Evaluating Complex Integral: Over |z|=4 Region

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of evaluating the integral of (exp^z)/Sinh(z) dz over the region C which is the circle |z|=4. The speaker is struggling to solve it and is looking for suggestions. One suggestion is to use the Residue Theorem, but the speaker is unsure if they are allowed to. Another suggestion is to use the argument principle to find the zeros and poles of sinh(z) and use that to solve the integral. The conversation also mentions that the question is from an exam paper.
  • #1
I've been given the problem of evaluating the integral

[tex]\int[/tex](exp^z)/Sinh(z) dz

Over the region C which is the circle |z|=4

I can't figure out how to do this,I tried parameterizing with z(t)=4e^i[tex]\theta[/tex] but the integrand just seems far too complicated. Any suggestions?

(Apologies for the terrible formatting)
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  • #2
Welcome to PF fudgenstuff,

Have you come across the Residue Theorem before?

I'm assuming that this is homework, for future reference we have Homework & Coursework forums where such questions can be posted.
  • #3
Ah sorry, if one of the mods could move this thread then that'd be great.

The question is from an exam paper,I'm not entirely sure they want us to use the residue theorem here as there's another question on it later on in the paper.
This question follows on from deducing that Sinh(x+iy) = sinh(x)cos(y) + icosh(x)sin(y), and then showing that Sinh(z)=0 only if z= i*pi*n (where n is an integer), so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to use that result somehow?
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  • #4
fudgenstuff said:
The question is from an exam paper,I'm not entirely sure they want us to use the residue theorem here as there's another question on it later on in the paper.
If it doesn't explicitly say that you can't use the Residue Theorem then you'd be crazy not to!
  • #5
If they tell you how to find the zeros of sinh(z), they want you to use the residue theorem.
  • #6
Here's an alternative way, using the argument principle. We have
[tex] \frac{e^z}{sinh(z)} = \frac{cosh(z) + sinh(z)}{sinh(z)} = 1 + \frac{cosh(z)}{sinh(z)} [/tex]

Now the contour integral of the first is of course zero, and the contour integral of the second is of the form [tex] \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)} [/tex] which by the argument principle is [tex]2 \pi i[Z-P] [/tex] where Z and P are the numbers of zeros and poles of sinh(z) enclosed by the contour, respectively. Since you already know the number of zeroes, and since sinh(z) has no poles, you're done.

If you haven't seen the residue theorem, you probably haven't seen this, but it's always nice to avoid computations if possible.
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FAQ: Evaluating Complex Integral: Over |z|=4 Region

1. What is a complex integral?

A complex integral is an integral that involves complex numbers or functions. It is used in complex analysis to calculate the area under a curve in the complex plane.

2. What is the region |z|=4?

The region |z|=4 refers to the circle on the complex plane with a radius of 4 units, centered at the origin. It is a common region used in complex integrals.

3. Why is evaluating a complex integral over |z|=4 region important?

Evaluating a complex integral over |z|=4 region allows us to calculate the area under a curve in the complex plane, which has various applications in physics, engineering, and mathematics. It also helps in solving complex equations and understanding the behavior of complex functions.

4. How is a complex integral over |z|=4 region evaluated?

To evaluate a complex integral over |z|=4 region, we use the Cauchy's Integral Formula, which states that the integral of a function over a closed curve is equal to the sum of the function's values at all points inside the curve. We also use techniques such as contour integration and residue calculus to simplify the calculation.

5. What are some common challenges in evaluating complex integrals over |z|=4 region?

Some common challenges in evaluating complex integrals over |z|=4 region include choosing the correct contour, dealing with singularities and branch points, and accurately applying the Cauchy's Integral Formula. It also requires a good understanding of complex analysis and mathematical techniques to simplify the calculation.

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