?Evaluating Double Integral Using Polar Coords

In summary: The key here is to carefully consider the limits of integration and the transformations between coordinate systems. In summary, the conversation discusses using polar coordinates to evaluate a double integral, with a half circle of radius 3 centered at the origin as the given region. After some initial mistakes, the correct answer of 486/5 is obtained by properly accounting for the Jacobian and limits of integration.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Use polar coords to evaluate the double integral x3 + xy2dydx from y = -(9-x2)1/2 to (9-x2)1/2, and x = 0 to 3

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So the region is a half circle of radius 3, centered @ the origin, with only the possitive x side, (right side of circle)

x = rcosQ, y = rsinQ

the integral is r3cos3Q + r3cosQsinQ drdQ

after integration with respect to r i get and pluging in the limits

84/4 cos^3 Q + 81/4 cosQsinQ dQ

i looked up the integrals of cos^3Q in the back of my book and it is quite complex. Have i made any mistakes thus far, and is there an easier way to evaluate it
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  • #2
x³ + xy² = r² cosθ. Check your algebra.
  • #3
Also if you go from Cartesian to polar coordinates [itex]dxdy \Rightarrow r dr d\theta[/itex].
While not relevant to this problem [itex]\cos^3x[/itex] is easily integrated by writing it as [itex]\cos x (1-\sin^2x)[/itex] and substituting [itex]u=\sin x[/itex].
  • #4
i think i messed up somehwere

[tex]\int r^3cosQdrdQ[/tex] = .25r^4cosQ from 0 to 3
=[tex]\int81/4 cosQ dQ[/tex] from 0 to pi = 81/4 sinQ from 0 to pi
sin(0) = 0, sin (pi) = 0
i got an answer of 0
  • #5
Are you sure θ goes from 0 to π?
  • #6

You forgot that when you transform from Cartesian to polar coordinates you have to add the Jacobian r ([itex]dx dy \Rightarrow r dr d\theta[/itex]). Secondly your limits for [itex]\theta[/itex] are off. You are integrating over the upper semi circle, but that is not the right region to integrate over. Draw the circle and add the Cartesian limits, over what section should you be integrating?
  • #7

Q should go from [tex] -\frac{\pi}{2} [/tex] to [tex] \frac{\pi}{2} [/tex].
  • #8

Cyosis said:
You forgot that when you transform from Cartesian to polar coordinates you have to add the Jacobian r ([itex]dx dy \Rightarrow r dr d\theta[/itex]). Secondly your limits for [itex]\theta[/itex] are off. You are integrating over the upper semi circle, but that is not the right region to integrate over. Draw the circle and add the Cartesian limits, over what section should you be integrating?
Actually, he did include the "r" but you are correct that his limits of integration on [itex]\theta[/itex] are wrong.
  • #9

You're right I completely missed the r.
  • #10
uhhh huh, ok i didnt realize that mattered, i figured as long as it was 180 degrees it would be the same

but i think i did mess up the r

x(x2 + y2) = rcosQ* r2 = r3cosQ

then i add the jacobian r and my integral is for r4cosQdrdQ

the only thing that changes is the 81/4 becomes 243/5

so the final answer is

243/5 + 243/5 = 486/5
  • #11
That's correct.

FAQ: ?Evaluating Double Integral Using Polar Coords

What is a double integral?

A double integral is a type of mathematical operation used to calculate the signed volume between a two-dimensional region and a surface in three-dimensional space. It is represented by the symbol ∫∫.

What is the difference between a single integral and a double integral?

A single integral is used to calculate the area under a curve in one dimension, while a double integral is used to calculate the volume under a surface in two dimensions.

What is the purpose of using polar coordinates in double integrals?

Polar coordinates are useful in evaluating double integrals because they allow us to integrate over regions with circular symmetry more easily. This is because polar coordinates use a radius and an angle to describe a point, rather than Cartesian coordinates which use x and y coordinates.

How do you convert a double integral from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates?

To convert a double integral from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, we use the following formulas: x = r cosθ and y = r sinθ. We also replace dx dy with r dr dθ.

What is the process for evaluating a double integral using polar coordinates?

The process for evaluating a double integral using polar coordinates involves converting the integral from Cartesian to polar coordinates, setting up the limits of integration in terms of r and θ, and then evaluating the integral using standard integration techniques.
