Evaluating a Vector Field Through a Surface with the Divergence Theorem

In summary, the flux of a vector field through a surface is evaluated by using the surface integrals method.
  • #1
ok this probley seems simple but i just need to see how to do it, ok well how do u evaluate this...
find the flux of
the vector field...

throught this surface above the xy-plane..
[tex]z = 4-x^2-y^2[/tex]

how do u evaluate this with surface integrals method and the divergence therom

[tex]dS = \sqrt{f_{x}^2+f_{y}^2+1}dA[/tex] for surface inergrals

thanks very much to anyone who can show me this step by step, i keep getting the wrong answer and i don't know why...
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  • #2
Hi phy_math,

just to make sure I understand you, is this right:

\vec F = \vec x = x\hat x + y\hat y + z\hat z \\
f(x,y,z) = z - (4 - x^2 - y^2) = 0\\

Since then ...

[tex]dS = dxdy\sqrt {(\frac{{\partial f}}{{\partial x}})^2 + (\frac{{\partial f}}{{\partial y}})^2 + 1}[/tex] makes sense

... where you can replace [itex]dA = dxdy[/itex].

To get the total flux of [itex]\vec F[/itex] through the surface, you want the integral [itex]\phi = \int\limits_S {\vec F \bullet \hat ndS} [/itex], where [itex]\hat n = n_x \hat x + n_y \hat y + n_z \hat z[/itex] is the unit normal to the surface.

So, to do this integral, you'll need to calculate the unit normal to the surface. You've already got [itex]\vec F[/itex] and can calculate [itex]dS[/itex] from the above formula.

Have you seen the equation [itex]\nabla f \bullet \hat n = 0[/itex] before?

Also, if you're calculating this flux over the whole of space remember that, by definition, you can write

[tex]\int\limits_0^\infty {\int\limits_0^\infty {f(x,y)dxdy} } = \begin{array}{*{20}c}
{\lim } \\
{X,Y \to \infty } \\
\end{array}\int\limits_0^Y {\int\limits_0^X {f(x,y)dxdy} }[/tex]

That might help as well. See how you get on.
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  • #3
Correct me if I am wrong, I just learned this last week.

By the divergence theorem, [tex]\int_S \vec F \cdot \vec n \ dS = \int_V \nabla \cdot \vec F \ dV[/tex]

Since [tex]\vec F = x \vec i + y \vec j + z \vec k[/tex], then [tex]\nabla \cdot \vec F = 3[/tex].

A quick sketch of the surface shows a inverted parabolid. This volume should be easy to find via cylindrical coordinates.

[tex]flux=\int_{0}^{2\pi}\int_{0}^{2}\int_{0}^{4-r^2} 3r \ dz \ dr \ d\theta[/tex]

Side note: Does anyone know if there is a shortcut to writing the "[*tex]...[*/tex]" tags?
  • #4
By the way, a simpler way to find [itex]\int\limits_S {\vec F \bullet \hat ndS} [/itex]
without calculating n and dS separately is this:

The surface is given by z- (4- x2- y2)= 0 or z+ x2+ y2= 4, a constant. If we take F(x,y,z)= z+ x2+ y2 then the surface is a "level surface" of F and so grad F= <2x, 2y, 1> is perpendicular to the surface and n dS is <2x, 2y, 1>dxdy.

Notice that we have "dropped down" to the xy-plane. If the z-component of grad F had not been 1, we would have had to make it 1.

For example if the surface is x2+ y2+ z2= R2 (a sphere) we would take F(x,y,z)= x2+ y2+ z2 so that grad F= <2x, 2y, 2z>. Now we have to decide in what plane we want to do the integration (with a sphere it really doesn't matter!). If we choose to integrate in the xy-plane, then we divide the entire vector by 2z to "normalize" the z-component: <x/z, y/z, 1>dx dy. Of course, we would have to divide the problem into two parts, z positive or z negative, to integrate over the entire sphere.
  • #5
thanks all, its good to know ur all here to help! you i did similar things, turns out i was just basicly using the wrong limits for the surface thanks everyone!

Related to Evaluating a Vector Field Through a Surface with the Divergence Theorem

1. What is the Divergence Theorem?

The Divergence Theorem is a mathematical theorem that relates the flux of a vector field through a closed surface to the volume integral of the divergence of the vector field over the region enclosed by the surface. In simpler terms, it allows us to evaluate the behavior of a vector field at a point by looking at how it behaves over a larger region.

2. How is the Divergence Theorem used to evaluate a vector field through a surface?

The Divergence Theorem states that the flux of a vector field through a closed surface is equal to the volume integral of the divergence of the vector field over the region enclosed by the surface. Therefore, to evaluate a vector field through a surface, we simply need to calculate the volume integral of the divergence of the vector field over the region enclosed by the surface.

3. What is the significance of using a closed surface in the Divergence Theorem?

The closed surface used in the Divergence Theorem serves as a boundary for the region over which we are evaluating the vector field. By using a closed surface, we are able to capture the behavior of the vector field in all directions, as it encompasses the entire region of interest.

4. Can the Divergence Theorem be used for any type of vector field?

Yes, the Divergence Theorem can be applied to any type of vector field, including scalar fields, velocity fields, and electromagnetic fields. It is a general theorem that is widely used in various fields of science and engineering.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Divergence Theorem to evaluate a vector field through a surface?

One limitation is that the Divergence Theorem can only be used for closed surfaces. This means that it cannot be applied to open surfaces, such as a flat piece of paper. Additionally, the vector field must be well-behaved and have a continuous divergence over the region of interest for the Divergence Theorem to be applicable.

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