Evaluating p and p² Expectation Values Using Momentum-Space Wave Function

In summary, evaluating p and p² expectation values using momentum-space wave function involves calculating the average values of momentum and momentum squared for a given system. This can be done by taking the product of the momentum-space wave function and the momentum operator, then integrating over all momentum states. The resulting expectation values can provide important insights into the properties and behavior of the system.
  • #1
Bill Foster

Homework Statement

Evaluate the expectation value of p and p² using the momentum-space wave function

Homework Equations

Momentum-space wave function:

[tex]\sqrt{\frac{d}{\hbar\sqrt{\pi}}}e^{\frac{-\left(p'-\hbar k\right)^2d^2}{2\hbar^2}}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I can get [tex]\langle p \rangle [/tex], so that's not a problem.

[tex]\langle p^2 \rangle = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\sqrt{\frac{d}{\hbar\sqrt{\pi}}}e^{\frac{-\left(p'-\hbar k\right)^2d^2}{2\hbar^2}}p'^2\sqrt{\frac{d}{\hbar\sqrt{\pi}}}e^{\frac{-\left(p'-\hbar k\right)^2d^2}{2\hbar^2}}dp'[/tex]

[tex]= \frac{d}{\hbar\sqrt{\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{\frac{-\left(p'-\hbar k\right)^2d^2}{2\hbar^2}}p'^2e^{\frac{-\left(p'-\hbar k\right)^2d^2}{2\hbar^2}}dp'[/tex]

[tex]= \frac{d}{\hbar\sqrt{\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{\frac{-\left(p'-\hbar k\right)^2d^2}{\hbar^2}}p'^2dp'[/tex]

This has the form:

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-a\left(x-b\right)^2}xdx = b\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}[/tex]

So I'll integrate it by parts:

[tex]dv=e^{\frac{-\left(p'-\hbar k\right)^2d^2}{\hbar^2}}p' dp'[/tex]
[tex]v=\hbar k\frac{\hbar}{d}\sqrt{\pi}[/tex]

[tex]p'\hbar k\frac{\hbar}{d}\sqrt{\pi}|_{-\infty}^{\infty}-\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\hbar k\frac{\hbar}{d}\sqrt{\pi}dp'[/tex]

[tex]=p'\hbar k\frac{\hbar}{d}\sqrt{\pi}|_{-\infty}^{\infty}-p'\hbar k\frac{\hbar}{d}\sqrt{\pi}|_{-\infty}^{\infty}=0[/tex]

But it should be:

[tex]\langle p^2 \rangle = \frac{\hbar^2}{2d^2}+\left(\hbar k\right)^2[/tex]

What am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
Bill Foster said:
[tex]= \frac{d}{\hbar\sqrt{\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{\frac{-\left(p'-\hbar k\right)^2d^2}{\hbar^2}}p'^2dp'[/tex]

This has the form:

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-a\left(x-b\right)^2}xdx = b\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}[/tex]

No it doesn't. It has the form

  • #3
gabbagabbahey said:
No it doesn't. It has the form


What I meant was I could get it to that form by integrating by parts. However, doing so resulted in zero.

The trick for this problem is this:




Expand that and there will be integrals that can be looked up in tables. Do the algebra, and get the correct answer.
  • #4
Hmm, I'm not sure about that substitution there (for instance, why is it only applied to the leading [tex]x^2[/tex] term and not the [tex]e^{-a(x-b)^2}[/tex] term?

Anyways, the reason I'm responding is there is an integral of this form in Griffiths QM, problem 1.3c, which is to find [tex]<x^2>[/tex] of the function:

[tex]\rho(x) = Ae^{-\lambda(x-a)^2}[/tex]

Which is obviously the same integral. The way you are proposing is a lot of work-- I think the quick way is to differentiate both sides of the known result of the integral without the [tex]x^2[/tex]... I believe this is called Leibniz' rule? (not sure, correct me if I'm wrong).

Anyways, it looks like this, and I thought it was pretty cool.

You know (can calculate):

[tex]\int^\infty_{-\infty} e^{-\lambda x^2} dx = (\dfrac{\pi}{\lambda})^\dfrac{1}{2}[/tex]

Now if you differentiate both sides wrt lambda:

[tex]=> \dfrac{\partial}{\partial\lambda} \int^\infty_{-\infty} e^{-\lambda x^2} dx = \dfrac{\partial}{\partial\lambda} (\dfrac{\pi}{\lambda})^\dfrac{1}{2}[/tex]

[tex] => \int^\infty_{-\infty} x^2 e^{-\lambda x^2} dx = \dfrac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2\lambda^{ \small\dfrac{3}{2} }}[/tex]

And, if you can look past my horrible latex exponent skills, the answer just pops right out!

I think its pretty cool.

Edit to add: Oh, I see what you did there with the x^2 term. Hmm, that integral seems more complicated than the one you started with to me!
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  • #5
dotman said:
Edit to add: Oh, I see what you did there with the x^2 term. Hmm, that integral seems more complicated than the one you started with to me!

I could not find this integral in an integral table:


However, if I break it up, like this:


Each of those can be done (that is, "looked up") . And I already worked it all out and got the correct answer. I'll post it here when I get a chance so the next poor unsuspecting sap trying to figure this out may find this in a search and will have a glimmer of hope that life isn't just about doom and gloom.
  • #6
If you are curious as to how to actually perform the integrations yourself (as opposed to looking them up in tables), just make the substitution [itex]\overline{x}=\sqrt{a}(x-b)[/itex], use integration by parts, and the following trick:


FAQ: Evaluating p and p² Expectation Values Using Momentum-Space Wave Function

What is the significance of evaluating p and p² expectation values using momentum-space wave function?

The momentum-space wave function provides a mathematical representation of a particle's momentum in quantum mechanics. By evaluating the expectation values of p and p² using this wave function, we can gain insight into the average momentum and the spread of momentum values for a given particle.

How is the momentum-space wave function related to the position-space wave function?

The momentum-space wave function is the Fourier transform of the position-space wave function. This means that the momentum-space wave function contains information about the momentum of a particle, while the position-space wave function contains information about the position of a particle.

What is the formula for calculating the expectation value of p using the momentum-space wave function?

The expectation value of p can be calculated using the formula ψpψp*, where ψp is the momentum-space wave function and ψp* is its complex conjugate. This formula represents the average momentum value for a given particle.

How is the expectation value of p² related to the uncertainty principle?

The expectation value of p² is related to the uncertainty principle through the Heisenberg uncertainty principle equation, σxσp ≥ τ/2, where σx is the uncertainty in position, σp is the uncertainty in momentum, and τ is the reduced Planck's constant. This principle states that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a particle simultaneously.

How can evaluating p and p² expectation values using momentum-space wave function be applied in practical applications?

This concept can be applied in many areas of physics, such as studying the properties of atoms, molecules, and subatomic particles. It can also be used in fields such as material science and quantum computing to understand the behavior of particles at a microscopic level.
