Estimates of galaxy numbers - re Herschel resuts

In summary: The article goes on to state that the Hubble Ultra Deep Field has found about 10,000 galaxies in just one snapshot across a tenth of the sky, and that there are probably many more galaxies that we don't see because they are too faint or far away. So the total number of galaxies in the universe is probably much higher than 10^11.
  • #1
In the January 2013 issue of Physics World there is an article by Steve Eales, illustrated with some remarkable images of galaxies obtained with the Herschel observatory. One, on page 31, is very appropriately captioned "Not stars; galaxies", because it looks very like star clouds, say in Sagittarius. It is a quite wonderful image that shows some 7000 galaxies; I'm told it's about four degrees on a side. If the entire celestial sphere were somehow to be imaged by Herschel in this way I figure one might say that the so observed universe would contain about 23 million galaxies. This prompts me to ask what, by comparison, is the actual estimated total number of galaxies in the observable galaxy-containing universe?
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  • #2
Most estimates I have seen conclude that there are about 10^11 galaxies in the observable universe. This link ( goes through a couple of calculations. Of course this is a rough number.

Herschel is only seeing relatively nearby galaxies, which is why your number is so much smaller.
  • #3
The Hubble Ultra Deep Field is the gold standard for galaxy counts. The are about 10,000 galaxies in that image covering about a 10 millionth of the entire sky. It took Hubble the better part of a year to collect this one small snapshot of the distant universe -
  • #4
Thanks, Phyzguy and Chronos. For me, that Herschel image is as impressive in its way as the Hubble images, as it incudes galaxies whose light has taken about 3/4 of our universe's age to reach us. Regarding these as "relatively nearby galaxies" truly emphasizes the immensity of our astronomical environment!
  • #5
link to the Herschel image please?

  • #6
Eric: I'm not sure if a link to this specific image is available. You could try or which have lots of Herschel images. is the link to the magazine where the image was published in the January 2013 issue, p.31. I saw the print edition, but access to the link may need membership of the Inst. of Physics.
  • #7
Ref the Cosmology thread, Estimating the number of galaxies, submitted by Jim Johnson
  • #8
Thanks, jimjohnson,for pointing me to this
interesting thread . It fully answers my query about the total density of galaxies. The observed-by-Herschel density is only about 1/7000 part of this total but still gives the impression, rather like the star clouds in our Milky way, of an almost continuous, wall-to-wall distribution of galaxies. It first made me wonder why our night sky is not as bright as our Milky way --- galaxies are after all gravity-bound structures that don't expand along with the universe, so their per unit perceived- area surface brightness, like that of stars,
should be independent of distance from us. I now realize that my above impression must be an artefact of the way the raw Herschel data was processed, which masks the dimming produced by the galaxy separations created by the universe’s expansion. I suspect that this expansion may be ruled by the balance of energies mandated by the Virial Theorem, which rules many other dynamic activities, such as the height attained by stones we toss upwards, the speeds of orbiting planets in our solar system, and of both stars or galaxies that are gravitationally bound together. This theorem is a true vis viva of systems.

Related to Estimates of galaxy numbers - re Herschel resuts

1. How many galaxies are estimated to exist in the observable universe?

According to the latest estimates from the Herschel results, there are approximately 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe. However, this number is constantly changing as new data and observations are made.

2. How did the Herschel telescope gather data for estimating galaxy numbers?

The Herschel telescope used infrared imaging to detect and study galaxies that are otherwise invisible to optical telescopes. It observed a portion of the sky for over 4 years, generating a large dataset that was used to estimate the number of galaxies in the observable universe.

3. What is the significance of the Herschel results for our understanding of the universe?

The Herschel results have significantly expanded our knowledge of the universe by providing a more accurate estimate of the number of galaxies. This information has also helped in studying the evolution and distribution of galaxies in the universe.

4. How do scientists use galaxy number estimates in their research?

Galaxy number estimates are used by scientists to better understand the structure and evolution of the universe. They also help in studying the relationship between different galaxies and their environments, as well as the effects of dark matter and dark energy on the formation and growth of galaxies.

5. Are there any limitations to the Herschel results and galaxy number estimates?

Like any scientific study, the Herschel results and galaxy number estimates have some limitations. For example, the estimates are based on a small portion of the sky and may not represent the entire universe. Additionally, they are subject to errors and uncertainties due to the complexity of the universe and the methods used for estimation.

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