Equations for the Lawson Klein Figure

In summary, the Lawson Klein Figure is a mathematical equation used in economics to determine the optimal amount of tax revenue for a government to collect. This figure takes into account the tax rate, elasticity of demand, and government spending in order to find the most efficient tax level that maximizes revenue without causing excessive harm to the economy. It is a useful tool for policymakers and economists to analyze and make decisions on tax policy.
  • #1

Does anybody know the equations for the Lawson Klein bottle ? I am trying to construct it in a maths graphic application.

Just to be precise its the version of the Klein bottle that is composed of two Sudanese Mobius bands, also it may be that the application will only cope with ordinary 3-d space. The simpler the better !

The two best references I have found are here:
-towards the bottom of the page also has a link to a great 3D model.

and here:
-not so pretty but has parametric equations, unfortunately while I have some 'in principle' understanding of what is going on the math is a little beyond me and maybe even the graphic application too.

Thanks in advance.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
lxln said:

Does anybody know the equations for the Lawson Klein bottle ? I am trying to construct it in a maths graphic application.

I should add that the programme i am trying to construct it in is spacetime.us: the wikipedia equations appear to refer to a 4 dimensional embedding which can be projected into 3d space. Is there a simple 3D formulation I can simply plug into spacetime.us ?
  • #3
Here's the code I used to generate a recent sculpture. It might not be the world's most efficient, but it got the job done. It actually came from Daniel Piker's explorations, which you can find here: http://vimeo.com/2495945

This is C# written for the SpaceClaim API, but I reckon it's pretty readable:

public static Point Evaluate(PointUV uv, double p, double q, double circleAngle, Vector inverseOffset, bool isInverted) {
double u = uv.U;
double v = uv.V;

Circle circle = Circle.Create(Frame.World, 1);
circle = circle.CreateTransformedCopy(Matrix.CreateRotation(Line.Create(Point.Origin, Direction.DirY), circleAngle));

return LawsonTransform(circle.Evaluate(u).Point, v, p, q, inverseOffset, isInverted);

public static Point LawsonTransform(Point point, double t, double p, double q, Vector inverseOffset, bool isInverted) {
double xa = point.X;
double you = point.Y;
double za = point.Z;

//reverse stereographically project to Riemann hypersphere
double xb = 2 * xa / (1 + xa * xa + you * you + za * za);
double yb = 2 * you / (1 + xa * xa + you * you + za * za);
double zb = 2 * za / (1 + xa * xa + you * you + za * za);
double wb = (-1 + xa * xa + you * you + za * za) / (1 + xa * xa + you * you + za * za);

//now rotate the hypersphere
double xc = xb * Math.Cos(p * t) + yb * Math.Sin(p * t);
double yc = -xb * Math.Sin(p * t) + yb * Math.Cos(p * t);
double zc = zb * Math.Cos(q * t) - wb * Math.Sin(q * t);
double wc = zb * Math.Sin(q * t) + wb * Math.Cos(q * t);

//then project stereographically back to flat 3D
double xd = xc / (1 - wc);
double yd = yc / (1 - wc);
double zd = zc / (1 - wc);

point = Point.Create(xd, yd, zd);

//spherical inversion
if (isInverted) {
point += inverseOffset;
point = Point.Origin + point.Vector.Direction * 1 / point.Vector.Magnitude;

if (
Double.IsNaN(point.X) || Double.IsNaN(point.Y) || Double.IsNaN(point.Z) ||
Double.IsInfinity(point.X) || Double.IsInfinity(point.Y) || Double.IsInfinity(point.Z)
return Point.Origin;

return point;

And I call Evaluate() with:

double p = 0.5;
double q = 1;
double circleAngle = Math.PI / 2;
Vector inverseOffset = Vector.Create(0.5, 0, 0);
bool isInverted = true;

If you're curious, here's the sculpture:

And here's a video of the tabs growing on it:
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  • #4
Thanks for that !

I had a look at your sculpture and models and they are pretty effing cool ! Out of interest how did you make the physical model ?

My question is a bit disingenuous - I find the figure fascinating and am studying my way to understanding it -I think there is in the end nothing for it but to build up the maths to understand at least the Wikipedia entry. Nevertheless I was wondering if there was any interesting scientific or mathematical insight that could be picked up on this forum over and above Daniel Pikers work - no such luck so far...

I am not familiar with script (yet!) but from reading through yours there are some mathematical components that are familiar. It seems conventional to create the figure in 4 dimensions and project back into 3 - but if it can be manifested in 3 should there not be a 3D description/equation (albeit intersecting) ? Would tide me over until I work out how to create and use 4D data sets and project them back into 3D !
  • #5

I am not an expert in mathematics or graphic design, but I can provide some information about the equations for the Lawson Klein figure. The Lawson Klein bottle is a variation of the Klein bottle, which is a non-orientable surface that can only exist in four dimensions. The equations for the Klein bottle are quite complex and involve parametric equations, as you have already mentioned.

The equations for the Lawson Klein figure involve the use of two Sudanese Mobius bands, which are essentially two twisted strips of paper joined together to create a double-twisted surface. The equations for these bands are simpler and involve the use of trigonometric functions, such as sine and cosine. However, the combination of these two bands to create the Lawson Klein figure adds an extra level of complexity to the equations.

I would recommend consulting with a mathematician or a graphic designer who has experience working with non-orientable surfaces and parametric equations. They may be able to provide more specific equations or guidance on how to create the Lawson Klein figure in a graphic application. Additionally, the resources you have mentioned, such as the website with the 3D model, may also provide helpful information or resources for constructing the figure.

I hope this information is helpful and good luck with your project!

Related to Equations for the Lawson Klein Figure

1. What is the Lawson Klein Figure?

The Lawson Klein Figure is a mathematical concept that represents the relationship between the wavelength and frequency of light in a vacuum.

2. How is the Lawson Klein Figure used in science?

The Lawson Klein Figure is used to calculate the energy of photons, which is important in various fields such as optics, spectroscopy, and quantum mechanics.

3. What is the equation for the Lawson Klein Figure?

The equation for the Lawson Klein Figure is E = hc/λ, where E is the energy of a photon, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength of light.

4. Why is the Lawson Klein Figure important in quantum mechanics?

The Lawson Klein Figure is important in quantum mechanics because it helps to explain the behavior of light at the atomic and subatomic level. It is also used in the development of theories and models in quantum mechanics.

5. Are there any limitations to the Lawson Klein Figure?

Yes, the Lawson Klein Figure assumes that light is traveling in a vacuum and does not account for factors such as refraction and diffraction. Additionally, it is only applicable to electromagnetic radiation in the form of light.

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