Euler's method - geometrical explanation

In summary, the conversation discussed the use of Euler's method to approximate the solution to a given ODE. The graph showed the successive approximations of the solution and how they get closer to the exact solution as more steps are taken. Euler's method uses small steps and draws lines representing the tangent to the exact solution at each point to find the next approximation point.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hello! (Wave)

We take into consideration the following ODE: $\left\{\begin{matrix}
y'=2t &, 0 \leq t \leq 1 \\
y(0)=0 &

Its solution is $y(t)=t^2$.

The following graph shows geometrically how Euler's method work.

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$$y^{n+1}=y^n+hf(t^n,y^n)\\y^{n+1}=y^n+h \cdot 2 \cdot t^n$$

$$t^0=0, y^0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (t^0,y^0)$$We begin from $(t^0,y^0)=(0,0)$ and we draw the line that passes through $(t^0,y^0)$ and has slope $f(t^0,y^0)=0$.

We find the intersection point of this line with $t=t_1=h=0.2$.At the second step we begin from $(t^1,y^1)=(0.2,0)$ and we draw the line that passes from $(t^1,y^1)$ and has slope $f(t^1,y^1)=2t^1=2h=2 \cdot 0.2$.Could you explain further to me what we see from the graph? (Thinking)
I haven't really understood it... (Worried)


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  • #2

Hello! (Wave)

Sure, I'd be happy to explain further. So, in this graph we can see how Euler's method works to approximate the solution to the given ODE. The blue line represents the exact solution, which we know is y = t^2. The red lines represent the successive approximations of the solution using Euler's method.

Starting from the initial point (t^0, y^0) = (0,0), we draw a line with slope f(t^0, y^0) = 0. This line represents the tangent to the exact solution at that point. Then, we find the intersection point of this line with t = t_1 = h = 0.2. This gives us the next approximation point (t^1, y^1).

For the second step, we use this new point as our starting point and draw a line with slope f(t^1, y^1) = 2t^1 = 2h = 2*0.2. This line represents the tangent to the exact solution at the new point, and we find the intersection point with t = t_2 = 2h = 0.4. This process continues, with each new line representing the tangent to the exact solution at the previous approximation point and finding the intersection with the next t value.

As we can see, the red lines get closer and closer to the blue line, which represents the exact solution. This is because Euler's method uses small steps to approximate the solution, and as we take more and more steps, the approximation becomes more accurate. I hope this helps to clarify things for you. (Smile)

FAQ: Euler's method - geometrical explanation

What is Euler's method and what is its purpose?

Euler's method is a numerical method used to approximate solutions to ordinary differential equations. Its purpose is to provide a simple and efficient way to calculate the value of a function at a given point, based on its derivative at that point.

How does Euler's method work geometrically?

Euler's method works by approximating the graph of a solution to an ordinary differential equation with a series of small straight line segments. The method starts at a known point and uses the slope of the tangent line at that point to determine the next point on the graph. This process is repeated until the desired accuracy is achieved.

What are the advantages and limitations of Euler's method?

The main advantage of Euler's method is its simplicity, making it easy to implement and understand. It is also computationally efficient. However, it may not always provide accurate results, especially for complex functions or when the step size is too large. It also cannot take into account changing slopes of the function, which can lead to significant errors.

Can Euler's method be used for any type of differential equation?

Euler's method is most commonly used for first-order differential equations, but it can also be used for higher-order equations by converting them into a system of first-order equations. However, it may not be the most accurate method for more complex equations and other numerical methods may be more suitable.

What are some real-world applications of Euler's method?

Euler's method has many applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. It can be used to model and predict the behavior of systems such as population growth, chemical reactions, and projectile motion. It is also commonly used in computer simulations and numerical analysis to approximate solutions to differential equations.

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