Entropy of a System of Spin-half Non-interacting Particles

In summary: I should have calculated it as you did, thanks for your help @PeterDonis :bow:Yes.I tried to convince myself it was the closest answer (which would be a 100 times different than ##13.82~k_B##) before you suggested the one state population... I should have calculated it as you did, thanks for your help @PeterDonis :bow:In summary, when considering a system with ##N## non-degenerate energy eigenstates populated by ##N## identical spin-zero particles and ##2N## identical spin-half particles with no interactions between any of the particles, the entropy of the system is zero. This is due to the fact that, for the fermions, there is only one way to
  • #1

Homework Statement

A system having ##N## non-degenerate energy eigenstates populated by##N## identical spin-zero particles and ##2N## identical spin-half particles. There are no interaction between any of these particles. If ##N=1000## what is the entropy of the system?

Homework Equations

Third law of thermodynamics $$S=k_B \ln W$$
where ##S## is entropy, ##k_B## is the Botlzmann constant and ##W## is the thermodynamic probability.

Thermodynamic probability, i.e., the total number of independent ways of distributing ##N_i## particles in ##g_i## states is
for ##spin-integral## particles $$W= \prod_{i=1}^{n} {\frac {(N_i +g_i -1)!}{{N_i}! {(g_i -1)!}}}$$
for ##spin-half## particles $$W= \prod_{i=1}^{n} {\frac {{g_i}!}{{N_i}! {(g_i -N_i)!}}}$$

Stirling's formula $$\ln {n!} = n \ln n - n$$

The Attempt at a Solution

for ##spin-integral## particles $$W={\frac {(N+N -1)!}{{N}! {(N -1)!}}}$$
Simplifying $$W={\frac {(2N -1)!}{{N}! {N!}}}$$
That is approximately $$W={\frac {(2N)!} {{{N}!}^2}}$$
Thus $$S_{spin-0}=k_B \ln{\frac {(2N)!} {{(N!)}^2}}$$
$$\Rightarrow S_{spin-0}=k_B {[\ln {{(2N)!}-\ln {(N!)}^2}]}$$
$$\Rightarrow S_{spin-0}=k_B {[(2N) \ln {(2N)}-(2N)-2\ln {{N}!}]}$$
$$\Rightarrow S_{spin-0}=k_B {[(2N) \ln {(2N)}-(2N)-2N\ln {N} + 2N]}$$
$$\Rightarrow S_{spin-0}=k_B {(2N)[ \ln {(2N)}-\ln {N}]}$$
$$\Rightarrow S_{spin-0}=k_B {(2N) \ln 2}$$for ##spin-half## particles $$W={\frac {N!}{{(2N)}! {(N -2N)!}}}$$
Which gives a ##negative## factorial at the denominator!
So, does this mean one cannot distribute ##2N## spin-half particles in ##N## states?
Which sounds right, because of the Pauli exclusion principle.

Anyone have any thought?
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  • #2
Moderator's note: Moved to advanced physics homework forum.
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  • #3
Is it possible that since a given energy state can accommodate two spin-half particles, at most, there is only one to distribute these ##2N## particles in ##N## states?
  • #4
VSayantan said:
Is it possible that since a given energy state can accommodate two spin-half particles, at most, there is only one to distribute these ##2N## particles in ##N## states?

Yes, that is indeed possible, since it's the correct answer. :wink:

Now you need to consider the case of bosons (spin-integral particles): unlike fermions, multiple bosons can be in the same energy state, and in fact they are more likely to be in the same energy state. What does that do to the probability?
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  • #5
PeterDonis said:
Yes, that is indeed possible, since it's the correct answer. :wink:

Now you need to consider the case of bosons (spin-integral particles): unlike fermions, multiple bosons can be in the same energy state, and in fact they are more likely to be in the same energy state. What does that do to the probability?

For the bosons I've already calculated the entropy.
  • #6
VSayantan said:
For the bosons I've already calculated the entropy.

In your calculation, you appeared to assume that the bosons had an equal probability of being in any of the ##N## states. But since the states are non-degenerate, one of them must have the lowest energy, and one would expect the ground state of the system to be one in which all of the bosons were in that lowest energy state. There is only one such arrangement.

One thing that's not clear, though, is whether the problem statement specifies a temperature for the system, or expects you to give the entropy as a function of the temperature. At a finite temperature, there will indeed be a nonzero probability of some of the bosons being in one of the energy states other than the lowest energy one.
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  • #7
There are six options given

And no the question does not ask for entropy as a function of temperature.
Thanks for your suggestion @PeterDonis :bow:
  • #8
VSayantan said:
There are six options given

Yes. Which one do you think is the right answer? Note that you've already shown that, for the fermions alone, the answer is zero (because that corresponds to there being only one way of arranging the particles).
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  • #9
PeterDonis said:
Yes. Which one do you think is the right answer? Note that you've already shown that, for the fermions alone, the answer is zero (because that corresponds to there being only one way of arranging the particles).

And you argued that that it is most probable for the bosons to occupy the same state. Which gives only one most probable arrangement, when there is no constraint of temperature involved.

So, I think you're right and zero is the correct choice, I think.
  • #10
VSayantan said:
I think you're right and zero is the correct choice

Another indication is that none of the choices match the answer you calculated in the OP for the bosons: ##k_B (2N) \ln 2## gives ##(2000) 0.693 k_B = 1386 k_B##.
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  • #11
PeterDonis said:
Another indication is that none of the choices match the answer you calculated in the OP for the bosons: ##k_B (2N) \ln 2## gives ##(2000) 0.693 k_B = 1386 k_B##.

I tried to convince myself it was the closest answer (which would be a 100 times different than ##13.82~k_B##) before you suggested the one state population scenario.

Related to Entropy of a System of Spin-half Non-interacting Particles

What is Entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. It is a concept in thermodynamics that quantifies the amount of energy that is unavailable for work in a system.

What is a System of Spin-half Non-interacting Particles?

A system of spin-half non-interacting particles refers to a group of particles that have a spin of 1/2 and do not interact with each other. These particles can be found in various systems, such as a gas or a solid, and their spin refers to an intrinsic property of the particle that affects its behavior in a magnetic field.

How is Entropy Calculated for a System of Spin-half Non-interacting Particles?

The entropy of a system of spin-half non-interacting particles is calculated using the Boltzmann equation, which takes into account the number of particles in the system and the number of possible microstates that the particles can be in. The equation is S = kBlnW, where S is the entropy, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and W is the number of microstates.

What Factors Affect the Entropy of a System of Spin-half Non-interacting Particles?

The entropy of a system of spin-half non-interacting particles is affected by the number of particles in the system, the temperature, and the volume of the system. Additionally, the entropy can also be affected by external factors, such as magnetic fields or other forms of energy.

Why is Understanding Entropy of a System of Spin-half Non-interacting Particles Important?

Understanding the entropy of a system of spin-half non-interacting particles is important in various fields, including thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and solid state physics. It helps us understand the behavior of particles in different systems and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature.

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