following formula:

[itex]t_{life}[/itex] = [itex]10^{66}[/itex] years ([itex]M_{bh}[/itex] / [itex]M_{sun}[/itex])[itex]^{3}[/itex]

The mass of the sun is about 2 X 10^30 kg

Reference: Black Holes A Traveler's Guide, Pickover, P.112
  • #4
narrator said:
I seem to remember a theory about black holes emitting radiation and eventually evaporating, depending on their size.

Your talking about 'Hawking Radiation" What happens is that particle/anti particle pairs that come into existense at or near the BH event horizon become seperated. One particle gets sucked in due to the BH, and the other escapes, therefore the BH slowly losses mass over time. It has temperature, It radiates.
  • #5
alex2515 said:
Your talking about 'Hawking Radiation" What happens is that particle/anti particle pairs that come into existense at or near the BH event horizon become seperated. One particle gets sucked in due to the BH, and the other escapes, therefore the BH slowly losses mass over time. It has temperature, It radiates.
And this temperature is usually very cold but will get very hot just before the black hole totally evaporates. From the earlier reference I listed, the temperature at the black hole event horizon is:

[itex]T_{horizon}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{6 X 10^{-8} Kelvin}{M_{bh} / M_{sun}}[/itex]

FAQ: Entropy, heat death and black holes

1. What is entropy and why is it important?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. It is important because it helps us understand the direction in which a system will naturally evolve and the amount of energy that is available for doing work.

2. What is the concept of heat death and how does it relate to entropy?

Heat death, also known as the "big freeze," is a theoretical concept in which the universe reaches a state of maximum entropy. This means that all energy will be evenly distributed and no work can be done, effectively resulting in the end of all life and activity in the universe. This concept relates to entropy because as the universe approaches this state, the amount of usable energy decreases and the level of disorder and randomness increases.

3. Can black holes violate the second law of thermodynamics?

No, black holes do not violate the second law of thermodynamics. While they may seem to create order by sucking in matter and energy, they also contribute to an overall increase in entropy. This is because black holes release energy in the form of Hawking radiation, which increases the entropy of the surrounding space.

4. How do black holes contribute to the heat death of the universe?

Black holes contribute to the heat death of the universe by increasing the overall entropy. As they consume matter and release energy, they contribute to the gradual increase in disorder and randomness in the universe, ultimately leading to the maximum entropy state of heat death.

5. Is there any way to reverse the effects of entropy and prevent the heat death of the universe?

While it is currently not possible to reverse the effects of entropy on a universal scale, some scientists believe that it may be possible to delay the heat death of the universe by finding ways to increase the amount of usable energy. However, this is still a highly debated topic and more research is needed to fully understand the potential of reversing the effects of entropy on the universe.

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