Equipotential with Spherical Conductors

In summary, conductors have an electric field of 0 inside and their surface is equipotential. This is true for all shapes of conductors in equilibrium. The potential inside a conductor is also 0 and the equipotential region only extends from the surface to a far distance away from the conductor. Inside and outside of the conductor are not equal in potential, but a perfect conductor has all points on its surface and inside at the same potential, creating an equipotential region. The electric field is defined as the negative gradient of the electric potential and the potential at the reference point is typically chosen as 0.
  • #1
For electrostatics, I know that conductors have 0 electric field inside. And I know that the surface of a spherical conductor has equipotential, (Maybe this is true for all shape of conductor in equilibrium right? ).

So my question is, is the potential 0 inside a conductor as well?

Is it only equipotential from surface to very far away from the spherical conductor?
The inside and outside of the conductor are not equipotential "equal in potential" ?

Thanks so much for your time.
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  • #2
The electric field is defined as the negative gradient of the electric potential. Because the derivative of a constant is zero, you can always add a constant to the electric potential and still get the same physics, only potential differences matter. To avoid confusion, we typically pick some reference point (the ground) and call the potential at that point zero, and then calculate all other potentials in the system relative to that point. So a grounded conductor has a potential of zero everywhere on its surface and everywhere in its interior. But an ungrounded conductor (higher potential relative to some ground) will have some nonzero potential V everywhere on its surface and everywhere interior. All points on the surface and inside a perfect conductor are equal in potential and define a region we call the equipotential.

The equipotential is only right on the surface of the conductor. As soon as you move away in space from the surface, the potential will change.

FAQ: Equipotential with Spherical Conductors

1. What is an equipotential with spherical conductors?

An equipotential with spherical conductors is a region in space where the potential (electric potential energy per unit charge) is the same at all points. This means that if a charge is placed on any point within this region, it will experience the same amount of force regardless of its location.

2. How is an equipotential with spherical conductors created?

An equipotential with spherical conductors is created by placing two or more spherical conductors (such as metal balls) in close proximity to each other. These conductors are then connected to a voltage source, causing them to have the same potential. The region between the conductors then becomes an equipotential due to the redistribution of charges on the conductors.

3. What is the significance of an equipotential with spherical conductors?

An equipotential with spherical conductors is significant because it allows for a uniform electric field within the region, making it easier to study and analyze the behavior of charges. It also shows the relationship between potential and electric field, as the electric field is always perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces.

4. How does the distance between the spherical conductors affect the equipotential?

The distance between the spherical conductors affects the equipotential by changing the shape and size of the region. As the distance decreases, the region becomes smaller and the equipotential surfaces become more curved, leading to a stronger electric field between the conductors.

5. Can an equipotential with spherical conductors exist in a vacuum?

Yes, an equipotential with spherical conductors can exist in a vacuum. In fact, it is commonly used in vacuum tubes and cathode ray tubes to control the movement of electrons. In a vacuum, there are no air molecules to disrupt the electric field, making it easier to maintain a uniform potential between the conductors.

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