Estimating integral with Maclaurin series

In summary, SammyS explains that a Maclaurin series is just a Taylor series centered at 0, and that if you substitute 7x2 for x, your first two terms will be: sin(7(0)^{2}) and 14(0)^{2}cos(7(0)^{2}) . He also mentions that if you take derivatives until you get non-zero terms, you will get the correct answer. Finally, he explains that integrating the series gives you: \frac{7x^{3}}{3}-\frac{49x^{7}}{6}
  • #1

Homework Statement

Assume that sin(x) equals its Maclaurin series for all x. Use the first two terms of the Maclaurin series for sin(7x^2) to approximate the integral:

[tex]\int_{0}^{0.77}sin(7x^{2})\ dx[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

If I understand correctly, a Maclaurin series is just a Taylor series centered at 0. Therefore, my first two terms would be:




I feel like I'm getting off on the wrong foot right away.

Help anyone?
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  • #2
your first derivative is slightly off it should just 14xcos(7x^2), evaluated at zero. which just equals zero.
  • #3
lxman said:

Homework Statement

If I understand correctly, a Maclaurin series is just a Taylor series centered at 0. Therefore, my first two terms would be:




I feel like I'm getting off on the wrong foot right away.

Help anyone?

Yes you are doing this correctly so far except your second term should be

[tex]14(x) cos(7(x)^{2}) \right _{x=0} [/tex]

which of course gives the same result. But this could have messed you up with your next derivatives.

Now try to take a few more derivatives until you get some non zero terms. Don't forget about the product rule :wink:
  • #4
The original problem statement says to use the first two terms of the Maclaurin series. So when I am constructing the series, I just basically throw away any terms with zero values, and the non-zero terms then become my series.

Is this correct?
  • #5
One way to do this is to take the Maclaurin series for sin(x), then substitute 7x2 for x. Then integrate that tern by term.
  • #6
lxman said:
The original problem statement says to use the first two terms of the Maclaurin series. So when I am constructing the series, I just basically throw away any terms with zero values, and the non-zero terms then become my series.

Is this correct?

Yes, just use the first two non zero terms.
  • #7
SammyS, your idea sounds MUCH simpler, but you would have to explain the details of implementation to me.

So, doing it the hard way - and yes, it gets a bit messy, so I won't post all the details.

I end up with the first two non-zero terms being term 2, which evaluates to 14, and term 6, which evaluates to -41160.

Dividing these with their factorials, multiplying by the x-a terms (which is just x, as a is zero) and simplifying, I end up with:

[tex]7x^{2}-\frac{343\ x^{6}}{6}[/tex]

Plugging in 0.77, I get a result of -7.764512728421

I know the actual value of the integral is about 0.3

I presume the error comes from the fact that I am only using two terms.

Am I correct?
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  • #8
lxman said:
SammyS, your idea sounds MUCH simpler, but you would have to explain the details of implementation to me.

So, doing it the hard way - and yes, it gets a bit messy, so I won't post all the details.

I end up with the first two non-zero terms being term 2, which evaluates to 14, and term 5, which evaluates to -41160.

Dividing these with their factorials, multiplying by the x-a terms (which is just x, as a is zero) and simplifying, I end up with:

[tex]7x^{2}-\frac{343\ x^{6}}{6}[/tex]

Plugging in 0.77, I get a result of -7.764512728421

I know the actual value of the integral is about 0.3

I presume the error comes from the fact that I am only using two terms.

Am I correct?

But you have to integrate it first. You can't just plug in .77 before you integrate.
  • #9
Okay, yep, missed that one completely.

Integrating gives me:


Now, plugging in 0.77, I get -0.245385 which is much closer.

Again, I presume the error is from only using two terms.
  • #10
Yes it is. If you had tried three terms, you would get a number even close, but above the correct answer.
  • #11
Thank you all for your help.
  • #12
Have a great day!

FAQ: Estimating integral with Maclaurin series

1. What is a Maclaurin series?

A Maclaurin series is a special type of power series expansion that represents a function as an infinite sum of terms involving powers of x. It is named after the Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin.

2. How is a Maclaurin series used to estimate integrals?

To estimate an integral using a Maclaurin series, we can substitute the Maclaurin series representation of the function into the integral. This allows us to replace the original function with an infinite polynomial that is easier to integrate.

3. What is the advantage of using a Maclaurin series to estimate integrals?

The advantage of using a Maclaurin series is that it allows us to approximate the value of an integral without having to evaluate the function at every single point. This can be especially useful for functions that are difficult to integrate analytically.

4. What are the limitations of using a Maclaurin series to estimate integrals?

One limitation of using a Maclaurin series to estimate integrals is that it only works well for functions that are smooth and well-behaved. If the function has a singularity or discontinuity, the series may not converge or may give inaccurate results.

5. How do you determine the accuracy of an integral estimate using a Maclaurin series?

The accuracy of an integral estimate using a Maclaurin series depends on how many terms of the series are used. The more terms we include, the more accurate the estimate will be. We can also compare the estimate to the actual value of the integral to determine its accuracy.

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