Equation of motion and Calculus

In summary: Mech Engineering course!In summary, Chestermiller found it difficult to solve the problem due to not having had calculus before and was told to be patient and it will be easy soon.
  • #1
Jamie S
HW Template missing as it was moved from another forum
Hi all,

I started a level 3 btech in mech engineering and today was my first physics class. All went well apart from the tricky question at the end of class.

I thought it was a good idea to ask the question "how much harder can this be from last year".
Turns out for me not being brilliant at calculus it can be much harder.

The question surrounded the formula s=ut+1/2at^2
I was asked to differentiate s with respect to t, and show displacement is a minimum when u= - at

Off course it was a disaster and i laughed it off has not being forced to answer the question at which point other pupils attempted it.

We never did have it explained fully but it has made me wonder how one would go about answering this using differentiation. I've used algebra and transposed the formula before but this is the first time I've seen it this way.

It all got a little bit more confusing when someone suggested that it can't be differentiated until its been integrated. Is there any truth in this?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Jamie S said:
We never did have it explained fully but it has made me wonder how one would go about answering this using differentiation
Well, you are given displacement as a function of t. Can you take the derivative? (How do you find the max / min values of a function using calculus?)

Jamie S said:
It all got a little bit more confusing when someone suggested that it can't be differentiated until its been integrated. Is there any truth in this?
No idea what that is supposed to mean. Ignore it.
  • #3
the only time I've taken min and max values was by using a quadratic equation
  • #4
Jamie S said:
the only time I've taken min and max values was by using a quadratic equation
This will be easier.
  • #5
using quadratic formula was suggested however it was insisted that differentiation be used.

im looking at my notes from mondays math and the handout i received with calculus rules.
isnt the derivative of a function normally dy/dx = ...
in this case would that be;
ds/dt = ut+1/2at^2
  • #6
Jamie S said:
in this case would that be;
ds/dt = ut+1/2at^2

No, that right hand side is s, not ds/dt. You start with the function s, which is given, and take the derivative.
  • #7
i don't quite follow
  • #8
Jamie S said:
using quadratic formula was suggested however it was insisted that differentiation be used.

im looking at my notes from mondays math and the handout i received with calculus rules.
isnt the derivative of a function normally dy/dx = ...
in this case would that be;
ds/dt = ut+1/2at^2
Or, more to the point, if s = ut + (1/2)*a*t2 and you take the derivative of s with respect to t to find ds/dt, you must do the same to the right hand side of the equation.
  • #9
Are you saying that you have not yet had calculus?

  • #10
ive had one mathematics class up to now. very little on my level 2.
  • #11
you no i am aware that i will need to improve drastically if I am to ever progress from this level. at the moment through we've not touched on any calculus though we have only just enrolled monday.
  • #12
Here's what I understand from what you said in your previous two posts: You never had calculus in any of your courses before, and today is only your second day in a calculus course. If that is the case, then you are not going to be able to solve this problem using calculus.

  • #13
Chestermiller... I take your comments and while i may or may not have had enough time using calculus my initial intention was never to solve this equation. I did however ask about it because i was curious of how it would be solved using the calculus method. It isn't homework or course work, i at least hope so given I've just started the course so i didnt see were there would be hesitation to answer.

I thank all that have made the effort to comment and suggest solutions.
  • #14
Jamie S said:
Chestermiller... I take your comments and while i may or may not have had enough time using calculus my initial intention was never to solve this equation. I did however ask about it because i was curious of how it would be solved using the calculus method. It isn't homework or course work, i at least hope so given I've just started the course so i didnt see were there would be hesitation to answer.

I thank all that have made the effort to comment and suggest solutions.
Hi Jamie,

I'm proud of your aggressiveness for being so interested in seeing how calculus might be applied to problem, even before you have studied calculus. Bravo. My advice is to just be patient and, in almost no time (probably in just a few weeks), you will be be solving problems like this on your own. Best of luck in your calculus course.


FAQ: Equation of motion and Calculus

1. What is the equation of motion?

The equation of motion is a mathematical formula that describes the relationship between an object's position, velocity, and acceleration over time. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to predict the motion of objects.

2. What is calculus?

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of continuous change. It has two main branches: differential calculus, which is concerned with the rate of change of a function, and integral calculus, which is concerned with the accumulation of quantities over a certain interval.

3. How is calculus related to the equation of motion?

Calculus is used to derive the equation of motion from the basic principles of physics, such as Newton's laws of motion. It allows us to analyze and predict the behavior of objects in motion by finding the relationships between position, velocity, and acceleration.

4. What are the different types of equations of motion?

There are three types of equations of motion: the first equation of motion, which relates an object's velocity and time; the second equation of motion, which relates an object's displacement, acceleration, and time; and the third equation of motion, which relates an object's final velocity, initial velocity, acceleration, and displacement.

5. How is the equation of motion used in real-world applications?

The equation of motion is used in various real-world applications, such as designing vehicles and predicting their motion, understanding the behavior of projectiles, and analyzing the movement of celestial bodies. It is also used in engineering and physics research to study the behavior of complex systems and make predictions about their future behavior.

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