Escaping earth's atmosphere with a balloon

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using a weather balloon to assist with escaping the atmosphere and attaching a rocket to take it the rest of the way. It is noted that the weight of the fuel and rocket may weigh down the balloon and reduce its impact, and the altitude reached by a weather balloon may not be enough to significantly help in this process. The conversation also touches on the challenges of gaining enough speed to achieve orbit and the role of atmospheric drag in rocket launches. It is mentioned that using a balloon to lift such a heavy payload is not feasible. The conversation concludes with a discussion about dynamic pressure and the potential use of a rockoon.
  • #1
Dead Fish
Hi all,

So my question is, could you use a weather balloon to assist with escaping the atmosphere and attaching a rocket to take it the rest of the way, and we're talking a really small payload obviously.

Would the weight of the fuel/rocket weigh down the balloon enough to significantly reduce its impact?

Or simply am I (literally) miles off and the altitude a weather balloon reaches will help in no way?
On average a weather balloon can surpass the boundary of space (100km), so it's done most of the work?

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  • #2
Dead Fish said:
Or simply am I (literally) miles off and the altitude a weather balloon reaches will help in no way?
On average a weather balloon can surpass the boundary of space (100km), so it's done most of the work?

The bulk of the work is not gaining the altitude, but getting enough speed to get in an orbit around the earth, and not fall back immediately.
If we can believe wikipedia, the altitude record for unmanned balloons is 53 km. Getting 1 kg to 53 km takes mgh = 1 * 9.8 * 53000 = 5.19 * 10^5 J.

Minimum Orbital speed is 7.5 km/s = 75000 m/s. The kinetic energy needed is (1/2)mv^2 = (1/2) * 1 * (7500)^2 = 2.81 * 10^7 J. If you start on the equator and use the 450 m/s rotational speed of the earth, you still need (1/2) * (7050)^2 = 2.48 * 10^7. Still about 50 times more energy needed than the boost you can get from getting to 53 km.
  • #3
willem2 said:
Still about 50 times more energy needed than the boost you can get from getting to 53 km.

I'm not sure I understand what you're comparing here?

It would make sense that the problem you have now is you have to reach the speeds required to go from the 53 km to outer space?
And you're suggesting that this is still a significant amount of the work left to do?

Wouldn't the thinner atmosphere and weaker gravity make it far easier to reach those speeds?
  • #4
Hi Dead Fish,

willem2 is referring to the speed required to get in orbit, which is usually what you want to achieve with spacecraft .
While this speed is dependent on the strength of gravity and gravity falls with the square of distance, the difference between 6378km(Earth radius) and 6431km (radius + 53km) is minuscle, and the speed required doesn't differ much.

However, the atmospheric drag is significant.
If not for the atmosphere, rockets could be in principle launched into orbits barely high enough to clear any mountaintops in their way. With atmosphere, it is more fuel-efficient to go nearly straight up until the air gets thinner, before starting to accelerate sideways.

Have a look at this infographic for the Zenit3SL rocket launch profile:
The record height a balloon could get you (53km as of today), could potentially allow you to reduce the first stage by a good bit, as most of it is used just to propel the rest of the rocket above the atmosphere.

However, what's left is still a humongous weight in fuel and metal, and lifting it up with a balloon to any height, let alone the record 53km is beyond daunting.
Buoyancy equation states that ##F_B=(\rho _{air} - \rho _{gas})*g*V##, so at sea level you get enough lift from 1 cubic metre of helium to move 1 kg of payload. This goes down quickly as air density decreases. At 6km you'd need twice the amount to stay afloat.
The size of a balloon needed just to lift a couple hundred tonnes of payload off the ground is about the same as Hindenburg, and this is not taking into account the weight of the balloon itself.
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  • #5
Dead Fish said:
I'm not sure I understand what you're comparing here?

It would make sense that the problem you have now is you have to reach the speeds required to go from the 53 km to outer space?
You don't gain speed because you need speed to get into outer space, you gain speed because you want to be in orbit once you reach space. So gaining altitude has no impact on that requirement; they are completely separate things.
  • #6
Bandersnatch said:
What is Q [kgf/m2] here ?
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  • #8
I was wondering what kind of unit is "kgf". Now I see it means "kilogram force", lol.
  • #9
Dead Fish said:
could you use a weather balloon to assist with escaping the atmosphere and attaching a rocket to take it the rest of the way


Related to Escaping earth's atmosphere with a balloon

1. How does a balloon help in escaping earth's atmosphere?

The buoyancy force provided by the helium gas inside the balloon helps in lifting the payload (such as a spacecraft or research equipment) upwards towards the edge of earth's atmosphere.

2. Is it possible to reach outer space with just a balloon?

No, a balloon can only help in reaching the edge of earth's atmosphere, also known as the stratosphere. Outer space begins at an altitude of about 100 kilometers, which is much higher than the maximum altitude a balloon can reach.

3. What type of balloon is used for this type of mission?

The most commonly used type of balloon for escaping earth's atmosphere is a high-altitude balloon, also known as a weather balloon. These balloons are made of a durable and lightweight material, such as latex or polyethylene, and can reach altitudes of up to 40 kilometers.

4. How long does it take for the balloon to reach the edge of earth's atmosphere?

The time it takes for the balloon to reach the edge of earth's atmosphere depends on various factors such as the size and type of balloon, the weight of the payload, and the weather conditions. On average, it can take anywhere from 1-3 hours for the balloon to reach its maximum altitude.

5. What happens to the balloon after it reaches the edge of earth's atmosphere?

Once the balloon reaches the edge of earth's atmosphere, it will continue to rise until it reaches a point where the air pressure is equal to the pressure inside the balloon. At this point, the balloon will burst and the payload will begin its descent back to earth with the help of a parachute.

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