Equivalence betwen diferent definitions of charge

In summary, the conversation discusses the various definitions of charge and how they are related. The Noether charge is associated with invariance and is conserved through the integral of a current. The Cartan subalgebra also has associated charges, which can be raised or lowered with ladder operators. Electric and magnetic charges are related to the U(1) theory and its two gauge fields, allowing for particles to have charges with respect to one or both fields.
  • #1
I am trying to fit together a few definitions of charge which are being commonly used.

On one side we have the Noether charge associated with any invariance. Sure most of you know how it goes, you have a Lagrangian invariant under a (Lie) symmetry group and for every group generator (Lie algebra element) you have a conserved current. The integral of that conserved current is a charge.

On other side you have, for the same theory, that for every element of the Cartan subalgebra (maximum number of commuting elements) of the Lie algebra you have an associated charge. The noncommuting elements of the algebra act as ladder operators that raise or lower the charge associated with a particular state (actually a root state).

How are related these two notions of charge? (if related at all). I mean, the cartan subalgebra obviously has less elements that the whole algebra so that there are less "cartan" charges than Noether charges, what point am I missing?

A third related question is the notion of electric and magnetic charges. If I begin with an U(1) theory, like classical electromagnetism I have from Noether theorem only one possible charge, (and in these case also one possible "cartan" charge ). But even though it is stated that particles can have electric and magnetic charge (or both in dyonic objects). I guess that the reason is that magnetic charges come from the hodge dual, that is we have really two potential vectors, the standard one of electromagnetism and it´s hodge dual, that is, we have two gauge fields each with it´s own U(1) Noether charge, and so we can have particles charged respect to one or other (of both). That´s what I think, but I would like that someone would confirmate me it.
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  • #2
It sounds like you have a good understanding of the definitions of charge that you are looking into. The charges associated with the Cartan subalgebra of the Lie algebra are related to the Noether charges in that they are both conserved, but the Cartan charges are associated with specific root states and can be raised or lowered with the ladder operators. Electric and magnetic charges are related to the U(1) theory of electromagnetism, which is associated with two gauge fields, each with its own U(1) Noether charge. So, particles can be charged with respect to one or both of these fields. That is correct, and someone should be able to confirm this for you.
  • #3

I would say that the two notions of charge mentioned in the content are related but not equivalent. The Noether charge and the Cartan charge are both conserved quantities in a system, but they arise from different mathematical frameworks. The Noether charge is associated with symmetries of a system, while the Cartan charge is associated with the structure of the Lie algebra.

The Noether charge is related to the conserved current, which is a result of a symmetry transformation. On the other hand, the Cartan charge is related to the Cartan subalgebra, which is a subset of the full Lie algebra. This means that there are fewer Cartan charges than Noether charges, as mentioned in the content.

As for the notion of electric and magnetic charges, it is correct that they arise from the Hodge dual in U(1) theories. This means that there are two gauge fields, each with its own U(1) Noether charge. This allows for particles to have electric and magnetic charges, as they are charged with respect to one or both of these gauge fields.

In summary, the Noether charge and the Cartan charge are related but not equivalent, and the concept of electric and magnetic charges arises from the Hodge dual in U(1) theories.

FAQ: Equivalence betwen diferent definitions of charge

1. What are the different definitions of charge?

The two most commonly used definitions of charge are the classical definition, which states that charge is a fundamental property of matter that causes it to interact with electric and magnetic fields, and the modern definition, which defines charge as the fundamental unit of electric current.

2. How are these definitions related?

While the classical and modern definitions of charge may seem different, they are actually equivalent. This means that they describe the same physical phenomenon and can be used interchangeably in most situations.

3. What is the significance of having multiple definitions of charge?

Having multiple definitions of charge allows scientists to approach the concept from different perspectives and use whichever definition is most applicable to their specific research or problem. This flexibility can lead to a deeper understanding of the concept and its applications.

4. Are there any situations where these definitions may not be equivalent?

In most cases, the classical and modern definitions of charge are equivalent. However, in extreme conditions such as at the subatomic level or in high-energy situations, quantum effects may cause deviations from the classical definition.

5. How can we experimentally demonstrate the equivalence of these definitions?

One way to demonstrate the equivalence of the classical and modern definitions of charge is by measuring the electric current produced by a known amount of charge. This can be done using various experimental setups, such as the Millikan oil drop experiment or the measurement of electron flow in a wire.

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