Equivalence Test: Finding Appropriate Statistical Test for Different Populations

In summary, the problem with the t-test is that the null hypothesis says that the populations are the same. It is more appropriate in my application that I assume the populations are different unless I can proove otherwise. Any thoughts on how to do this?
  • #1
What is an appropriate statistical test for equivalence of two population means? I'd like the null hypothesis to be that the populations are different.

The problem with the t-test is that the null hypothesis says that the populations are the same. It is more appropriate in my application that I assume the populations are different unless I can proove otherwise.

Example: treatment A1 is well understood and the distribution is well known. Treatment A2
is a newer and cheaper version, and we only accept that it is as good as treatment A1 if the null hypothesis is rejected. in other words it will be assumed that A2 is not as good as A1 unless there is enough data to show otherwise. Any thoughts on how to do this?
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  • #2
Your wording is a little confusing: are these the hypotheses in which you're interested?

H_0 \colon &\mu_{A1} \ge \mu_{A2}\\
H_a \colon & \mu_{A1} < \mu_{A2}

I'm assuming larger means indicate better performance: the alternative here says that A2's mean is larger than that of A1.

If these are appropriate you can apply the two-sample t-test to your data (if the data sets are reasonably symmetric and free of outliers)
  • #3
The goal of the t-test is prove a significant difference between 2 samples. It is not appropriate to prove equivalence.

The same paradigm is used in a court of law: You are innocent until proven guilty. If there is no evidence, you are considered "not guilty." The reason they don't call you "innocent," is because the system is not designed to prove innocense, it is assumed from the beginning (the null hypothesis).

The problem with the t-test is the same: if there is a lack of evidence, the statistician will fail to prove a significant difference and arrive at the misleading conclusion that the samples are equivalent. This method is great in clinical trials where a treatment is compared to a placebo. You need to keep gathering evidence until you have enough to prove the treatment has a different effect.

But what if the goal is to prove that two treatments are equivalent? Then you cannot use "equivalence" as the null hypothesis! If you don't have enough data to prove anything, you will always arrive at the null hypothesis.

I hope this better describes my dilemma.
  • #4
I understand what a test of hypotheses is for; I didn't understand your question as originally posed.
You seem to be asking for an equivalence test procedure - the process I'll outline is one we discuss in our biostat course. It uses a sequence of two uses of the independent sample t test

As a setup for my explanation, suppose we want to determine whether a new drug is as effective a currently used drug (new drug may not have side effects that are as bad as the current one, or may be cheaper to produce, so if it is equivalent that is a point in its favor). We have decided that if it can be shown that the difference in mean responses for the two drugs is smaller than 4 units, the two drugs are ``equivalent''. The generic notation is that we want to test this ``null hypothesis''

H_{0E} \colon \mu_1 - \mu_2 \le -4 \text{ or } \mu_1 - \mu_2 \ge 4

versus the ``alternative hypothesis''
H_{aE} \colon -4 < \mu_1 - \mu_2 < 4

(the E is for Equivalence)

If the null hypothesis is rejected, then by our criterion, we have shown the two drugs are equivalent in effectiveness.

How is the test actually carried out? With a PAIR of t-tests. Perform both of these hypothesis tests.

H_{01} \colon & \mu_1 - \mu_2 = 4\\
H_{a1} \colon & \mu_1 - \mu_2 < 4


H_{02} \colon & \mu_1 - \mu_2 = -4\\
H_{a2} \colon & \mu_1 - \mu_2 > -4

If you reject both of these null hypotheses, you will have concluded that the mean difference is > -4 and < 4, which means that it is between - 4 and 4, which, according to our criterion, mean the two drugs are equivalent. (If only one null is rejected you cannot claim the drugs are equivalent.)

Does this sound like your type of problem?
  • #5
Thanks a lot. I think this helps and will look at it more later.

Related to Equivalence Test: Finding Appropriate Statistical Test for Different Populations

What is an equivalence test?

An equivalence test is a statistical method used to determine whether two populations are equivalent or similar to each other. It is used when the researcher is interested in showing that there is no meaningful difference between two groups or treatments.

Why is it important to find an appropriate statistical test for different populations?

It is important to find an appropriate statistical test for different populations because using the wrong test can lead to incorrect conclusions. Each statistical test is designed to answer a specific research question, and using the wrong test can result in a type I or type II error, which can greatly impact the validity of the study's results.

What are some common statistical tests used for equivalence testing?

Some common statistical tests used for equivalence testing include the two one-sided tests (TOST) procedure, the confidence interval approach, and the classical equivalence test. Each of these tests has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of which test to use will depend on the specific research question and data.

When should I use an equivalence test instead of a traditional hypothesis test?

An equivalence test should be used when the researcher is interested in showing that there is no meaningful difference between two groups or treatments. This is different from a traditional hypothesis test, where the goal is to determine if there is a significant difference between two groups. Additionally, an equivalence test is typically used when the effect size is small, and a traditional hypothesis test may not have enough power to detect it.

How can I determine which statistical test is appropriate for my study?

To determine which statistical test is appropriate for your study, you should consider the research question, the type of data you have, and the assumptions of each test. It is also important to consult with a statistician or conduct a thorough literature review to see which tests have been used in similar studies. Ultimately, the best test to use will depend on the specific objectives and design of your study.

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