Error Analysis- Deriving Equations

In summary, the fractional error in g can be calculated using the equation (∆g/g = ( (∆y/y)^2 + (2∆t/t)^2 )^1/2 ), which shows the relationship between the uncertainties in the distance and time measurements and their effect on the calculated value of g.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In this experiment, the acceleration due to gravity is related to the time, t, it takes the ball to fall to a distance , y, by Eq. (3). With this equation and Eq. (2), show that the fractional error, ∆g/g is ( (∆y/y)^2 + (2∆t/t)^2 ) ^1/2

Homework Equations

Eq. (3) = g = 2y/t^2

Eq. (2) = ∆W/W = ( (n∆a/a)^2 + (m∆b/b)^2 + (p∆c/c)^2 ) ^1/2

The Attempt at a Solution

I am totally confused on how to do this problem. Could anyone help? Thanks!
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  • #2

I would like to clarify the equations given in the forum post. Eq. (3) is the equation for the acceleration due to gravity, which can be derived from Newton's second law (F=ma) and the equation for the distance traveled by a falling object (y=1/2gt^2). Eq. (2) is a general equation for calculating the fractional error in a quantity, where n, m, and p represent the number of times that the quantity is multiplied, divided, or raised to a power, respectively, and ∆a, ∆b, and ∆c represent the uncertainties in those quantities.

To solve this problem, we can start by substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) for g, giving us:

∆g/g = ( (∆y/y)^2 + (2∆t/t)^2 )^1/2

This shows that the fractional error in g is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the fractional errors in y and t. This makes sense because both y and t are directly related to g in Eq. (3), so any uncertainties in those quantities will affect the calculated value of g.

To better understand this relationship, let's consider a specific example. Let's say we are measuring the acceleration due to gravity using a ball that is dropped from a height of 1 meter. We measure the time it takes for the ball to fall to be 0.5 seconds with an uncertainty of ±0.1 seconds. We also measure the distance traveled by the ball to be 0.25 meters with an uncertainty of ±0.05 meters. Using these values, we can calculate the fractional error in g as:

∆g/g = ( (0.05/0.25)^2 + (2(0.1/0.5))^2 )^1/2 = (0.04 + 0.08)^1/2 = 0.1

This means that the uncertainty in our measurement of g is 10% of the calculated value. This shows the importance of minimizing uncertainties in our measurements, as they can greatly affect the accuracy of our results.

In conclusion, the equation given in the forum post is correct and can be derived from the fundamental equations for acceleration due to gravity and calculating fractional errors. It is important for scientists to understand and apply these equations in order to accurately report their findings

FAQ: Error Analysis- Deriving Equations

What is error analysis in scientific research?

Error analysis is a process of evaluating and quantifying the uncertainties and mistakes in measurements and calculations in scientific research. It involves identifying potential sources of error and minimizing their impact on the accuracy and precision of the results.

Why is error analysis important in scientific research?

Error analysis is important because it helps to determine the reliability and validity of experimental data. It also allows scientists to understand the limitations of their measurements and make necessary adjustments to improve the accuracy of their results.

What are the types of errors in scientific research?

There are three main types of errors in scientific research: systematic errors, random errors, and human errors. Systematic errors are consistent and affect the accuracy of the results, while random errors are unpredictable and affect the precision of the results. Human errors are mistakes made during the experimental process that can also impact the accuracy and precision of the results.

How do you calculate the total error in a measurement?

The total error in a measurement can be calculated by adding all the individual errors, both systematic and random, using the root sum of squares method. This involves taking the square root of the sum of the squared errors.

How can error analysis be used to improve scientific experiments?

Error analysis can be used to identify and minimize potential sources of error in scientific experiments. By understanding the sources of error, scientists can make necessary adjustments and improvements to their experimental design, measurement techniques, and data analysis methods to improve the accuracy and precision of their results.

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