Escape Velocity and Centripetal/Centrifugal Acceleration

In summary, the conversation involved a discussion about the effects of traveling at escape velocity in a circular path around a celestial body. It was found that at this speed, the acceleration experienced by the passengers would be equal to the gravitational acceleration, but in the opposite direction. This fact was derived from the relationship between orbital energy and escape energy, and it was considered as a potential method for space launching. However, it was noted that the practicality of this method would be hindered by friction losses when traveling through the atmosphere at high speeds.
  • #1
This is just a reality that I have stumbled upon that I'm sure was well-known, but I still found it interesting. I apologize if this is second-nature to physics experts.

I was responding to a post on a different thread that claimed you could make a tunnel around the Earth and if you sent a train or something around that tunnel at 11.2 km/s, the people inside would feel weightless. Of course, this isn't the case; they only need to be traveling at what the orbital velocity would be at the surface of the Earth. I corrected him, and also wanted to be able to tell him what would happen if the train WERE going 11.2 km/s, and I calculated it, and as it turns out, the people on that train would experience 1G, but toward the top of the train. I though maybe this was a coincidence, so I actually did the math and it turns out that it is EXACTLY 1G. Like I said, I'm sure this is well-known, but I though it was a cool fact. At escape velocity, you would experience exactly 1G toward the roof. It would feel as though you were still on Earth, but the ceiling of the train would become the floor. I further delved into the equations and came up with why this was the case.

The acceleration due to gravity is GM/r². Centripetal acceleration can be calculated as v²/r. Escape velocity is √(2GM/r), and if we plug in the escape velocity into the centripetal acceleration equation, we get 2GM/r². I found that to be very cool. Acceleration due to gravity is GM/r² while centripetal acceleration with a radial velocity equal to escape velocity would be 2GM/r². Gotta love physics.
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  • #2
willoughby said:
It would feel as though you were still on Earth, but the ceiling of the train would become the floor. I further delved into the equations and came up with why this was the case.

somehow i could not feel the thrill of 'new physics'...or i missed it...normally if you rotate anything on Earth say a man sitting inside the rotating body will need a force to keep it on that path and the reaction of the top of the container will provide it , otherwise he will fly off tangentially. so whatever be the magnitude of the velocity ...the force needed will be mass times v^2 divided by r. thanks and pl explain what was amiss.
  • #3
willoughby said:
I actually did the math and it turns out that it is EXACTLY 1G. Like I said, I'm sure this is well-known, but I though it was a cool fact.
I didn’t know it! Definitely interesting
  • #4
Thought I would do the calculation for the moon and it appears to give the same answer...

The escape velocity of the moon is 2.38 km/s. The radius of the moon is 1737km.

a = v2/r = 23802 / 1737,000
= 3.26 m/s2

The actual acceleration due to gravity is 1.63 m/s2 so the net upward acceleration is 3.26 - 1.63 = 1.63m/s2 or 1 moon g upwards.
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  • #5
Yes, it would work anywhere. Basically, if you were in some vehicle that was traveling in a circle with a radius equal to the distance from the center of any given mass at a radial velocity equal to the escape velocity from that mass at that height, the net acceleration would be equal to the gravitational acceleration - just in the opposite direction since the resulting radial acceleration is exactly equal to twice the gravitational acceleration from that same height.
  • #6
One could derive it from the related fact that orbital energy for a circular orbit is half of escape energy. Double the energy and you've multiplied speed by ##\sqrt{2}##. Multiply speed by ##\sqrt{2}## and you've doubled centripetal acceleration.
  • #7
It looks like a special case of the virial theorem.
  • #8
I was just trying to imagine what the journey would feel like for passengers and then I considered other practicalities for space launching in this way. Assuming the tube that was being used could be evacuated, there would be no problem inside it but, as soon as the ship emerged at sea level, there would be significant friction losses at the high speed through air at 1At. But perhaps the time for that phase would not be too long(?).
So I think this may just be a thought experiment, at best. Mr Musk seems to have the best solution at the present time.

FAQ: Escape Velocity and Centripetal/Centrifugal Acceleration

What is escape velocity and how is it calculated?

Escape velocity is the minimum speed an object needs to achieve in order to break free from the gravitational pull of another object, such as a planet. It is calculated using the formula v = √(2GM/r), where v is the escape velocity, G is the universal gravitational constant, M is the mass of the larger object, and r is the distance between the two objects.

What factors affect escape velocity?

The factors that affect escape velocity include the mass and radius of the larger object, as well as the distance between the two objects. These variables are accounted for in the formula for calculating escape velocity, as mentioned previously.

What is centripetal acceleration and how is it related to escape velocity?

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration an object experiences when moving in a circular path. It is always directed towards the center of the circle. Centripetal acceleration is related to escape velocity because it is one of the components of the overall acceleration an object experiences when trying to escape the gravitational pull of another object. The other component is centrifugal acceleration, which is directed away from the center of the circle.

What is the difference between centripetal and centrifugal acceleration?

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration an object experiences while moving in a circular path, always directed towards the center of the circle. Centrifugal acceleration, on the other hand, is the apparent outward acceleration an object experiences when moving in a circular path, due to its inertia. It is directed away from the center of the circle and is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to centripetal acceleration.

How do escape velocity and centripetal/centrifugal acceleration relate to space travel?

Escape velocity and centripetal/centrifugal acceleration are crucial for space travel, as they determine the minimum speed and acceleration needed to break free from Earth's gravitational pull and orbit around other celestial bodies. They also play a role in the trajectory and speed of spacecrafts, and must be carefully calculated and considered in order to successfully navigate space missions.
