Entropy of Schwarzschild black holes

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of entropy in relation to black holes. It is mentioned that the entropy of a black hole is proportional to the logarithm of the number of possible states, but the only parameter for a Schwarzschild black hole is its mass. This leads to a question about how the different states of a black hole are possible when its entropy is defined by its mass. It is suggested that the microscopic degrees of freedom become visible when the black hole evaporates and that the entropy also depends on events in the future or past. However, there is still uncertainty about how to accurately count the degrees of freedom of a gravitating system.
  • #1
Gold Member
I am trying to reconcile three things:
(1) The entropy of a black hole is proportional to the logarithm of the number of possible states of that object to give the same event horizon.
(2) The only parameter for a S. black hole is its mass, since its electric charge and angular momentum are, by definition, absent.
(3) The entropy of a S. black hole is huge, and definitely non-zero.

So, there are different states for the black hole, but how is that possible, when the entropy is clearly defined by the unique parameter, its mass? I'm missing something elementary here...
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  • #2
nomadreid said:
I am trying to reconcile three things:
(1) The entropy of a black hole is proportional to the logarithm of the number of possible states of that object to give the same event horizon.
(2) The only parameter for a S. black hole is its mass, since its electric charge and angular momentum are, by definition, absent.
(3) The entropy of a S. black hole is huge, and definitely non-zero.

So, there are different states for the black hole, but how is that possible, when the entropy is clearly defined by the unique parameter, its mass? I'm missing something elementary here...

I think the idea here is that parameters like mass (and charge and angular momentum) are like the macroscopic properties of a cylinder of helium: pressure and volume pretty much do it. A high-entropy object is one that has many microscopic states for a given macroscopic state. When the black hole evaporates, its hidden microscopic degrees of freedom will be made visible again.

Having said that, I get the general impression that nobody really knows for sure how to count the degrees of freedom of a gravitating system.
  • #3
Stephen Hawking showed how the entropy of a black hole was represented by the surface area of its event horizon.
  • #4
Thank you, bcrowell. In other words, what I did not take into consideration is time: the entropy now depends on events in the future or in the past. Makes sense, so that your definition would have to say "a high-entropy object is one that has, had, or will have many microscopic states for a given macroscopic state."

Also, I guess its microscopic degrees of freedom before evaporation need not be called "hidden", since they are "revealed" in the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the horizon. Otherwise one would have to incorporate events with memory into the description.
  • #5
Chronos: Thanks, this was implicit in my original question, and I was remiss in not making that more explicit. [I do so in my answer to bcrowell to which I answered just before receiving your comment.]

FAQ: Entropy of Schwarzschild black holes

1. What is the entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole?

The entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole is given by the Bekenstein-Hawking formula: S = kB (A/4LP2), where kB is the Boltzmann constant, A is the surface area of the black hole, and LP is the Planck length. This means that the entropy is directly proportional to the area of the event horizon, which is a measure of the black hole's surface area.

2. How does the entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole relate to the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system can never decrease over time. The entropy of a black hole also follows this law, as it can only increase or stay constant. This is because the entropy of a black hole is directly related to its surface area, which can only increase due to the absorption of matter and energy from its surroundings.

3. Can the entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole ever decrease?

No, the entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole can never decrease. This is because the area of the event horizon can only increase or stay constant, and the entropy is directly proportional to the area. Therefore, the entropy can only increase or stay constant over time.

4. How does the entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole change when matter falls into it?

When matter falls into a Schwarzschild black hole, the event horizon and therefore the surface area of the black hole increase. This leads to an increase in the black hole's entropy, as the Bekenstein-Hawking formula shows that the entropy is directly proportional to the surface area. This process is irreversible, so the entropy can never decrease due to matter falling into the black hole.

5. Is there a limit to the entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole?

There is no known limit to the entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole, as it is directly proportional to the area of the event horizon, which can theoretically continue to increase as matter and energy are absorbed. However, there are some theoretical limits to the entropy, such as the Bekenstein bound, which states that the maximum entropy of a region of space with a given size and energy is proportional to its surface area.
