Equation of motion with drag and external forces

In summary: C^2*m*(-_C1*AiryAi(-(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t)+_C2*AiryBi(-(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t))^3/(F[0]*(AiryAi(1, -(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t)*AiryBi(-(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t)-AiryAi(-(-C*F[0]
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm trying to crudely approximately the distance individual masonry units fly when a blast load impacts a masonry wall. I'm a structures guy so I can calculate when the wall will failure, but I am having trouble with the calculus associated with the equation of motion.

My structure is subjected to a linearly decreasing blast loading,
F(t)=A*Po*(1-t/td) when 0<t<td
F(t)=0 when t>td
where td is the duration of the load

The drag force exerted on the units is given by

Homework Equations

The equation of motion, introducing constants A and B to simplify the equation, is:

u'' + A*(u')^2 = B*F(t)

The acceleration, u'', and velocity, u', as well as the load F(t), are all a function of time

The Attempt at a Solution

The equation has derivatives of u, so I introduced v=u', v'=u'', so the equation of motion becomes:
v'+A*(v^2)=B*F(t) which is now first order and should be easier to solve...
v'=B*F(t)-A*(v^2) but I am not sure how to proceed.

Any ideas on how to continue with this analysis?

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  • #2
The only thing I can suggest is a numerical solution. You have a nonlinear equation, these things are nasty.
  • #3
Hi hunt_mat, do you have any suggestions on which numerical method method to use?
  • #4
Ok, so I've been working on this problem such that I can solve it with a numerical method. I am stuck because I am trying to isolate a variable, v, but I am left with a quadratic equation with two roots. Here's what I have:

u'' + A*(u')^2 = B*(1-t/td)
Introduce v=u', v'=u''


Rewrite in terms of v'=dv/dt
dv=[ B*(1-t/td) - A*(v^2) ]dt

Integrate both sides with initial conditions v=0 @ t=0:
v= [ B*{t-(t^2)/(2*td)} - A*t*(v^2) ]

Introduce C=B*{t-(t^2)/(2*td)} and D=A*t to simplify, and rewrite (again!):

D*v^2 + v - C = 0

I am not sure what to do at this step as I am left with the solution to a quadratic equation...which root do I pick?

Any ideas?
Thanks! :)
  • #5
I can help you if you explain your equation:

u'' + A*(u')^2 = B*F(t)

u'' is the acceleration? (x''(t))
u' is the velocity? (x'(t))

and if the force is a function of time as well don't you have 2 variables in one equation (u and F) or do you know F(t) and it acts on the same object, we can rewrite it as F(t)=m*a(t)=m*u'' ?

also where di you got that original equation u'' + A*(u')^2 = B*F(t) ? :)
  • #6
gomunkul51, I'll start from the beginning:

u is defined as displacement
u' is defined as velocity
u'' is defined as acceleration

I have an object that is excited by a time varying force. In this particular case, the force, F(t), is a linearly decreasing force with initial magnitude Fo and acts for a duration of td. For a time of 0<t<td, the force F(t)=Fo*(1-t/td). However, after time t>td there force no longer acts and the object travels under its own inertia (F(t)=0)

Inertia forces of the object resists its motion: Fi=mu''
Drag forces also resist motion: Fd=0.5*Cd*A*rho*(u')^2 - note that Cd, A, and rho are all constants

Writing the equation of motion for 0<t<td yields:
Fi + Fd = F(t)
mu'' + 0.5*Cd*A*rho*(u')^2 = Fo*(1-t/td)

Divide by the mass, m
u'' + 0.5/m*Cd*A*rho*(u')^2 = Fo/m*(1-t/td)

A and B were defined based on the above equation because most of the value are constants...

I am most interested in the solution procedure for time 0<t<td as I figure the solution becomes simply when the force, F(t)=0 at time t>td.

Let me know if you need any more info
  • #7
OK, so you can basically write it like this:

C = (1/m)*0.5*Cd*A*rho

u''(t) + C*(u'(t))^2 = (Fo/m)*t

and you are interested in the solutions from t=0 to t=td.*it could more completely written as:

u''(t) + C*(u'(t))^2 = (Fo/m)*t - H(t-td)*((Fo/m)*t)

*H(t-td) is the Heaviside (step) function that starts at t=td.

*but writing the equation with a step function is redundant if you are interested only in the solutions t=0 to t=td.

This equation: u''(t) + C*(u'(t))^2 = (Fo/m)*t could be solved it terms of Airy/Bessel functions and calculated to any desired accuracy with a computer program.

The answer from Maple is:

u(t) = (1/3)*ln(C^2*m*(-_C1*AiryAi(-(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t)+_C2*AiryBi(-(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t))^3/(F[0]*(AiryAi(1, -(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t)*AiryBi(-(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t)-AiryAi(-(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t)*AiryBi(1, -(-C*F[0]/m)^(1/3)*t))^3))/C

*pretty large, but could be calculated with the same program :)P.S: if the force Fo is constant, the answer is analytically simple :)

FAQ: Equation of motion with drag and external forces

1. What is the equation of motion with drag and external forces?

The equation of motion with drag and external forces is a mathematical representation of the motion of an object under the influence of both drag force and external forces, such as applied forces, gravity, and friction. It takes into account the acceleration, velocity, and position of the object over time.

2. How is drag force incorporated into the equation of motion?

Drag force is incorporated into the equation of motion through the addition of a term that accounts for the resistance of the medium (such as air or water) on the object's motion. This term is typically proportional to the object's velocity squared, and includes a drag coefficient that depends on the object's shape and the properties of the medium.

3. What are external forces and how do they affect the equation of motion?

External forces are any forces acting on an object that are not related to the object's motion or its interactions with its surroundings. These forces can include applied forces, like a push or pull, as well as gravity and friction. These forces are incorporated into the equation of motion as additional terms that contribute to the object's overall acceleration.

4. Can the equation of motion with drag and external forces be solved analytically?

In most cases, the equation of motion with drag and external forces cannot be solved analytically (i.e. using mathematical equations and formulas). Instead, numerical methods such as Euler's method or the Runge-Kutta method are often used to approximate the solution.

5. How does the equation of motion with drag and external forces differ from the basic equation of motion?

The main difference between the equation of motion with drag and external forces and the basic equation of motion is the addition of the drag force term and the external force terms. These terms make the equation more complex and require additional considerations, such as the object's interaction with its surroundings, in order to accurately predict its motion.

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