Error in Lorentz Invariant Integration

In summary: So at the surface, the only component that remains non-vanishing is the "time component".Correct! Also, the 3-form ##i_j \eta## is not a Lorentz scalar. I am not sure what is the best way to write it. Maybe, something like$$Q = \int_\Sigma \sqrt{g} v_\nu i_j \eta ^\nu$$where ##v_\nu## is the unit normal vector to the surface.That works fine. You can also write it as$$Q = \int_\Sigma \sqrt{g} n \cdot i \cdot \eta$$to emphasize that you multiply the 1-form ##i## with the normal
  • #1
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Let ##j^{\mu}(x)## be a Lorentz 4-vector field in Minkowski spacetime and let ##\Sigma## be a 3-dimensional spacelike hypersurface with constant time of some Lorentz frame. From those I can construct the quantity
$$Q=\int_{\Sigma} dS_{\mu}j^{\mu}$$
$$dS_{\mu}=d^3x n_{\mu}$$
and ##n_{\mu}## is the unit timelike vector normal to ##\Sigma##. The quantity ##Q## is a Lorentz scalar. Since ##j^{\mu}## is a Lorentz vector, it follows that ##dS_{\mu}## must also be a Lorentz vector. But ##n_{\mu}## is also a Lorentz vector, so ##dS_{\mu}## can be a Lorentz vector only if ##d^3x## is a Lorentz scalar. Yet, ##d^3x## is not a Lorentz scalar, leading to a contradiction.

Where is the error?

There is a similar "paradox" with 4-momentum defined as
$$P^{\nu}=\int_{\Sigma} dS_{\mu}T^{\mu\nu}$$
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  • #2
Demystifier said:
Where is the error?

##dS_\mu## is equal to ##n_\mu d^3x## only if ##n_\mu = (1,0,0,0)##, i.e., in the frame where your chosen spatial coordinates are within the surface.
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  • #3
To elaborate on that. If you pick the spatial coordinates of the surface to be coordinates in a frame where ##S## is not a surface of simultaneity, you will get an additional factor that takes care of your invariance. In general, using parameters ##\xi^1##, ##\xi^2## and ##\xi^3## for the surface, we have
dS_\mu = \varepsilon_{\mu\nu\sigma\rho} \frac{\partial x^\nu}{\partial \xi^1}\frac{\partial x^\sigma}{\partial \xi^2}\frac{\partial x^\rho}{\partial \xi^3} d^3\xi.
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  • #4
As an example, take the surface ##t = vx## parametrised with the coordinates ##x##, ##y## and ##z##. This would lead to ##\partial t/\partial x = v## and therefore
dS_0 = \varepsilon_{0123} d^3x = d^3x, \quad dS_1 = \varepsilon_{1023} \frac{\partial t}{\partial x} d^3x = -v\, d^3x
with the other elements being equal to zero. It should be clear that this is not a unit vector multiplied by ##d^3x##.
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  • #5
Orodruin said:
##dS_\mu## is equal to ##n_\mu d^3x## only if ##n_\mu = (1,0,0,0)##, i.e., in the frame where your chosen spatial coordinates are within the surface.
Exactly! For that reason, if ##x^{\mu}## is the spacetime coordinate, it is very misleading to write ##d^3x## for integration over ##\Sigma##. Instead, one should write ##d^3q##, where ##q^i## are coordinates on the hypersurface with induced metric
$$\gamma_{ij}=\frac{\partial x^{\mu}}{\partial q^i} \frac{\partial x^{\nu}}{\partial q^j} g_ {\mu\nu}$$
With such notation, it is more clear that one should not attempt to make a Lorentz transformation of ##q^i##.
  • #6
Demystifier said:
Exactly! For that reason, if ##x^{\mu}## is the spacetime coordinate, it is very misleading to write ##d^3x## for integration over ##\Sigma##. Instead, one should write ##d^3q##, where ##q^i## are coordinates on the hypersurface

Yes, I would agree with this. But many physicists are notoriously sloppy with notation. I try to write ##dS_\mu## in most cases.

Demystifier said:
with induced metric
$$\gamma_{ij}=\frac{\partial x^{\mu}}{\partial q^i} \frac{\partial x^{\nu}}{\partial q^j} g_ {\mu\nu}$$
With such notation, it is more clear that one should not attempt to make a Lorentz transformation of ##q^i##.

You actually never need to refer to the induced metric. What you need is the volume form ##\eta## on Minkowski space (which does depend on the metric) and the 3-form to integrate over the surface is ##i_j\eta##. Your defined quantity becomes
Q = \int_\Sigma i_j \eta
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  • #7
I am starting to appreciate the coordinate free notation that mathematicians prefer. With coordinates and indices one can easily be mislead in an attempt to use in 3-space the quantities originally defined in 4-space.
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  • #8
Orodruin said:
##dS_\mu## is equal to ##n_\mu d^{3}x## only if ##n_\mu = (1,0,0,0)##, i.e., in the frame where your chosen spatial coordinates are within the surface
Why ##n_\mu## has components ##(1,0,0,0)## when the coordinates are within the surface? Would this mean that at the surface both ##x,y## and ##z## are equal to zero? Why?

EDIT: I just realized that that is because ##n_\mu## is a unit vector, orthogonal to the hyper-surface of constant time.

Related to Error in Lorentz Invariant Integration

What is Lorentz Invariant Integration?

Lorentz Invariant Integration is a mathematical tool used in theoretical physics to calculate physical quantities, such as cross-sections and decay rates, in a way that is consistent with the principles of special relativity.

What is the importance of Lorentz Invariant Integration?

Lorentz Invariant Integration allows for the accurate calculation of physical quantities in systems where particles are moving at relativistic speeds. It is a fundamental aspect of many theories in physics, including quantum field theory and particle physics.

What is "Error in Lorentz Invariant Integration"?

"Error in Lorentz Invariant Integration" refers to the potential for mistakes or inaccuracies in the application of this mathematical tool. These errors can arise from a variety of sources, such as incorrect calculations or assumptions, and can lead to incorrect results and interpretations.

How can errors in Lorentz Invariant Integration be minimized?

To minimize errors in Lorentz Invariant Integration, it is important to carefully check all calculations and assumptions made during the integration process. It is also helpful to use multiple methods of calculation and to consult with other experts in the field.

What are some common sources of error in Lorentz Invariant Integration?

Some common sources of error in Lorentz Invariant Integration include mathematical mistakes, incorrect assumptions about the system being studied, and limitations in the accuracy of experimental data. In some cases, the complexity of the system being studied can also lead to errors in the integration process.

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