Equivalence Classes: Example of 2 Classes

In summary: So E3 will contain all numbers of the form 3*2k with k natural number. This is the same as the set of all multiples of 3.So you found two different equivalence classes, Ea and E3, which have different elements, so they are different sets (and thus different equivalence classes).In summary, there are two different equivalence classes for the relation on \mathbb{N} given by aRb if there exists k \in \mathbb{Z} such that a/b = 2k. These classes are Ea = {2n, n \in \mathbb{N} } and E3 = {3*2k, k \in \mathbb{
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the relation on [itex]\mathbb{N}[/itex] given by aRb if there exists k [itex] \in [/itex] [itex]\mathbb{Z}[/itex] such that a/b = 2k.

Give an example of two different equivalence classes (that is, find x, y [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex] such that Ex [itex] \neq [/itex] Ey, where Ex and Ey are the equivalence classes of x and y; respectively).

Homework Equations

Ex = {n [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex]: x ~ n}.

Ey = {n [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex]: y ~ n}.

a ~ b by a/b = 2k

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm having an incredibly difficult wrapping my head around the concept of equivalence classes in the context of this problem. I'm not sure where to even begin, so forgive me if I'm off to a very incorrect start...

Let k = 1, so 2 = a/b --> a = 2b where 2 = n [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex]
Then let k = -1, so 1/2 = a/b --> b = 2a where 1/2 = n [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex]

Then a = 2(2a), where a [itex] \neq [/itex] 4a.

Therefore, I have no idea what any of this means...
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  • #2
Don't let k be something. k can be any integer, and there are too many to consider them individually.

It is easier to start with some arbitrary a. Let's use 6.
We know that b ~ 6 if there is an integer k such that 6/b = 2k.
Can we find some b? b=3 is an example, as 6/b=2 = 21. Therefore, 6~3.
b=12 is another example, as 6/12=1/2 = -1. Therefore, 6~12.
Can you find more examples?

As we have an equivalence relation, this implies 12~3. As you can see, this is "equivalent to", not "equal to", therefore we don't get a contradiction "12=3".
If you go back to your approach, you showed (in general) that a ~ 4a.
  • #3
mliuzzolino said:

Homework Statement

Consider the relation on [itex]\mathbb{N}[/itex] given by aRb if there exists k [itex] \in [/itex] [itex]\mathbb{Z}[/itex] such that a/b = 2k.

Give an example of two different equivalence classes (that is, find x, y [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex] such that Ex [itex] \neq [/itex] Ey, where Ex and Ey are the equivalence classes of x and y; respectively).

Homework Equations

Ex = {n [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex]: x ~ n}.

Ey = {n [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex]: y ~ n}.

a ~ b by a/b = 2k

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm having an incredibly difficult wrapping my head around the concept of equivalence classes in the context of this problem. I'm not sure where to even begin, so forgive me if I'm off to a very incorrect start...

Let k = 1, so 2 = a/b --> a = 2b where 2 = n [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex]
Then let k = -1, so 1/2 = a/b --> b = 2a where 1/2 = n [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex]

Then a = 2(2a), where a [itex] \neq [/itex] 4a.

Therefore, I have no idea what any of this means...

Start by writing down what subsets of ##\mathbb{N}## are ##E_1,\ E_2,\ E_3## and see if that gives you any ideas.
  • #4
mfb said:
Don't let k be something. k can be any integer, and there are too many to consider them individually.

It is easier to start with some arbitrary a. Let's use 6.
We know that b ~ 6 if there is an integer k such that 6/b = 2k.
Can we find some b? b=3 is an example, as 6/b=2 = 21. Therefore, 6~3.
b=12 is another example, as 6/12=1/2 = -1. Therefore, 6~12.
Can you find more examples?

As we have an equivalence relation, this implies 12~3. As you can see, this is "equivalent to", not "equal to", therefore we don't get a contradiction "12=3".
If you go back to your approach, you showed (in general) that a ~ 4a.

Alright. More equivalencies of the a = 6 would be: 6~3, 6~6, 6~12, 6~24, etc.

I did a similar process for a = 1 and obtained the equivalencies of: 1~1, 1~2, 1~4, 1~8.

Then I chose a b that wasn't in this relationship, so b = 3.

I let my two different equivalence classes be:

Ea = {2n, n [itex] \in \mathbb{N} [/itex]},

Eb = {3*2k, k [itex] \in \mathbb{Z} [/itex]}.

I am not sure that I quite wrap my head around what is happening here, but it seems that I can say Ea and Eb are the equivalence classes of a = 1 and b = 3, respectively. Since 1 is not related to 3 by a/b=2k, can I say that their respective equivalence classes are different?
  • #5
mliuzzolino said:
I am not sure that I quite wrap my head around what is happening here, but it seems that I can say Ea and Eb are the equivalence classes of a = 1 and b = 3, respectively. Since 1 is not related to 3 by a/b=2k, can I say that their respective equivalence classes are different?

For the definition of Eb (I would call it E3 I think), you should restrict k to the natural numbers (including 0), as 3/2, 3/4, ... are not natural numbers.

FAQ: Equivalence Classes: Example of 2 Classes

1. What are equivalence classes?

Equivalence classes are groups or categories of objects or elements that are considered equal according to a specific criterion or relation. In other words, they are sets of objects that are indistinguishable from each other based on a certain characteristic.

2. What is an example of 2 classes?

An example of 2 equivalence classes could be the set of even numbers and the set of odd numbers. These two sets have a defining characteristic (being either even or odd) that separates them into distinct classes.

3. Why are equivalence classes important?

Equivalence classes are important because they help us organize and classify data or objects based on their similarities and differences. This allows us to better understand and analyze complex systems and make predictions based on patterns within these classes.

4. How are equivalence classes determined?

Equivalence classes are determined by a given equivalence relation, which is a rule or criteria that defines when two objects or elements are considered equivalent. This relation must meet certain properties, such as reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity.

5. Can there be more than 2 equivalence classes?

Yes, there can be any number of equivalence classes within a given set. The number of classes depends on the criteria or relation used to determine them. For example, in a set of natural numbers, there could be infinite equivalence classes based on different properties such as even/odd, prime/composite, etc.
