Evaluating Commutators on Maple 12: Rules & Einstein Summation

In summary, the conversation discusses implementing rules for commutators on Maple 12 and using the Einstein summation convention. The code for defining the rule for [x_i^\alpha,p_j^\beta]=i\hbar \delta_{ij}\delta^{\alpha,\beta} is provided, along with the code for a similar rule for [p_i^\alpha,f(x)]=-i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i^\alpha}f(x). The code for implementing the Einstein summation convention is also mentioned, using the Maple command "Sum".
  • #1

I'm trying to evaluate some commutators on Maple 12 and so far I have defined the rule for [tex][x_i^\alpha,p_j^\beta]=i\hbar \delta_{ij}\delta^{\alpha,\beta}[/tex], where [tex]i[/tex] denotes a space coordinate and [tex]\alpha[/tex] represents a particle. The code that I used for that is

Setup(quantumop = {p, x}, algebrarule = {%Commutator(x[i, alpha], p[j, beta]) = I* hbar* KroneckerDelta[i, j]* KroneckerDelta[alpha, beta]})

I'm trying to code a similar rule for

[tex][p_i^\alpha,f(x)]=-i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i^\alpha}f(x)[/tex], and I tried

Setup(quantumop = {f, p}, algebrarule = {%Commutator(p[i, alpha], f(x)) = -I*hbar* Diff(f(x), x[i, alpha])})

but it doesn't work. Does anyone know how to implement this rule? By the way, how can I implement the Einstein summation convention on Maple?

Thanks for your help.
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  • #2

Hi there,

To implement the rule for [p_i^\alpha,f(x)]=-i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i^\alpha}f(x), you can use the following code:

Setup(quantumop = {f, p}, algebrarule = {%Commutator(p[i, alpha], f(x)) = -I*hbar* Diff(f(x), x[i, alpha])})

To implement the Einstein summation convention, you can use the Maple command "Sum" and specify the indices and range of summation. For example:

Sum(A[i,j]*B[j,k], j=1..n)

This will sum over the j indices from 1 to n, and you can specify the indices as needed for your specific problem.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions. Good luck with your research!

FAQ: Evaluating Commutators on Maple 12: Rules & Einstein Summation

1. What is a commutator?

A commutator is a mathematical operation that involves the multiplication of two objects, typically matrices or operators, in a specific order. It is denoted by [A, B] and is defined as the product of A and B minus the product of B and A.

2. How do I evaluate commutators on Maple 12?

To evaluate commutators on Maple 12, you can use the built-in function "commutator(A, B)" where A and B are the objects you want to evaluate the commutator of. Alternatively, you can use the "[A, B]" notation to represent the commutator in your Maple code.

3. What are the rules for evaluating commutators on Maple 12?

The rules for evaluating commutators on Maple 12 are as follows:

  • The commutator of two scalars is equal to 0.
  • The commutator of a scalar and a vector is equal to the scalar times the vector.
  • The commutator of two vectors is equal to the cross product of the two vectors.
  • The commutator of two matrices is equal to the matrix commutator formula: [A, B] = AB - BA.
  • The commutator of two operators is equal to the operator commutator formula: [A, B] = AB - BA.

4. What is the Einstein summation convention?

The Einstein summation convention is a shorthand notation for writing and evaluating expressions involving sums of products. It is based on the principle of summation over repeated indices, where an index that appears twice in a term is automatically summed over all possible values. It is commonly used in mathematical and physical equations, including those used in Maple 12.

5. How do I use the Einstein summation convention in Maple 12?

To use the Einstein summation convention in Maple 12, you can use the "sum" function with the appropriate index range and the indexed variables. Alternatively, you can use the "EinsteinSum" function, which is specifically designed for the summation convention and allows for more flexibility in terms of the index ranges and summation variables.

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