Equations of state for photon gas

In summary, this conversation discusses the development of equations of state for a photon gas and a relativistic electron gas. The first calculation shows that for an isotropic, monochromatic photon gas, the pressure is equal to one-third of the mass-energy density. Similarly, for a relativistic gas of electrons traveling at high speeds, the pressure is equal to one-third of the mass-energy density, approximately. However, the approximation only holds true if the electrons are traveling at a speed of at least 0.95 times the speed of light. It is not known if there is a faster convergence to this approximation.
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Equations of state for photon gas and relativistic electron gas

This entry develops equations of state that are useful in calculations about cosmology and about the insides of stars. The first calculation is for a photon gas and the second is for a 'relativistic' gas of particles with mass.

Photon Gas

Exercise 22 on p108 of Bernard Schutz's 'A first course in General Relativity' (Second Edition) is to prove that, for an isotropic, monochromatic, photon gas, p=ρ/3, where p is pressure and ρ is mass-energy density.

Say all photons have frequency ##\nu## and the number of photons per cubic metre is ##n##. Then ##\rho=n h \nu##.

Now consider one face of a cube of side length 1m. The pressure on that face is the component, parallel to the normal to the face, of the impulse delivered to that face in one second, by photons striking it from outside the cube. We can ignore components of impulse that are parallel to the face, because the isotropy will make such components from different particles cancel each other out.

We measure that impulse by integrating over all photons that at time 0 are in a hemisphere of radius c from the centre of that face, with the base of the hemisphere coplanar with the face. No photons outside the hemisphere can strike that face in the next second.

We use spherical coordinates for the hemisphere and consider a volume element ##dV## from ##r## to ##r+dr##, ##\theta## to ##\theta+d\theta##, ##\phi## to ##\phi+d\phi##

The solid angle subtended by the cube's face at the centre of ##dV## is ##\frac{cos\theta}{r^2}##. Hence, since the gas is isotropic, the proportion of photons in ##dV## that will strike that face is ##\frac{cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}## and the number of photons in ##dV## at time 0 that will strike the face is ##\frac{n\ dV\ cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}##. The impulse in the direction of the face's normal that is delivered by those photons will be ##(2\frac{h\nu}{c}cos\theta)\frac{n\ dV\ cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}## . The factor of 2 is there because double the photon's momentum is transferred when it's reflected, which is what we assume happens (just as in a gas we assume that gas particles bounce off a surface on which pressure is being measured, rather than sticking to it).

Hence the pressure on the face is:
\begin{align*}p &= \int 2\frac{h\nu}{c}cos\theta\frac{n cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}dV\\
&= \int_0^c\int_0^\frac{\pi}{2}\int_0^{2\pi}2 \frac{ h\nu}{c}cos\theta\frac{n cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}dr\ (r d\theta)\ (r\ sin\theta\ d\phi)\\
&= 2\int_0^c\int_0^\frac{\pi}{2}\int_0^{2\pi}\frac{n h\nu}{4\pi c}cos^2\theta\ sin\theta\ dr\ d\theta\ d\phi\\
&= 4\pi c \frac{n h\nu}{4\pi c}\int_0^\frac{\pi}{2}cos^2\theta\ sin\theta\ d\theta\\
&= n h\nu\Big[-\frac{1}{3}cos^3\theta\Big]_0^\frac{\pi}{2}\\
&= \frac{n h\nu}{3}\\
&= \frac{\rho}{3}\end{align*}
as required.

Electron Gas

Later in the same textbook, Schutz claims that for a 'relativistic electron gas', by which he means a gas of electrons traveling at very high speeds, the formula p = ρ/3 approximately holds (equation 10.79 on p273), and he uses this in deriving formulae for dense stars.

So now we try to prove that the relationship holds approximately for a gas of molecules, each of mass m and velocity v, rather than photons.
Say all electrons have velocity ##v## and the number of electrons per cubic metre is ##n##. Then ##\rho=\frac{n m}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}## (Schutz p42, formula for ##p^0##). This, and all equations below, is written in Schutz's 'special relativistic coordinates' in which time is measured in metres (one unit of time is the time required for light to travel one metre), so that ##c=1## and ##v## represents what would be ##\frac{v}{c}## in conventional metric units.

Now consider one face of a cube of side length 1m. The pressure on that face is the component, parallel to the normal to the face, of the impulse delivered to that face in one second, by electrons striking it from outside the cube. We can ignore components of impulse parallel to the face, because the isotropy will make such components from different particles cancel each other out.

We measure that impulse by integrating over all electrons that at time 0 are in a hemisphere of radius ##v## from the centre of that face, with the base of the hemisphere coplanar with the face. No electrons outside the hemisphere can strike that face in the next second.

We use spherical coordinates for the hemisphere and consider a volume element ##dV## from ##r## to ##r+dr##, ##\theta## to ##\theta+d\theta##, ##\phi## to ##\phi+d\phi##

The solid angle subtended by the cube's face at the centre of ##dV## is ##\frac{cos\theta}{r^2}##. Hence, since the gas is isotropic, the proportion of electrons in ##dV## that will strike that face is ##\frac{cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}## and the number of electrons in ##dV## at time 0 that will strike the face is ##\frac{n\ dV\ cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}##. The impulse in the direction of the face's normal that is delivered by those electrons will be ##(2\frac{m v}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}cos\theta)\frac{n\ dV\ cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}## . The factor of 2 is there because double the electron's momentum is transferred when it's reflected, which is what we assume happens (ie in a gas we assume that gas particles bounce off a surface on which pressure is being measured, rather than sticking to it). The formula for the particle's momentum ##\frac{m v}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}## comes from Schutz p42, the formula for ##p^1##.

Hence the pressure on the face is:
\begin{align*}p &= \int 2\frac{m v}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}cos\theta\frac{n cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}dV\\
&= \int_0^v\int_0^\frac{\pi}{2}\int_0^{2\pi}2 \frac{m v}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}cos\theta\frac{n cos\theta}{4\pi r^2}dr\ (r d\theta)\ (r\ sin\theta\ d\phi)\\
&= 2\int_0^v\int_0^\frac{\pi}{2}\int_0^{2\pi}\frac{n m v}{4\pi\sqrt{1-v^2}}cos^2\theta\ sin\theta\ dr\ d\theta\ d\phi\\
&= 4\pi \frac{n m v^2}{4\pi\sqrt{1-v^2}}\int_0^c cos^2\theta\ sin\theta\ d\theta\\
&= \frac{n m v^2}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}\Big[-\frac{1}{3}cos^3\theta\Big]_0^\frac{\pi}{2}\\
&= \frac{n m v^2}{3\sqrt{1-v^2}}\\
&= \frac{v^2}{3}\rho\end{align*}
We have a superfluous factor of ##v^2##. But if ##v## is high enough, the equation p=ρ/3 is approximately true.

##v## has to be very high though. To get the error below 10% we have to have ##v > 0.95 c##.

Is this really the approximation to which Schutz refers, or is it possible to demonstrate that convergence is faster than that (ie that electron speeds don't have to e so very high to be approximately true)? Schutz doesn't tell us. I presume the answer is yes. If so then the gas must be very relativistic indeed for this approximation to be reasonably accurate.

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  • #2

Dear V.580.,

Thank you for sharing your work on the equations of state for photon gas and relativistic electron gas. Your derivation for the photon gas equation of state is clear and thorough. It is also interesting to see the application of this equation in cosmology and the study of stars.

Regarding the equation of state for the relativistic electron gas, your derivation is also well-explained. However, as you have pointed out, the approximation for this equation to hold is when the electron speeds are very high, which may not be applicable in all cases. I believe Schutz is referring to this approximation in his textbook, but it would be interesting to explore if there are other factors that can affect the convergence of this equation at lower electron speeds.

Overall, your work showcases a deep understanding of these equations of state and their applications in physics. Thank you for sharing your insights and calculations with the scientific community. Keep up the good work!

Related to Equations of state for photon gas

What is an equation of state for photon gas?

An equation of state for photon gas is a mathematical relationship that describes the behavior of a gas composed of photons, which are particles of light. This equation can be used to calculate properties of the gas, such as pressure, volume, and temperature.

What is the difference between an equation of state for photon gas and for a regular gas?

The main difference is that photon gas does not have a well-defined volume, as photons do not have a rest mass and can travel at the speed of light. This means that the volume term in the equation of state is often replaced with the energy density of the photons.

What is the significance of equations of state for photon gas?

Equations of state for photon gas are important in understanding the behavior of light and its interactions with matter. They are also used in fields such as astrophysics, cosmology, and plasma physics to study the properties of high-energy, hot gases.

How are equations of state for photon gas derived?

Equations of state for photon gas are derived using statistical mechanics, which uses probability and statistical methods to describe the behavior of a large number of particles. In this case, the photons are treated as a gas of particles and their properties are described by the laws of thermodynamics.

What are some applications of equations of state for photon gas?

Equations of state for photon gas have various applications, such as in the study of black holes, the early universe, and the behavior of light in extreme conditions. They are also used in the design of high-energy lasers and in the development of new materials for solar cells and other energy technologies.

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