Enunciation/notation in utility maximisation model

In summary, the conversation discusses a model that falls under the category of utility optimization, where the objective is to maximize the utilities of a set of agents A while minimizing the utilities of a supplier S. The model also takes into account the different perceived utilities of each agent for different product types and the constraint of having a limited number of product types in the actual set. Notation is provided to express this as a utility maximization equation.
  • #1
Hi Everyone. I am working on a model that I think can be defined as a utility optimisation problem but I'm struggling with the enunciation and notation.

The model should describe how the utilities of a set of agents A={1,2,...,n} increase with the availability of a larger set of product types P={1,2,...n}, while the utilities of a supplier S decrease with the size of P. The ideal state for A is Pn and for S is P1 (one product type for each agent v/s a single product type for all). This assuming that each product type can potentially give a certain amount of utilities to each agent, so for A1 utilities might be u(P1) > u(P2), for A2 utilities might be u(P1) < u(P2), and for A3 utilities might be u(P1) = u(P2), etc. The utilities perceived are different for each agent and they are not indifferent to any product, so if P needs to be reduced to e.g. 5 types, the problem of choosing element types is not irrelevant.

Then, the (optimisation-like) problem is to maximise utilities for An finding the best combination of products among the whole 'virtual' set Pn if the 'actual' set P has to have no more than x number of elements.

Is this more or less ok or am I completely lost? How can I express it as a utility maximisation equation? Any help/directions refining this would be great help.
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  • #2


Your model does seem to fall under the category of utility optimization. To express it as a utility maximization equation, you can use the following notation:

Let U(A) represent the total utility of the set of agents A. Similarly, let U(S) represent the total utility of the supplier S.

Now, let U(Pi) represent the utility of product type i for the agents in set A. This can be further broken down as follows:

U(Pi) = u(Pi) - c(Pi)

Where u(Pi) represents the utility perceived by the agents for product type i and c(Pi) represents the cost of that product type for the supplier.

Using this notation, your objective function can be expressed as:

Maximize U(A) - U(S)

Subject to the constraint:

Summation of c(Pi) <= x

This constraint ensures that the actual set P has no more than x number of elements.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions or need any clarification. Good luck with your model!

FAQ: Enunciation/notation in utility maximisation model

1. What is enunciation in utility maximisation model?

Enunciation in utility maximisation model refers to the process of stating or defining the problem that needs to be solved. It involves identifying the decision variables, constraints, and objective function.

2. What is notation in utility maximisation model?

Notation in utility maximisation model refers to the symbols and mathematical expressions used to represent the decision variables, constraints, and objective function. It helps to simplify and standardize the problem so that it can be solved using mathematical techniques.

3. Why is enunciation and notation important in utility maximisation model?

Enunciation and notation are important in utility maximisation model because they help to clearly define the problem and represent it in a mathematical form. This makes it easier to solve the problem and find the optimal solution that maximizes utility.

4. How do you construct an enunciation in utility maximisation model?

To construct an enunciation in utility maximisation model, you need to identify the decision variables, constraints, and objective function. Decision variables are the choices available to the decision-maker, constraints are the limitations or restrictions on these choices, and the objective function is the goal to be maximized.

5. What is the difference between enunciation and notation in utility maximisation model?

The main difference between enunciation and notation in utility maximisation model is that enunciation is the process of defining the problem, while notation is the symbols and mathematical expressions used to represent the problem. In other words, enunciation is the problem, and notation is the language used to describe it.

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