Evaluating limit of 2 variable function

In summary, evaluating the limit of a 2 variable function helps determine the behavior of the function as the two variables approach a specific point. This can be done by finding the limit along different paths or using algebraic techniques. There is a difference between a two-sided limit and a one-sided limit for a 2 variable function. A function can have different limits at different points, which can provide insight into real-world applications such as economics, physics, and engineering.
  • #1
I have

$$\lim_{{(x, y)}\to{(0, 0)}} \frac{x^4 - y^4}{x^4 + x^2y^2 + y^4}$$

If I evaluate the limit along the x-axis, I get

$$\lim_{{(x, y)}\to{(0, 0)}} \frac{x^4 - y^4}{x^4 + x^2y^2 + y^4}$$

which evaluates to $1$.

If I evaluate the limit along the y-axis, I get

$$\lim_{{y}\to{0}} \frac{ - y^4}{ y^4}$$

which evaluates to $-1$.

Since the 2 limits are different, then the limit does not exist. Is this correct?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes. (Sun)

Related to Evaluating limit of 2 variable function

1. What is the purpose of evaluating the limit of a 2 variable function?

The purpose of evaluating the limit of a 2 variable function is to determine the behavior of the function as the two variables approach a specific point. This can help us understand the continuity, differentiability, and overall behavior of the function.

2. How do you evaluate the limit of a 2 variable function?

To evaluate the limit of a 2 variable function, we take the limit of the function as both variables approach the specified point simultaneously. This can be done by finding the limit along different paths or by using algebraic techniques such as substitution or factoring.

3. What is the difference between a two-sided limit and a one-sided limit for a 2 variable function?

A two-sided limit considers the behavior of the function as both variables approach the specified point from both positive and negative directions. A one-sided limit only considers the behavior of the function as one variable approaches the specified point from either the positive or negative direction.

4. Can a 2 variable function have a different limit at different points?

Yes, a 2 variable function can have a different limit at different points. The limit of a function depends on the behavior of the function near the specified point, so if the function behaves differently at different points, the limit may also be different.

5. How can evaluating the limit of a 2 variable function help in real-world applications?

Evaluating the limit of a 2 variable function can help in real-world applications by providing insight into the behavior and trends of a system. This can be useful in fields such as economics, physics, and engineering, where the behavior of a system may depend on multiple variables.

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