Equivalence relations and connected components(Please look at my calculations)

In summary: This means that A is a maximal connected subset of X. Suppose A is not closed. This means that its complement in X, denoted as A', is not open. Since A' is not open, there exists a point x in A' such that every neighborhood of x contains a point in A. But since A is a maximal connected subset of X, this means that A is the only connected subset containing x. This contradicts the fact that there exists a point in A' such that every neighborhood of x contains a point in A. Therefore, A' must be open and thus A is closed. q.e.d.3) To show that if X has a finite amount of connected components, then these are open, we can
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi I have justed switched to a new subject and have some question.

1) Show that if X is a topology space then there exist an equivalence relation if and only if there exist a connected subset which contains both x and y.
2) Show that the connected components are a closed space.
3)Show that if X has a finite amount of connected components, then these are open.
4) Find the connected components in in the following(The set [tex]\mathbb{Q}[/tex] is the set of rational numbers, which can be partioned into none-empty open subsets of

The Attempt at a Solution

Definition: A topology space X is to have a separation if for a pair of non-empty open subsets where [tex]x_1 \cup x_2[/tex] A space which is connection does not a have seperation.

Let T be a subspace of x, and where x and y represents a separation i T.
Then x is both open and closed in T. Then x is a separation in T is defined as [tex]\overline{x} \cap T[/tex] x assumed to be closed i T, then [tex]x = \overline{x} \cap T \rightarrow \overline{x} \cap T = \emptyset.[/tex], thus [tex]\overline{x}[/tex] is union of x and its limitpoints, such that it contains, but no limit points for y.
Next assume that x and y are disjoined sets who union is T. Where neither x or y contains limit points for each other, then

[tex]\overline{x} \cap y = \emptyset[/tex] and [tex]x \cap \overline{y} = \emptyset [/tex] then

[tex]\overline{x} \cap T = x[/tex] and [tex]\overline{y} \cap T = y[/tex]

This implies that x = T - y and y = T - x, then x and y are both closed in T.

Since there is by the proof above doesn't not exist a separation on X, this implies that X is connected space which again implies that x is a connected subset which connects x and y and thusly the equivalence relation exists. q.e.d.


Let A be a subset of X. Then A = [x] is a connected component of X. Next assume that cl(A) is connected. Finally assume that [tex]z \in cl(A)[/tex] then cl(A) contains both x and z thus [tex]x \thilde z[/tex]. Then [tex]z \in [x] = A.[/tex] Thusly A = cl(A). Which implies A is closed. q.e.d.


How the devil do I does this?

Since Q is open then its subsets are also open. q.e.d.

How is this ??

I need help with 3 :(

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  • #2

Dear Cauchy,

I am glad to hear that you have switched to a new subject and are eager to learn more about topology. Here are my responses to your questions:

1) To show that there exist an equivalence relation if and only if there exists a connected subset containing both x and y, we can use the following definitions and theorem:

Definition: An equivalence relation on a set X is a binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

Definition: A subset A of a topological space X is connected if and only if there does not exist a separation of A in X.

Theorem: Let X be a topological space and let A be a subset of X. If A is connected, then for any x and y in A, there exists a connected subset containing both x and y.

Proof: Suppose A is connected and let x and y be two points in A. Since A is connected, there does not exist a separation of A in X. This means that there does not exist two non-empty open subsets of X whose union is A and whose intersection is empty. Therefore, there exists a connected subset containing both x and y. This proves one direction of the statement.

Conversely, suppose there exists a connected subset containing both x and y. This means that there exists a subset B of X which is connected and contains both x and y. Since B is connected, there does not exist a separation of B in X. This implies that there does not exist two non-empty open subsets of X whose union is B and whose intersection is empty. But since B contains both x and y, this means that there does not exist two non-empty open subsets of X whose union is A and whose intersection is empty. Therefore, A is connected and there does not exist a separation of A in X. This proves the other direction of the statement.

Hence, we can conclude that there exist an equivalence relation if and only if there exists a connected subset containing both x and y. q.e.d.

2) To show that the connected components are a closed space, we can use the following definitions and theorem:

Definition: A connected component of a topological space X is a maximal connected subset of X.

Definition: A subset A of a topological space X is closed if and only if its complement in X is open.

Theorem: The connected components of a topological space X are closed.

Proof: Let A be a connected component of X

Related to Equivalence relations and connected components(Please look at my calculations)

1. What is an equivalence relation?

An equivalence relation is a mathematical concept that defines a relationship between elements of a set. It is a binary relation that satisfies three properties: reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity.

2. How are equivalence relations represented?

Equivalence relations are often represented using set notation or diagrams. In set notation, an equivalence relation is denoted by ~, and the elements related by the relation are enclosed in curly brackets. In diagrams, equivalence relations are represented using circles or ovals with arrows connecting related elements.

3. What are connected components?

Connected components are subsets of a set that are connected by an equivalence relation. In other words, they are groups of elements that are related to each other through the equivalence relation, but not related to elements outside of the group.

4. How do you determine the number of connected components in a set?

The number of connected components in a set is equal to the number of distinct equivalence classes. To determine the number of equivalence classes, you can use the partitioning method, where you divide the set into disjoint subsets based on the equivalence relation and count the number of subsets.

5. Can two elements belong to more than one connected component?

No, two elements cannot belong to more than one connected component. This is because an equivalence relation is reflexive, meaning every element is related to itself, and transitive, meaning if a is related to b and b is related to c, then a is related to c. Therefore, if two elements are related through an equivalence relation, they must belong to the same connected component.

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