Environmental Science too broad?

In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's passion for working in the science field and their difficulty in choosing a major. They mention their experience working in a soil lab and their interest in environmental science and environmental chemistry. The group suggests considering a double major in civil engineering and environmental science or chemical engineering with a few environmental science classes. They also discuss job opportunities and starting salaries for different majors. The speaker's plan of study is currently focused on chemistry, but they are considering switching to environmental chemistry.
  • #1
For a long time, I have only wanted to work in a science field. I know I don't have to explain the reasoning because most of you probably share the same passion. My problem is settling on a major. After working as a lab tech at a soil lab for the past year and a half, I am fairly sure that I want to work in the environmental science field, but at school I feel limited to the majors of either environmental science or environmental chemistry. Initially, I thought environmental science would be a better choice because I could have a large list of options to choose from for work before graduate school, but after looking at common jobs in the field I became less sure. Environmental chemistry sounds appealing, but I am worried that it would close future doors for me. I have decent grades (3.8 gpa with 4.0s in all my math and science classes). The classes toward a major in environmental science merely touch on the surface of the related areas, but I feel the specialization of environmental chemistry would prepare me more.

If more information in needed for advice, a long term goal of mine has been to work somewhere I could research the effects of waste - radioactive, if possible - in the soil.

Any input is appreciated.
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  • #2
Have you considered civil engineering, with an emphasis (or even second degree) in environmental science? If job opportunities are a big consideration, you can't go wrong with CE.
  • #3
lisab said:
Have you considered civil engineering, with an emphasis (or even second degree) in environmental science? If job opportunities are a big consideration, you can't go wrong with CE.

I agree that any sort of engineering would be a help as a double major. If chemical engineering is an option you could do that and add a few environmental science classes on the side and you should be in a good position to compete for environmental science jobs. You could do the same with a straight chem major.

Get involved in any related clubs or talk to professors about professional organizations in the area. If you show interest and especially if you can get an internship the major won't matter as much. It seems that you already have some experience in the field which is great.

Oh, and i highly doubt environmental chem would close doors compared to environmental science. Either will limit you some outside of the field though, but with environmental chem you could probably compete for the same jobs as other chem majors too.

While it may or may not apply to your school, I know the engineering professors at mine didn't think environmental science should be a major - at least not how it was set up. It had too many intro courses and no depth or rigor.
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  • #4
And the required BLS data, which may or may not be relevant to your question:

"According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, beginning salary offers in July 2007 for graduates with bachelor’s degrees in an environmental science averaged $38,336 a year."

"According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, beginning salary offers in July 2007 for graduates with bachelor’s degrees in chemistry averaged $41,506 a year."

The average starting environmental engineer's salary is $47,960. Civil engineers start at $48,509. Chemical engineers start at $59,361.
  • #5
The engineering degrees offered at my school are EE and ME. ChemE is mostly offered (drawback of branch campus). As much as I would love to double major, I keep completion time a high priority because I am putting myself through school and I want to feel comfortably self-supporting.

Kote, what your engineering professors think is what I feared. The classes for the Environmental Science major all seem general.
  • #6
Oh, and it's a pretty specific field you're interested in, so get with career services asap. Get in touch with specific companies. Ask what they'd look for. Apply for internships. They'll love you for it and you'll be getting information straight from the source.
  • #7
MrMeniscus said:
The engineering degrees offered at my school are EE and ME. ChemE is mostly offered (drawback of branch campus). As much as I would love to double major, I keep completion time a high priority because I am putting myself through school and I want to feel comfortably self-supporting.

Kote, what your engineering professors think is what I feared. The classes for the Environmental Science major all seem general.

In that case, if it's not too late, I'd recommend ChemE. The market values it at over 150% of the worth of an environmental sciences degree. Environmental science employers will know that and should want you if you can also show you know what you're getting into (clubs, a couple envs courses, etc). If you can't do ChemE and you keep your GPA up you should still be more than fine, but ChemE will make it easiest for you on the market out of those options.
  • #8
My plan of study for the next year is geared toward Chemistry at the moment (only a single bio course instead of a full year), and I assume ChemE requires a full year of bio.

Is there a considerable difference in the value of a general Chem degree compared to ChemE? Because it would be nearly a year faster for me to get a BS in Chem compared to Env Chem.
  • #9
MrMeniscus said:
My plan of study for the next year is geared toward Chemistry at the moment (only a single bio course instead of a full year), and I assume ChemE requires a full year of bio.

Is there a considerable difference in the value of a general Chem degree compared to ChemE? Because it would be nearly a year faster for me to get a BS in Chem compared to Env Chem.

It's about an $18,000/yr difference in starting salary, but that assumes you take an average job for the major. If you'll take the same job with either major then the salary will probably be the same. If I were you I'd start down the ChemE path and maybe decide after an internship or a job application to cut it short and get out early.
  • #10
The time problem comes from having to finish the full year of bio and postponing physics until the following year with the ChemE plan, or being able to take physics next quarter since a single bio class is all that is required for a general chem degree. Working through school always manages to get in the way.
  • #11
MrMeniscus said:
The time problem comes from having to finish the full year of bio and postponing physics until the following year with the ChemE plan, or being able to take physics next quarter since a single bio class is all that is required for a general chem degree. Working through school always manages to get in the way.

If you're not just assuming it takes a full year of bio, could you take the second semester of bio some other time? I doubt it's a necessary prerequisite for anything if it is required.
  • #12
Excellent point. I'll try to track down the required class list. Thanks for your time and advice.
  • #13
MrMeniscus said:
Excellent point. I'll try to track down the required class list. Thanks for your time and advice.

Good luck! :smile:
  • #14
What separates the Chem and ChemE curriculum at my school (UMass) are the Junior Year courses. ChemE majors take two semesters of Statistical Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics (not the ME/CE version), Reactor Kinetics, Separations, Heat & Mass Transfer, and Mathematical Modeling. On top of this, they also take two semesters of Physical Chemistry and a technical elective in the same year.

The first two years are almost identical with the Chem curriculum, but in the third year the ChemE's curriculum "goes nuts". Difficulty of the senior year between the two looks comparable. A good friend of mine is in his junior year right now, and he normally stays at school from 10AM-10PM M-F.

Related to Environmental Science too broad?

1. Why is environmental science considered too broad?

Environmental science is considered too broad because it encompasses a wide range of topics and disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, geology, and sociology. It also covers a diverse range of issues, including pollution, climate change, biodiversity, and sustainability. This makes it challenging to fully comprehend and study all aspects of environmental science in depth.

2. How does the broad scope of environmental science affect research and studies?

The broad scope of environmental science can make it difficult to focus on specific research questions and can lead to a lack of depth in studies. It also makes it challenging to draw conclusions and make recommendations that can be applied universally, as each environmental issue may have unique factors and considerations.

3. Is it better to specialize in a specific field within environmental science?

Specializing in a specific field within environmental science can provide a deeper understanding and expertise in a particular area. However, it is also essential to have a broad understanding of environmental science as a whole, as many issues and solutions require a multidisciplinary approach.

4. How can we address the issue of environmental science being too broad?

To address the issue of environmental science being too broad, it is essential to collaborate and communicate with experts from different disciplines. This can help to bridge the gap between different areas of environmental science and promote a more holistic approach to solving environmental issues.

5. What are some potential career paths for someone with a degree in environmental science?

A degree in environmental science can lead to a variety of career paths, including environmental consultant, sustainability coordinator, environmental educator, conservation scientist, and environmental policy analyst. The broad scope of environmental science allows for diverse opportunities in both the public and private sectors.

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