Evaluate Levi-civita expression

In summary: Hang on, so that's actually the solution?\epsilon_{ijk}\epsilon_{jmn}\epsilon_{nkp} = \epsilon_{imp}No, it's not the solution yet!Remember, we want to evaluate the expression \epsilon_{ijk} \epsilon_{jmn} \epsilon_{nkp}So far we have shown that it is equal to εimp.But we still have to evaluate εimp … OoooOooo. I was on the wrong track! Yeepers. Thanks for all your help! :cool:(I'll be minding out for that sword now...)No worries! :smile:So now we have εimp, where i, m and p are fixed.We
  • #1

Homework Statement

Evaluate the expression [tex]\epsilon_{ijk} \epsilon_{jmn} \epsilon_{nkp}[/tex]

Homework Equations

[tex]\epsilon_{ijk} \epsilon_{ilj} = \delta_{jl}\delta_{km} - \delta_{jm}\delta_{kl}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Let [tex]\epsilon_{ijk} = \epsilon_{jki} [/tex] by permutation of Levi-civita

[tex]\epsilon_{jki} \epsilon_{jmn} \epsilon_{nkp} = (\delta_{km}\delta_{in} - \delta_{kn}\delta_{im})\epsilon_{nkp}[/tex]

[tex]\epsilon_{nkp}=0[/tex] if n=k, however [tex]\delta_{kn}=0[/tex] if [tex]n \neq k[/tex]

[tex](\delta_{km}\delta_{in} - \delta_{kn}\delta_{im})\epsilon_{nkp} = (\delta_{km}\delta_{in})\epsilon_{nkp}[/tex]

At this point, can I just go through the possible values for each of the indicies and add it up?

[tex](\delta_{km}\delta_{in})\epsilon_{nkp} = (\delta_{22}\delta_{11})\epsilon_{123} + (\delta_{33}\delta_{22})\epsilon_{231} + (\delta_{22}\delta_{33})\epsilon_{321} + (\delta_{11}\delta_{22})\epsilon_{213} + (\delta_{33}\delta_{11})\epsilon_{132}[/tex]
As all other combinations result in zeros.

[tex](\delta_{km}\delta_{in})\epsilon_{nkp} = 1+1+1-1-1-1 = 0 = \epsilon_{ijk} \epsilon_{jmn} \epsilon_{nkp}[/tex]
Is that right?

I'm doing this paper extramurally and really struggling with it. My previous assignments are taking ages to come back to me, so I'm shaky about what I know and where I'm going wrong. Could someone have a look at this and tell me if it looks ok?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi Meggle! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(have a delta: δ and an epsilon: ε and try using the X2 tag just above the Reply box :wink:)
Meggle said:
[tex](\delta_{km}\delta_{in} - \delta_{kn}\delta_{im})\epsilon_{nkp} = (\delta_{km}\delta_{in})\epsilon_{nkp}[/tex]

At this point, can I just go through the possible values for each of the indicies and add it up?

No, just use the deltas to change the indices …

for example, δkmδinεnkp = εimp :wink:
  • #3

tiny-tim said:
Hi Meggle! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(have a delta: δ and an epsilon: ε and try using the X2 tag just above the Reply box :wink:)

No, just use the deltas to change the indices …

for example, δkmδinεnkp = εimp :wink:

Oh! Ok, thanks!
Now if I assign all the possible values to i, m, and p, I think I end up with 0 still?
εimp = ε123 + ε231...
εimp = 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 + (a whole bunch of zeros where i = m etc)
εimp = 0

Sorry, I know this point should be really obvious. My course readings seem to operate on the "state nothing explicitly" style of teaching, which I'm having trouble adapting to!
  • #4
Meggle said:
εimp = ε123 + ε231...

Noooo! :redface:

In εimp, i m and p are fixed.

εijkεjmnεnkp is a function of i m and p (after you sum all the others, i m and p are still there) …

i m and p have to be in the answer! :wink:

ok … what's the other half, δknδimεnkp ? :smile:
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
Noooo! :redface:

In εimp, i m and p are fixed.

εijkεjmnεnkp is a function of i m and p (after you sum all the others, i m and p are still there) …

i m and p have to be in the answer! :wink:

ok … what's the other half, δknδimεnkp ? :smile:

Soooooo, instead of what I had done:
([tex]\delta[/tex]km [tex]\delta[/tex]in - [tex]\delta[/tex]kn[tex]\delta[/tex]im)[tex]\epsilon[/tex]nkp = [tex]\delta[/tex]km [tex]\delta[/tex]in[tex]\epsilon[/tex]nkp - [tex]\delta[/tex]kn[tex]\delta[/tex]im[tex]\epsilon[/tex]nkp

[tex]\delta[/tex]km [tex]\delta[/tex]in [tex]\epsilon[/tex]nkp - [tex]\delta[/tex]kn[tex]\delta[/tex]im [tex]\epsilon[/tex]nkp = [tex]\epsilon[/tex]imp - [tex]\delta[/tex]im[tex]\epsilon[/tex]nnp

That looks like I've done something wrong. What can I do with this? The indicies are different in [tex]\delta[/tex]kn[tex]\delta[/tex]im , so I can't use one to alter the other, but I can't use [tex]\delta[/tex]im on [tex]\epsilon[/tex]nnp either. If I don't do anything to it, [tex]\epsilon[/tex]nnp will be zero.
It's like there's a giant penny hanging over my head, and if I just keep banging it, it'll drop... :blushing: Sorry I'm being so dense. Do appreciate the help though.
  • #6
Meggle said:
… [tex]\delta[/tex]im[tex]\epsilon[/tex]nnp

If I don't do anything to it, [tex]\epsilon[/tex]nnp will be zero.

Important life lesson

sometimes you have to be able to tell the difference between a problem and a solution!

In this case, yes, εnnp (btw, you could equally well have written it εkkp :wink:) is zero.

So εnnp = 0. o:)
It's like there's a giant penny hanging over my head, and if I just keep banging it, it'll drop... :blushing: Sorry I'm being so dense.

don't want to worry you, but :rolleyes:

it's actually a great sharp sword! :biggrin:
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
Important life lesson

sometimes you have to be able to tell the difference between a problem and a solution!

In this case, yes, εnnp (btw, you could equally well have written it εkkp :wink:) is zero.

So εnnp = 0. o:)

don't want to worry you, but :rolleyes:

it's actually a great sharp sword! :biggrin:

Hang on, so that's actually the solution?
[tex]\epsilon_{ijk}\epsilon_{jmn}\epsilon_{nkp} = \epsilon_{imp}[/tex]
OoooOooo. I was on the wrong track! Yeepers. Thanks for all your help! :cool:
(I'll be minding out for that sword now...)

Related to Evaluate Levi-civita expression

What is the Levi-Civita expression?

The Levi-Civita expression, also known as the Levi-Civita symbol or the permutation symbol, is a mathematical symbol used in vector calculus and differential geometry to represent the sign of a permutation of three objects. It is denoted by the Greek letter epsilon (ε) with a subscript of three (εijk).

How is the Levi-Civita expression calculated?

The Levi-Civita expression is calculated using the following formula: εijk = 0 if any of the indices (i,j,k) are equal, 1 if the indices form an even permutation, and -1 if the indices form an odd permutation. It can also be calculated using the cross product of unit vectors in Cartesian coordinates.

What is the significance of the Levi-Civita expression in physics?

The Levi-Civita expression is used in physics, specifically in vector calculus and differential geometry, to represent the cross product of vectors in three-dimensional space. It is also used in the definition of the curl of a vector field and in the formulation of Maxwell's equations in electromagnetism.

What are some applications of the Levi-Civita expression?

The Levi-Civita expression has various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. It is used in the calculation of determinants, defining the angular velocity in rigid body dynamics, and in the formulation of the stress-strain relationship in solid mechanics. It is also used in the study of fluid mechanics, quantum mechanics, and general relativity.

Are there any generalizations of the Levi-Civita expression?

Yes, there are generalizations of the Levi-Civita expression to higher dimensions and to other mathematical structures such as Lie algebras. In higher dimensions, it is known as the generalized Levi-Civita symbol and is denoted by εn. In Lie algebras, it is known as the structure constants and is denoted by Cijk.

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