Evaluating my experiment; kettle water boiling efficiency

In summary, the conversation discusses an experiment on determining the efficiency of energy conversion in an electric kettle. The method involved weighing 1000g of water and recording the time it took for the water to boil. The amount of energy used to boil the water was calculated to be -334.4 KJ and the efficiency was determined to be 77.4%. The conversation also mentions the use of other kettles and the need to evaluate their efficiency. Questions are raised about the accuracy of the measuring equipment and determination of boiling point, as well as the method used to calculate efficiency.
  • #1
Omar H

Homework Statement

Evaluate the experiment below, identifying energy loss and errors, and access their effect on the efficiency?

The experiment was 'Determining the efficiency of energy conversion of boiling water in an electric kettle'.

The method/system -

1. Weigh accurately 1000g of water and pour into the kettle provided.
2. Switch on to boil and start the timer. Time how long it takes for the water to boil and record your result.

I calculated the amount of energy used to make the water boil to be -334.4 KJ.

I calculated the 'efficiency' of energy inter-conversion of the system to be 77.4%.

I used 2 other kettles as well and i got different efficiency now i would like to evaluate them, I would like to know what happens to the energy during the procedure .
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi Omar H, Welcome to Physics Forums!

You need to show what you've done so far, explain what you've tried and/or thought of. All sections of the formatting template should be filled out.

What kind of measuring equipment did you use? What kind of accuracy do you think you were able to attain while using it?

How did you determine when boiling started? How accurate was the determination? Was it equally easy to tell for each of the kettles?

What method did you use to evaluate the efficiency? What formulas were involved? Can you share some of the data and calculations?

FAQ: Evaluating my experiment; kettle water boiling efficiency

1. What is the purpose of evaluating my experiment on kettle water boiling efficiency?

The purpose of evaluating your experiment on kettle water boiling efficiency is to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of your kettle in boiling water. This can help you make any necessary adjustments to improve the efficiency of your kettle and save energy and time.

2. How do I measure the boiling efficiency of my kettle?

The boiling efficiency of your kettle can be measured by the amount of time it takes for the water to reach boiling temperature, the amount of energy consumed, and the consistency of the boiling process. You can also compare the results of your experiment with the manufacturer's specifications for your kettle.

3. What factors can affect the boiling efficiency of my kettle?

There are several factors that can affect the boiling efficiency of your kettle, such as the type of kettle, the quality and age of the kettle, the amount of water being boiled, and the power source. Other factors include the altitude and the temperature of the water before boiling.

4. How can I improve the boiling efficiency of my kettle?

To improve the boiling efficiency of your kettle, you can try using a different type of kettle, descaling or cleaning your current kettle, boiling smaller amounts of water, and using the correct power source. You can also make sure that the temperature of the water before boiling is not too low, as this can affect the boiling process.

5. What are some common mistakes when evaluating the boiling efficiency of a kettle?

Some common mistakes when evaluating the boiling efficiency of a kettle include not following the manufacturer's instructions, not using the correct power source, not taking into account other factors that can affect the boiling process, and not comparing the results with the manufacturer's specifications. It is important to carefully follow the instructions and consider all factors when evaluating the boiling efficiency of a kettle.
