Euler's equation for one-dimensional flow (Landau Lifshitz)

In summary, the authors pose a problem in Landau & Lifshitz Fluid Mechanics (2nd edition) regarding the one-dimensional motion of an ideal fluid using Lagrangian variables. They then provide their solutions and assumptions, including the condition of mass conservation and Euler's equation. The authors arrive at this equation by considering a bunch of particles in a range [a,a+da] and applying Newton's law. It is important to note that in the Euler view, where a is taken constant, the gradient term (convective term) is incorporated in the "Euler derivative." Therefore, the "Euler derivative" is the same as the convective derivative. This explains why the second term on the LHS of the full Euler's
  • #1
One page 5 in Landau & Lifshitz Fluid Mechanics (2nd edition), the authors pose the following problem:
Write down the equations for one-dimensional motion of an ideal fluid in terms of the variables [itex]a[/itex], [itex]t[/itex], where [itex]a[/itex] (called a Lagrangian variable) is the [itex]x[/itex] coordinate of a fluid particle at some instant [itex]t=t0[/itex].

The authors then go on to give their solutions and assumptions. Here are the important parts:

The coordinate [itex]x[/itex] of a fluid particle at an instant [itex]t[/itex] is regarded as a function of [itex]t[/itex] and its coordinate a at the initial instant: [itex]x=x(a,t)[/itex].

For the condition of mass conversation the authors arrive at (where [itex]ρ_0=ρ(a)[/itex] is the given initial density distribution):
ρ\mathrm{d}x=ρ_0 \mathrm{d}a

or alternatively:

Now the authors go on to write out Euler's equation, where I start to miss something. With the velocity of the fluid particle [itex]v=\left(\frac{∂x}{∂t}\right)_a[/itex] and [itex]\left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right)_a[/itex] the rate of change of the velocity of the particle during its motion, they write for Euler's equation:
\left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right)_a=−1ρ_0 \left(\frac{∂p}{∂a}\right)_t

How are the authors arriving at that equation?

In particular, when looking at the full Euler's equation:
\frac{∂v}{∂t}+(\mathbf{v}⋅\textbf{grad})\mathbf{v}=−1 ρ\, \textbf{grad}\, p

what happens with the second term on the LHS, [itex](\mathbf{v}⋅\textbf{grad})\mathbf{v}[/itex]? Why does it not appear in the authors' solution?
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  • #3
jedishrfu said:
Could it be that (v.grad)v is zero meaning the v is perpendicular to grad v?

This. It's a 1-D flow, so the gradient and velocity must be parallel or anti-parallel to one another.
  • #4
That's precisely the point of this exercise.
The derivation is simple: consider a bunch of particles in a range [a,a+da],
and apply Newtons law on this bunch of particles.
You will immediately get the result.
The point is that

[tex]\left(\frac{dv}{dt}\right) = \left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right)_a[/tex]

Note that by definition:

[tex]\left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right) = \left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right)_x[/tex]

The gradient term (convective term) is precisely the variation of velocity that comes from "following the fluid".
The Euler view, where a is taken constant, follows the fluid.
Therefore the "Euler derivative" incorporates the convective term: it is the change of speed when following the fluid.
  • #5
boneh3ad said:
This. It's a 1-D flow, so the gradient and velocity must be parallel or anti-parallel to one another.

Maybe I am being dense, but isn't this a contradiction to what the author above said (namely that gradient and vector are perpendicular)?
  • #6
Landau never said that "gradient and vector are perpendicular".
Here is what he said in the solution to this exercise:

SOLUTION. In these variables the co-ordinate x of any fluid particle at any instant is regarded
as a function of t and its co-ordinate a at the initial instant: x = x(a, t). The condition
of conservation of mass during the motion of a fluid element (the equation of continuity)
is accordingly written ... , or
where ... is a given initial density distribution. The velocity of a fluid particle is, by
definition, ... , and the derivative ... gives the rate of change of the velocity
of the particle during its motion. Euler's equation becomes
and the adiabatic equation is ... .

The message of this exercice is that the "Euler derivative" (derivative when following the fluid) is the same thing as the convective derivative

[tex]\left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right)_a = \frac{dv}{dt} = \frac{∂v}{∂t}+(\mathbf{v}⋅\textbf{grad})\mathbf{v}[/tex]

where by definition

[tex]\left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right) = \left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right)_x[/tex]
  • #7
maajdl said:
Landau never said that "gradient and vector are perpendicular".
Here is what he said in the solution to this exercise:

The message of this exercice is that the "Euler derivative" (derivative when following the fluid) is the same thing as the convective derivative

[tex]\left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right)_a = \frac{dv}{dt} = \frac{∂v}{∂t}+(\mathbf{v}⋅\textbf{grad})\mathbf{v}[/tex]

where by definition

[tex]\left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right) = \left(\frac{∂v}{∂t}\right)_x[/tex]

Thank you! Your explanation pointed me in the right direction. :-)

Related to Euler's equation for one-dimensional flow (Landau Lifshitz)

1. What is Euler's equation for one-dimensional flow?

Euler's equation for one-dimensional flow, also known as the Landau-Lifshitz equation, is a fundamental equation in fluid mechanics that describes the motion of a fluid in one dimension. It is derived from the Navier-Stokes equations and takes into account factors such as pressure, viscosity, and inertia.

2. What does Euler's equation for one-dimensional flow represent?

Euler's equation represents the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy in a one-dimensional flow of a fluid. It describes how the velocity, pressure, and density of a fluid change over time and space.

3. What is the significance of Euler's equation in fluid mechanics?

Euler's equation is significant because it provides a simplified and general description of fluid flow in one dimension, making it a useful tool for studying a wide range of phenomena in fluid mechanics. It is also a key component in the theoretical foundation of many engineering applications, such as aerodynamics and hydrodynamics.

4. How is Euler's equation for one-dimensional flow solved?

Euler's equation can be solved analytically or numerically using various mathematical techniques, such as the method of characteristics, finite difference methods, and finite element methods. The exact method used depends on the specific problem being studied and the available resources.

5. What are some real-world applications of Euler's equation for one-dimensional flow?

Euler's equation has many practical applications, including the design and analysis of aircraft wings, the study of ocean currents, the prediction of weather patterns, and the development of hydraulic systems. It is also used in the design of turbines and pumps, as well as in the simulation of blood flow in the human body.

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