Escape Speed and Atmospheric Temperatures of Planets: Calculations and Analysis

In summary, the escape speed for a particle to leave the gravitational influence of a planet is given by (2GM/R)^1/2, where M is the mass of the planet, R is its radius, and G is the gravitational constant. The temperature near the top of Jupiter's multicolored cloud layer is about 140K, while at the top of Earth's troposphere it is about 220K. The rms speed of hydrogen molecules in each of these environments is calculated using the formula Vrms = sqrt(3RT/M), with the mass of H2 being 2g/mol or 0.002kg/mol. This results in Vrms for Jupiter being 1.321x10^3 m/s and V
  • #1
a) Show that the escape speed for a particle to leave the gravitational infuence of a planet is given by (2GM/R)^1/2, where M is the mass of the planet, R is its radius, and G is the gravitational constant.
b) The temperature near the top of Jupiter's multicolored cloud layer is about 140K. The temperature at the top of the Earth's troposphere, at an altitude of about 20km, is about 220k. Calculate the rms speed of huydrogen molecules (h2) in each of these environments. Give your answers in the m/s and as a fraction of the escape speed from the
respective planet.
c) Hydrogen gas is a rare element in the Earth's atm. In the atmosphere of Jupiter, by contrast, 89% of all molecules are H2. Explain why, using your results from the previous part.
d) Ceres is an asteroid with mass equal to .014 times the mass of the moon, a density of 2400kg/m^3 and a surface temp of about 200K. Suppose an astronomer claims to have iscovered an oxygen (O2) atmosphere on the asteroid Ceres. You are asked by a TV news reporter to comment on this claim. What would you say, and how would you support that?

a) I don't fully understand what I have to calculate or demonstrate in this, can someone please break this down for me? Thanks!

b) I need the formula Vrms = sqrt(3RT/M)

M of H2 = 2g/mol = .002kg/mol

Vrms Jupiter = sqrt(3x8.314x140k/.002kg) = 1.321x10^3 m/s
Vrms Earth = sqrt(3x8.314x220k/.002kg)= 1.656x10^3 m/s

I don't quite understand what I have to do to get the fraction of the escape speed relative to the planet.

I suppose use the given formula (2GM/R)^1/2 to calculate each plantes escape and then divide that number by the Vrms of Jupiter and Earth?? What is g, M, and R of jupiter?? Is 9.8m/s the gravitational force at 20km high in the Earth's atmosphere?? Please help!

c) I am guessing this will have to do with the escape velocity of each planet? Maybe Jupiter likes to hang on to it's H2 and Earth let's them go?

d) Lost me again on this one? Thanks for all the help..:confused: :confused: :confused:
Physics news on
  • #2
Once you've got the rest d) is dead easy zferic. You just plug a) and b) back in.
  • #3

a) To calculate the escape speed, we need to use the formula (2GM/R)^1/2, where M is the mass of the planet, R is its radius, and G is the gravitational constant. This formula shows the minimum speed that a particle needs to escape the gravitational pull of a planet. To demonstrate this formula, we can use the principles of escape velocity and gravitational potential energy.

b) To calculate the rms speed of hydrogen molecules (H2) in each environment, we can use the formula Vrms = sqrt(3RT/M), where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and M is the molar mass of the gas. The molar mass of H2 is 2g/mol, so we can use this value to calculate the Vrms for both environments. To get the fraction of the escape speed, we can divide the Vrms by the escape speed calculated in part a.

c) The reason why there is a higher percentage of H2 in Jupiter's atmosphere compared to Earth's atmosphere is due to the escape velocity of each planet. Jupiter has a larger mass and radius compared to Earth, which means it has a higher escape velocity. This makes it more difficult for H2 molecules to escape Jupiter's gravitational pull, leading to a higher percentage of H2 in its atmosphere.

d) Based on the given information, it is highly unlikely that an oxygen (O2) atmosphere exists on the asteroid Ceres. Ceres is much smaller and has a lower mass and density compared to the Moon, which does not have enough gravitational pull to hold onto an atmosphere. Additionally, the surface temperature of 200K is not high enough to sustain an O2 atmosphere. Therefore, it is more likely that any O2 detected on Ceres is due to other factors such as surface contamination or instrumentation errors.

FAQ: Escape Speed and Atmospheric Temperatures of Planets: Calculations and Analysis

1. What is a planetary atmosphere?

A planetary atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds a planet. It is held in place by the planet's gravity and plays a crucial role in maintaining the planet's temperature and protecting it from harmful solar radiation.

2. What gases make up a planetary atmosphere?

The composition of a planetary atmosphere varies depending on the planet, but the most common gases found in atmospheres are nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Other gases present in smaller amounts may include water vapor, methane, and noble gases such as helium and neon.

3. How does a planet's atmosphere affect its temperature?

A planet's atmosphere acts like a blanket, trapping heat from the planet's surface and keeping it warm. The amount of heat that is trapped depends on the composition of the atmosphere and the distance of the planet from its sun.

4. Can a planet's atmosphere change over time?

Yes, a planet's atmosphere can change over time due to various factors such as volcanic activity, changes in the planet's orbit, and human activities. These changes can lead to shifts in temperature and composition of the atmosphere, which can have significant impacts on the planet's climate and habitability.

5. How do scientists study planetary atmospheres?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to study planetary atmospheres, including remote sensing using satellites and telescopes, in-situ measurements from spacecraft and rovers, and computer simulations. By combining these methods, scientists can gather a comprehensive understanding of a planet's atmosphere and how it functions.
