Evaluate: ∇(∇r(hat)/r) where r is a position vector

In summary, the problem involves evaluating ∇(∇ . (r^ / r)), given the equations ∇ . r^ = 3, ∇ x r^ = 0, and ∇r = r^ / r. Using the vector analysis identity, ∇( ∇ . ∇r) => ∇(∇^2 r), we can find the term in parentheses and then take its gradient. We are also allowed to use the expression for the gradient of 1/r.
  • #1

Homework Statement

∇ . r = 3, ∇ x r = 0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So far I've gotten up to ∇(∇^2 r)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi Dave-o and welcome to PF. :welcome:You need to provide more details about what the problem is, the relevant equations and your attempt at a soluton before we can help you.
  • #3

Homework Statement

Not using any Cartesian or any other coordinates but rather the facts that (see equations, r^ is the position vector)..
∇( ∇ . (r^ / r))

Homework Equations

∇ . r^ = 3, ∇ x r^ = 0, ∇r = r^ / r

The Attempt at a Solution

From the 3rd equation I got ∇( ∇ . ∇r) => ∇(∇^2 r)

I don't know where to go from there
  • #4
Are you allowed to use vector analysis identities? What comes to mind is ## \vec{\nabla} \cdot (\phi \vec{A})=\phi \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{A}+\vec{A} \cdot \vec{\nabla}\phi##. You can use this to find the term in parentheses and then take its gradient. You should also be allowed to use the expression for the gradient of 1/r.

FAQ: Evaluate: ∇(∇r(hat)/r) where r is a position vector

1. What is ∇(∇r(hat)/r) and how is it evaluated?

∇(∇r(hat)/r) is the gradient of the gradient of the position vector, divided by the magnitude of the position vector. It is evaluated by taking the derivative of the position vector twice, and then dividing by the magnitude of the position vector.

2. What is the significance of evaluating ∇(∇r(hat)/r)?

Evaluating ∇(∇r(hat)/r) allows us to calculate the curvature of a surface at a specific point, which is important in understanding the behavior of objects in that location.

3. Can ∇(∇r(hat)/r) be simplified?

Yes, ∇(∇r(hat)/r) can be simplified using vector calculus identities and properties. For example, it can be rewritten as (∇^2)r(hat) - (∇r(hat) • ∇r(hat))/r.

4. What is the physical interpretation of ∇(∇r(hat)/r)?

The physical interpretation of ∇(∇r(hat)/r) is the rate of change of the unit normal vector (or surface normal) with respect to the position vector. It describes how the orientation of a surface changes as we move along it.

5. In what situations would evaluating ∇(∇r(hat)/r) be useful?

Evaluating ∇(∇r(hat)/r) is useful in many fields, including physics, engineering, and mathematics. It is commonly used in studying the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, as well as in fluid dynamics and elasticity. It is also important in understanding the geometry of surfaces in calculus and differential geometry.
