Equivalent definitions of continuity (topological spaces)

In summary, the author provides an example of a problem that is not really homework, but a typical exercise question. The author states that if f is continuous at x=3, then it is a counterexample to what he has been trying to prove. The author provides a solution to the problem.
  • #1
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Not really homework, but a typical exercise question, so I figured it's appropriate to post it here.

Homework Statement

X,Y topological spaces
x is a point in X

Prove that the following two statements are equivalent:

(i) [itex]f^{-1}(E)[/itex] is open for every open E that contains f(x).
(ii) If [itex]\{x_i\}[/itex] is a net such that [itex]x_i\rightarrow x[/itex], then [itex]\{f(x_i)\}[/itex] is a net such that [itex]f(x_i)\rightarrow f(x)[/itex]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

(i) implies (ii): Easy. See below.

(ii) implies (i): I haven't been able to prove this. One thing I tried was to let the directed set be the set of open neighborhoods of x, partially ordered by reverse inclusion. [itex](i\leq j\iff j\subset i)[/itex]. I think I ended up proving that [itex]f^{-1}(E)[/itex] contains an open neighborhood of x, but that doesn't prove that [itex]f^{-1}(E)[/itex] is open.

This is how I show that (i) implies (ii):

Let E be an open set that contains f(x), and let [itex]\{x_i\}[/itex] be a net such that [itex]x_i\rightarrow x[/itex]. (i) implies that [itex]f^{-1}(E)[/itex] is open, and we know that it contains x. So there exists an i0 such that

[tex]i\geq i_0\implies x_i\in f^{-1}(E)[/tex]

But the condition on the right is equivalent to [itex]f(x_i)\in E[/itex], so we have [itex]f(x_i)\rightarrow f(x)[/itex].
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  • #2
Fredrik said:
I think I ended up proving that [itex]f^{-1}(E)[/itex] contains an open neighborhood of x

Unless you change the problem statement to include "for all x," then you are not going to be able to do better than that.

Ex: Using the ordinary topology on the number line, let f(x)=x if x is rational, -x if irrational. Then f is continuous (only) at 0. If E is the union of (-1,1) and (2,3), then E is an open set containing 0, and its inverse image contains an open nbhd of 0, even though its inverse image is not open.
  • #3
That's an interesting example, but I'm still confused. Your f isn't continuous at 0, if I am to believe definition A.3.8 (a). Did my book mess up that definition?

Edit: Hm, maybe f is continuous according to that definition. I read "open neighborhood of..." as "open set that contains...". I guess I have to look up the exact definition of "neighborhood"... OK, Wikipedia defines "a neighborhood of x" as a set with an open subset that contains x, and "open neighborhood" as a neighborhood that's also an open set. It seems to me that the way to get your f to be continuous is to replace "open neighborhood" with "neighborhood" in Sunder's definition.

I agree that if f is continuous at x, it's a counterexample to what I've been trying to prove, because we can construct a sequence {pi} of irrational numbers that converge to a rational number p, and then we would have f(pi)→-f(p)≠f(p).

By the way, the exact statement that I've been trying to prove is proposition A.3.9(1), further down the page.
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  • #4
Fredrik said:
Did my book mess up that definition?

replace "open neighborhood" with "neighborhood" in Sunder's definition.

The author did mess up the definition, and you have supplied the correction. (Technically, though, I could not find the author's definition of "open nbhd," so maybe the author has a legal loophole, ha ha.)

Here's an easier example from reals to reals, in the usual topology. Define f(x)=1 if x>0 or x=0, and f(x)=0 for x<0.

By anyone's correct definition of continuity, f is continuous at x=3.

However, note that if E=(0.5,1.5), then the inverse image of E is [0,infinity), which is not open, although it is a neighborhood of 3.
  • #5
Thank you. Your answers were very useful. I was finally able to prove that proposition.

I looked up "neighborhood of x" in my other avanced analysis books. Rudin ("principles of mathematical analysis") defines it as an open ball around x. Friedman ("foundations of modern analysis") defines it as any open set that contains x. I don't know how Sunder defines it. There seems to be lots of definitions of that word.

FAQ: Equivalent definitions of continuity (topological spaces)

1. What is the concept of continuity in topological spaces?

The concept of continuity in topological spaces refers to a property of a function between two topological spaces, where small changes in the input result in small changes in the output. It is a fundamental concept in topology and is closely related to the idea of connectedness.

2. What is the definition of a continuous function in topological spaces?

A function between two topological spaces is said to be continuous if the inverse image of every open set in the output space is an open set in the input space. This means that small changes in the output space result in small changes in the input space, ensuring that the function is continuous.

3. What are the different equivalent definitions of continuity in topological spaces?

Some of the most commonly used equivalent definitions of continuity in topological spaces include the epsilon-delta definition, the sequential definition, and the open set definition. These definitions all capture the same idea of small changes in the input resulting in small changes in the output.

4. How do these equivalent definitions of continuity relate to each other?

All of these equivalent definitions of continuity are based on the same fundamental idea and are mathematically equivalent. This means that if a function satisfies one of these definitions, it will also satisfy the others.

5. Why are these equivalent definitions of continuity important?

Having multiple equivalent definitions of continuity allows for flexibility in proving the continuity of a function. Some definitions may be easier to work with in certain situations, making it easier to prove the continuity of a function. Additionally, these definitions are important in understanding the behavior of continuous functions in topological spaces.
