Euler's proof of infinite primes and his product formula.

In summary, Euler's original proof of the infinitude of primes involved proving his product formula and equating the primorial to the divergent harmonic series. However, modern proofs of this formula rely on the assumption that the sum on the left is absolutely convergent for s>1. There is a proof that employs the sieve of Eratosthenes, but it too relies on rearrangement and requires a limit that is not valid for the harmonic series. Thus, it is unclear if the proof is valid for s=1 or s<1 by modern standards of rigor. However, it is widely accepted that the result is true, as shown by other proofs such as the one involving the zeta-function and its irrationality for s=
  • #1
From what I had read, Euler had originally proved the infinitude of primes through proving his product formula and equating the primorial to the divergent harmonic series.

[tex]\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}\frac{1}{n^{s}} = \prod^{\infty}_{p}\frac{1}{1-p^{-s}}[/tex]

where p ranges through the primes. However, the proofs of this formula that I have seen all seem to rely on the fact that the sum on the left is absolutely convergent for s>1. I am sure proofs of this formula can be easily found on the web so I am not going to reproduce them here, but I found the proof which employs the sieve of Eratosthenes quite fascinating. However, that proof too relies on rearrangement and at the last step, it requires that the

[tex]lim_{m\rightarrow\infty}\sum^{\infty}_{m}\frac{1}{n^{s}} = 0[/tex]

which isn't the case for the harmonic series. So is the proof actually valid for the case s=1 (or s<1) by modern standards of rigor? If not, can somebody point me towards a valid proof? I assume that the result is true even if the proofs I found were invalid as it appears to be quite celebrated.
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  • #2
For your last equation (m->∞), the sum is divergent for all s ≤ 1 and all m, so the limit is obviously not 0.
  • #3
Yuqing said:
If not, can somebody point me towards a valid proof?

Here's a proof that I like:

Suppose that there are a finite number of primes. So let the primes be p1, p2, ... , pn.

Now consider the integer + 1. We know any integer can be decomposed into a unique factorization of primes. So: + 1 = p1e1p2e2...pnen

where ei <- N, where N includes 0. There exists a prime pi such that ei > 0. So rewriting the equation:

pi( - p1e1p2e2...pi-1ei-1piei-1pi+1ei+1...pnen) = 1, so pi divides 1, where we get the contradiction.

This is a huge abuse of notation, as i could be 1 or n. But you should get the idea.
  • #4
mathman: I know, which is why is questioned the validity of the theorem.

gb7nash: I was actually looking for a proof of the Euler Product Formula, not an infinitude of primes. Thanks nevertheless, I should've been more clear.

I have read sources which state the theorem for only s > 1, and perhaps the proof and theorem does not hold for s = 1 or s < 1. So does that mean Euler's result cannot be regarded as true?
  • #5
It was not Euler who gave that proof of the infinitude of primes, It goes back, at least, to Euclid.
  • #6
Try google "Euler's product formula". I learned 2 things (1) the expression holds for Re(s) > 1 and (2) the divergence of the series for s = 1 implies that the number of primes is infinite, i.e. the right hand side product is infinite, (so the number of primes is infinite).
  • #7
mathman said:
Try google "Euler's product formula". I learned 2 things (1) the expression holds for Re(s) > 1 and (2) the divergence of the series for s = 1 implies that the number of primes is infinite, i.e. the right hand side product is infinite, (so the number of primes is infinite).

This is sort of what I am asking, please tell me if I am misunderstanding or missing something.

1. The infinite primes are shown through the equality of the product to the series, since the series diverges for s = 1, then the product, being equal, also diverges (hence infinite).

2. If the formula holds for Re(s)>1 then why does the series for s = 1 imply that primes are infinite? The formula has not been shown to hold for s = 1 so how can we assume the equality?
  • #8
I agree with you, the proof of the equality will not hold when s = 1. But what about this: for s = 2 the zeta-function yields pi^2/6 which is irrational. However, if there were a finite number of primes, the product formula would be rational. Another way is to look at the limit as s approaches 1. The zeta-function is continuous, so it will approach infinity. But the product formula would not if there were a finite number of primes.
  • #9
Thank you Jarle, that seems quite satisfactory to me.
  • #10
heres a link to the proof that i know.
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FAQ: Euler's proof of infinite primes and his product formula.

1. What is Euler's proof of infinite primes?

Euler's proof of infinite primes is a mathematical proof that demonstrates the existence of an infinite number of prime numbers. It is based on the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, which states that every positive integer can be uniquely expressed as a product of prime numbers.

2. How did Euler prove the existence of infinite primes?

Euler's proof is a proof by contradiction, where he assumed that there is a largest prime number and then showed that this assumption leads to a contradiction. He used the product formula for primes, which states that the product of all prime numbers is equal to infinity, to prove that there must be an infinite number of primes.

3. What is Euler's product formula?

Euler's product formula, also known as the Euler product, is an infinite product that expresses the value of the Riemann zeta function at positive integer values. It is written as ζ(s) = ∑n=1 1/ns = ∏p prime (1/(1 - p-s)), where s is a complex number with real part greater than 1.

4. How does Euler's proof of infinite primes relate to the Riemann zeta function?

Euler's proof of infinite primes uses the product formula for primes, which is a special case of the Euler product for the Riemann zeta function. The proof shows that if the Riemann zeta function is evaluated at a positive integer value, it will always be a finite value, indicating that there are an infinite number of prime numbers.

5. What is the significance of Euler's proof of infinite primes?

Euler's proof of infinite primes is significant because it provides a rigorous mathematical proof for the existence of an infinite number of prime numbers. It also helps to understand the distribution of prime numbers and has implications in number theory and other branches of mathematics.
