Errors in basic current balance experiment?

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulties in completing a physics lab report due to a lack of errors to discuss. The experiment involved using a basic current balance to test the relationship between force and length of conductor. The group suggests approaching measurement error by taking multiple determinations and computing the standard error of the mean. They also suggest looking at the raw data and efforts to produce a best fit line to assess error. Additionally, they propose computing the standard error for each resulting force and doing a least squares fit of the force vs. length to determine if the line goes through all the error bars.
  • #1
Ng Sio Hong
Hi guys, so I'm having a little trouble completing my physics lab report here due to not being able to find many errors to discuss about. The experiment that I conducted makes use of a basic current balance:

As you all know, the purpose of this experiment is to test out F=BIL where in this case, my hypothesis was that the force would have a direct proportional increase to the length of the conductor (L). Of course, having plotted a graph shows that it systematic errors and random errors presented itself. The question is, what are these errors and how can i determine the percentage error of the magnetic flux density (B) if i do not have a theoretical value?
Physics news on
  • #2
One way to approach measurement error is to make multiple determinations of the output for the "same" input and then average them and compute the standard error of the mean.

Also, suggesting how to assess the error in the current experiment would be easier if we could see your raw data and your efforts to produce a best fit to a line.

A look at your current draft of your lab report would also be helpful.
  • #3
I would compute the standard error for each resulting force to give the "error bars" for the graph of force vs. length.

Then I would do a least squares fit (in Excel or other graphing program) of the force vs. length. Does the line go through all the error bars, or are some of the points more than their error bars away from the line?

FAQ: Errors in basic current balance experiment?

1. What are the sources of error in a basic current balance experiment?

The sources of error in a basic current balance experiment could include human error, equipment limitations, environmental factors, and measurement uncertainties. Human error can occur when taking measurements or setting up the experiment. Equipment limitations may cause inaccuracies in readings or measurements. Environmental factors such as temperature or humidity can also affect the results. Measurement uncertainties are inherent in any measurement and can contribute to errors in the experiment.

2. How can human error be minimized in a basic current balance experiment?

Human error can be minimized by following proper experimental procedures, using precise and accurate measurements, and having multiple people conduct the experiment and compare results. It is also important to carefully record all data and calculations to avoid mistakes.

3. How does equipment calibration affect the accuracy of a basic current balance experiment?

The accuracy of a basic current balance experiment can be affected by equipment calibration. If the equipment used in the experiment is not properly calibrated, it may produce inaccurate readings or measurements. It is important to calibrate equipment regularly to ensure accurate results.

4. How can environmental factors be controlled in a basic current balance experiment?

Environmental factors can be controlled in a basic current balance experiment by conducting the experiment in a controlled environment, such as a laboratory. The temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions should be kept consistent throughout the experiment to minimize their impact on the results.

5. What steps can be taken to reduce measurement uncertainties in a basic current balance experiment?

To reduce measurement uncertainties in a basic current balance experiment, it is important to use high-quality equipment, take multiple measurements, and use statistical analysis to identify and account for any uncertainties. It is also important to follow proper experimental procedures and record all data accurately.
