Equation of Tangent Line for a 2D Curve

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the equation of the tangent plane to a surface at a given point. The formula for the equation of a tangent plane in three dimensions is mentioned, as well as the use of the gradient to find the equation. The conversation ultimately concludes with the correct equation being found using the derivative of a parametric curve.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"Find the equation of the plane tangent to the surface [itex] (x^2-y^2)(x^2+y^2)=15 [/itex] at the point [itex] (2,1) [/itex]"

If only it really were a plane and a surface, I could do that. I have a formula for that. Unfortunately, this is a curve and I'm looking for tangent line.

Homework Equations

In three dimensions, the formula for the equation of the tangent plane to the surface z=f(x,y) at the point [itex] P(x_0,y_0,z_0) [/itex] is [itex] z-z_0=f_x(x_0,y_0)(x-x_0)+f_y(x_0,y_0)(y-y_0) [/itex]

where [itex] f_a [/itex] is the partial derivative of f wrt a.

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, pretending it's in three variables, I can do
[tex] f_x=4x^3 [/tex]
[tex] f_y=-4y^3 [/tex]

[tex] z-z_0=f_x(2,1)(x-2)+f_y(2,1)(y-1) [/tex]
[tex] z-z_0=32(x-2)-4(y-1) [/tex]

So, how do I repair this situation/make the formula work in two dimensions/try something else?
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  • #2
I'm afraid you equation is not of the form z=f(x,y).
If you want to compare it with a 3D case, it's of the form g(x,y,z)=0.

So your formula won't work.
Do you have other methods available?
  • #3
I can not thank you enough for all your help! I really need to start paying you ;)

I can use anything through vector calculus. Something about the gradient? I think I might be supposed to take the gradient and then evaluate at the point. Does that sound reasonable?
  • #4

Yes, the gradient sounds reasonable.
But what would you get?
  • #5
well, the gradient is [tex] 4x^3i-4y^3j [/tex] isn't it?
  • #6
Yes, it is.
  • #7
Well how do I evaluate that at a point? Plug in the x and y values?
If so, I get 32i-4j
  • #8
This is a vector.
Can you say anything about its direction and how it relates to the curve?
  • #9
Is the gradient normal to the curve perhaps? I can't find it in my calc book.
  • #10
Yes, it is.
  • #11
Okay so now I just need a line normal to the normal.

How do I make a vector that is perpendicular to 32i-4j ?
  • #12
You don't need to.

Suppose you have a line given by h(x,y)=ax+by-c=0.
What would its gradient be?EDIT: to answer your question, a perpendicular vector would have a dot product that comes out as zero.
  • #13
It's gradient would be ai+bj.
But, if a gradient is normal to the curve, don't I need to find the line perpendicular to the gradient? oh.. wait, for the equation of a line, do I use a point and a normal vector? I think I do... *looking up*

[EDIT] no no, I see you use a parallel vector. So, what do I do now?

[EDIT] now I'm reading about normal vectors and equations of lines and checking my notes...
  • #14
A line is also a curve.

If you have 2 curves that both have a normal vector that point in the same direction, wouldn't they have to be tangential to each other?
  • #15
I'm confused. I have my curve and I have my normal. I don't have another curve.
  • #16
The parametric representation of a curve (or a surface), has a (partial) derivative that yields a vector tangential to the curve (or surface).

The equation of a curve (or surface) has a gradient that is normal to the curve (or surface).
  • #17
ArcanaNoir said:
I'm confused. I have my curve and I have my normal. I don't have another curve.

The line given by by h(x,y)=ax+by-c=0 is also a curve.
Its gradient is normal to the line.
  • #18
So are you saying I need to parametrize instead and take the partial derivative?
  • #19
I'm going to call it quits for tonight, I still have to iron clothes, and rest! I'll pick this back up tomorrow. Thank you so much for your time tonight!
  • #20
Okay. Thanks for telling me.
See you later.
  • #21
I rearranged the equation to y=f(x) and I took the derivative and found the tangent line thusly. I don't have my notes with me now but I believe it was y=8x-15. Problem solved. Thanks ILS :)
  • #22
Yep. That is the right answer.

You can do it two ways: with the derivative of a parametric curve as you have apparently done now.

Or alternatively with the gradient of an equation, which you had almost completed. ;)
  • #23
I don't think it would have been so bad if my professor hadn't written words for one dimension and then equations for another. >_< Silly prof.

FAQ: Equation of Tangent Line for a 2D Curve

1. What is the equation of the tangent to a curve?

The equation of the tangent to a curve is a mathematical representation of the line that touches the curve at a specific point, known as the point of tangency. It shows the relationship between the slope of the curve at that point and the coordinates of the point.

2. How is the equation of the tangent to a curve calculated?

The equation of the tangent to a curve can be calculated using the derivative of the curve at the point of tangency. The derivative represents the slope of the curve at any given point, so by plugging in the coordinates of the point of tangency, we can find the slope of the tangent line. This slope and the coordinates of the point can then be used to write the equation of the tangent line.

3. What is the significance of the equation of the tangent to a curve?

The equation of the tangent to a curve is significant because it allows us to find the slope of the curve at a specific point, which can be useful in many applications. It also helps us better understand the behavior of the curve at that point and can provide insight into the overall shape of the curve.

4. Can the equation of the tangent to a curve be used to find other points on the curve?

Yes, the equation of the tangent to a curve can be used to find other points on the curve, as long as the slope of the tangent line remains constant. This is because the tangent line represents the slope of the curve at a specific point, so any other points that have the same slope will also lie on the same tangent line.

5. Are there any special cases when calculating the equation of the tangent to a curve?

Yes, there are a few special cases when calculating the equation of the tangent to a curve. These include vertical tangents, where the derivative of the curve is undefined, and horizontal tangents, where the derivative of the curve is equal to 0. In these cases, the equation of the tangent can still be calculated, but it will have different forms depending on the type of tangent.
