Error propagation of a variable for an integral

In summary: You can get a similar approximation for ##\frac{\partial I}{\partial a}## by evaluating the integral with a±Δa and subtracting the results.Then you can use the uncertainties of a and b to estimate the uncertainty of the integral by adding both contributions in quadrature.In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of an integral that depends on two parameters, a and b, and how to deal with their uncertainties. The integral is computed numerically and cannot be solved analytically. The results of the integral for different values of a and b are obtained, and it is shown that one combination of values gives the minimum value while another gives the maximum. The conversation also mentions taking derivatives or integrals numerically and provides
  • #1
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I have an integral that depends on two parameters ##a\pm\delta a## and ##b\pm \delta b##. I am doing this integral numerically and no python function can calculate the integral with uncertainties.

So I have calculated the integral for each min, max values of a and b.
As a result I have obtained 4 values, such that;

$$(a + \delta a, b + \delta b) = 13827.450210 \pm 0.000015~~(1)$$
$$(a + \delta a, b - \delta b) = 13827.354688 \pm 0.000015~~(2)$$
$$(a - \delta a, b + \delta b) = 13912.521548 \pm 0.000010~~(3)$$
$$(a - \delta a, b - \delta b) = 13912.425467 \pm 0.000010~~(4)$$

So it is clear that ##(2)## gives the min and ##(3)## gives the max. Let us show the result of the integral as ##c \pm \delta c##. So my problem is what is ##c## and ##\delta c## here?

The integral is something like this

$$I(a,b,x) =C\int_0^b \frac{dx}{\sqrt{a(1+x)^3 + \eta(1+x)^4 + (\gamma^2 - a - \eta)}}$$

where ##\eta## and ##\gamma## are constant.

Note: You guys can also generalize it by taking ##\eta \pm \delta \eta## but it is not necessary for now.

I have to take derivatives or integrals numerically. There's no known analytical solution for the integral.

##\eta = 4.177 \times 10^{-5}##, ##a = 0.1430 \pm 0.0011##, ##b = 1089.92 \pm 0.25##, ##\gamma = 0.6736 \pm 0.0054##, ##C = 2997.92458##
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  • #2
Generally, if your intergal is [itex]I(a,b) = \int_{x_0}^{x_1} F(a,b,x)\,dx[/itex], then uncertainties in [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] would lead to [tex]I(a,b)
\pm\frac{\partial I}{\partial a}\delta a \pm \frac{\partial I}{\partial b}\delta b[/tex] with the partial derivatives evaluated at [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex]. You can evaluate these derivatives by differentiating under the integral:
\frac{\partial I}{\partial a} = \int_{x_0}^{x_1} \frac{\partial F}{\partial a}(a, b, x)\,dx[/tex] etc.
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  • #3
The integral is something like this

$$I(a,b,x) =\int_0^b \frac{dx}{\sqrt{a(1+x)^3 + \eta(1+x)^4 + (\gamma^2 - a - \eta)}}$$

where ##\eta## and ##\gamma## are constant.
  • #4
Assuming a and b are uncorrelated: Calculate the integral at (a,b+delta_b), (a,b-delta_b) and analogous for delta_a. Then use the deviations as approximation for ##\frac{\partial I}{\partial b}\delta b## and add both uncertainties in quadrature.
  • #5
mfb said:
Assuming a and b are uncorrelated: Calculate the integral at (a,b+delta_b), (a,b-delta_b) and analogous for delta_a. Then use the deviations as approximation for ##\frac{\partial I}{\partial b}\delta b## and add both uncertainties in quadrature.
I did not quite understand it..Can you maybe put it in a more mathematical way
  • #6
  from numpy import sqrt
    from scipy import integrate
    import uncertainties as u
    from uncertainties.umath import *

    #Important Parameters
    C = 2997.92458  # speed of light in [km/s]
    eta = 4.177 * 10**(-5)
    a = u.ufloat(0.1430, 0.0011)
    b = u.ufloat(1089.92, 0.25)
    gama = u.ufloat(0.6736, 0.0054)

    def D_zrec_finder(gama, a, b):
        def D_zrec(z):
            return C / sqrt(a * (1+z)**3 + eta * (1+z)**4 + (gama**2 - a - eta))
        result, error = integrate.quad(D_zrec, 0, b)
        return result    print((D_zrec_finder(gama, a, b)).n)
    print((D_zrec_finder(gama, a, b)).s)

This works
  • #7
Arman777 said:
I did not quite understand it..Can you maybe put it in a more mathematical way
$$\frac{\partial I}{\partial b}\delta b \approx \frac 1 2 (I(a,b+\delta b)-I(a,b-\delta b))$$
$$\frac{\partial I}{\partial a}\delta a \approx \frac 1 2 (I(a+\delta a,b)-I(a-\delta a,b))$$

As b is your integration border you can simplify this one: ##\frac{\partial I}{\partial b}## is simply the function value at x=b.

FAQ: Error propagation of a variable for an integral

What is error propagation of a variable for an integral?

Error propagation of a variable for an integral is the process of determining the uncertainty or error associated with the final result of an integral calculation, based on the uncertainties or errors of the variables involved in the integral.

Why is error propagation important in scientific research?

Error propagation is important in scientific research because it allows us to understand the reliability and accuracy of our results. It also helps us identify which variables have the greatest impact on the final result, allowing us to focus on improving their measurements.

What factors can contribute to error propagation in an integral?

There are several factors that can contribute to error propagation in an integral, including the uncertainties in the measured values of the variables, the method used to perform the integral, and the assumptions made in the calculation.

How is error propagation calculated for an integral?

Error propagation for an integral is typically calculated using the formula for propagation of uncertainty, which takes into account the uncertainties of the variables and the partial derivatives of the integral function with respect to each variable.

Can error propagation be reduced or eliminated?

Error propagation cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be reduced by improving the accuracy of the measurements of the variables and using more precise methods for performing the integral. It is also important to carefully consider and minimize any assumptions made in the calculation.

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