Estimate Star Formation Rate: Kennicutt-Schmidt Law

In summary, the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law is a mathematical relationship that describes the rate at which stars are formed in a galaxy. It can be used to estimate the star formation rate by measuring the gas density in a galaxy. However, there are several factors that can affect its accuracy, such as the presence of other sources of gas heating or cooling, the distribution of gas within a galaxy, and the presence of dust. Additionally, the law has limitations as it is based on observations of nearby galaxies and does not take into account certain factors such as stellar feedback and magnetic fields. Despite these limitations, the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law is a valuable tool in understanding the evolution of galaxies and the relationship between gas and star formation.
  • #1
How does one analytically estimate star formation rate in a plasma cloud? Could someone lead me to original references? Kennicutt-Schmidt Law, I guess, is empirical.
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  • #2
I'm not familiar with any work that does this in more than order of magnitude sense. The general idea is to estimate the star formation rate as the molecular-gas infall rate - with some efficiency factor, e.g.

[tex]\rm{SFR} \sim \epsilon \cdot M_{H} \cdot t_\rm{dyn}^{-1}[/tex]

Where [itex]\epsilon[/itex] is the efficiency factor (maybe ~0.1), and [itex]t_\rm{dyn}[/itex] is the dynamical time.

FAQ: Estimate Star Formation Rate: Kennicutt-Schmidt Law

1. What is the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law?

The Kennicutt-Schmidt Law is a mathematical relationship that describes the rate at which stars are formed in a galaxy. It states that the star formation rate is proportional to the gas density raised to a power of approximately 1.4.

2. How is the star formation rate estimated using the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law?

The star formation rate can be estimated by measuring the gas density in a galaxy and applying the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law. This can be done using various methods such as observing the emission from molecular gas or measuring the amount of dust in a galaxy.

3. What factors can affect the accuracy of the estimated star formation rate using the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law?

There are several factors that can affect the accuracy of the estimated star formation rate. These include the presence of other sources of gas heating or cooling, the distribution of gas within a galaxy, and the presence of dust that can obscure measurements of gas density.

4. Are there any limitations to the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law?

Yes, there are some limitations to the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law. It is based on observations of star formation in nearby galaxies and may not accurately apply to more distant or extreme galaxies. Additionally, it does not take into account the effects of stellar feedback or the role of magnetic fields in star formation.

5. What is the significance of the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law in understanding the evolution of galaxies?

The Kennicutt-Schmidt Law is an important tool in understanding the process of star formation in galaxies and how it contributes to the evolution of galaxies over time. It helps us to better understand the relationship between gas and star formation, and how this process may differ in different types of galaxies. It also provides a way to estimate the total amount of stars that have formed in a galaxy, which can help us to understand the overall history and future of that galaxy.
