Estimate induced emf in the coil

In summary, the induced emf in the coil at times near t = 0.3s, t = 0.4s, and t = 0.5s is -63V, 0V, and 63V respectively. This was found by using differentiation to calculate the rate of change of the magnetic flux and then using the formula for emf. However, it is possible to get a better estimate by drawing a tangent on the curve at the required point and calculating its gradient.
  • #1
[Solved] Estimate induced emf in the coil

Homework Statement

Consider a single-loop coil whose magnetic flux is given by this image:

Estimate the induced emf in the coil at times near t = 0.3s, t = 0.4s and t = 0.5s

This is for algebra-based physics.

Homework Equations

emf = -N*(change in flux)/change in time

The Attempt at a Solution

At t = 0.3s
emf = -1(4- -4)/(0.4 - 0.2) = -8/0.2 = -40V

At t = 0.4s
Rate of change = 0

At t = 0.5s
emf = -1(-4 - 4)/(0.6 - 0.4) = 8/0.2 = 40V

My first and third answers are wrong. What've I missed? The textbook has -0.06kV, 0 and 0.06kV but those answers are also incorrect.

Edit: Solved it. This is the graph of
4 Cos[(2 Pi/(0.4))*x]
Differentiating this gives y = -20pi*Sin[5pi*x]
Evaluating it at t = 0.3 s gives 63V. I do not know why differentiation is used for an algebra-based physics problem when my TA explicitly told me to not use calculus, but there it is.
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Physics news on
  • #2
make a better estimate because the gradient at 0.3s is rather different from the gradient of the line joining the max at 0.4s and the min at 0.2s.
  • #3
How would I do that?

Using t = 0.25s and t = 0.35s as my points for t = 0.3s,
-(3 - -3)/(0.35 - 0.25) = -6/0.1 = -60V, which is also wrong.

Edit: The correct answer is -63V, 0V, 63V. I have no idea how to calculate this. The textbook has -60V, 0V, 60V, which is apparently incorrect.

Edit: Solved it. This is the graph of
4 Cos[(2 Pi/(0.4))*x]
Differentiating this gives y = -20pi*Sin[5pi*x]
Evaluating it at t = 0.3 s gives 63V. I do not know why differentiation is used for an algebra-based physics problem when my TA explicitly told me to not use calculus, but there it is.
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  • #4
So your second estimate, 60V, was correct!
I do not think you can use differentiation if an estimate was asked for.
  • #5
Yes, however the homework system won't accept it for some reason. I tried 60V, as the textbook said that, then I tried a wider window and got 40V, then I gave up and fitted it to a cosine curve.
  • #6
You can get a better estimate than 60V if a tangent is drawn on the curve at the required point and its gradient is calculated. The longer this tangent is drawn the better is the estimate. It is still an estimate since the axes are not subdivided further.
  • #7
Thanks, I will keep that in mind for next time.

Related to Estimate induced emf in the coil

What is induced emf in a coil?

Induced emf in a coil is the electromotive force that is produced in a coil of wire when it is subjected to a changing magnetic field. It is caused by the movement of the magnetic field through the conductor, which creates a flow of electrons and generates a voltage.

How is induced emf calculated in a coil?

The induced emf in a coil can be calculated using Faraday's law of induction, which states that the magnitude of the induced emf is equal to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil. This can be represented by the equation E = -N(dΦ/dt), where E is the induced emf, N is the number of turns in the coil, and Φ is the magnetic flux.

What factors affect the induced emf in a coil?

The induced emf in a coil is affected by several factors, including the strength and direction of the magnetic field, the number of turns in the coil, and the rate of change of the magnetic field. Additionally, the material and size of the coil can also have an impact on the induced emf.

How can induced emf be increased in a coil?

Induced emf in a coil can be increased by increasing the strength of the magnetic field, increasing the number of turns in the coil, or increasing the rate of change of the magnetic field. Additionally, using a material with higher magnetic permeability or increasing the size of the coil can also increase the induced emf.

What are some real-world applications of induced emf in a coil?

Induced emf in a coil has several practical applications, including power generation in generators and alternators, electromagnetic induction in transformers, and power transfer in wireless charging systems. It is also used in devices such as electromagnetic sensors and induction cooktops.
