Event Horizon and the Mass of a Black Hole

In summary, black holes are formed when a star with a mass of at least 6 times that of our sun reaches the end of its life and explodes as a supernova. The collapsing core of the star reaches a critical density, resulting in the formation of a singularity and an event horizon. The size of the event horizon is determined by the mass of the star, with more massive stars creating larger event horizons. This is due to the fact that the mass of a black hole determines its gravitational strength, which in turn affects the size of the event horizon. There is still much unknown about the formation and properties of black holes, and assumptions should be carefully considered and further studied.
  • #1
Insights Author
Gold Member
I didnt understand a concept in black holes,So I ll try to make a vısualization to the process to explain my ideas properly.
Let's suppose we have a star with mass ##6M_ο##.We know that this star will turn to black hole,So Let's come to the end of the life of the star.It will explode as supernova, and the protons and electrons will make neutrons cause of the gravitational pressure.

Now in here , core (neutron) will reach a critical density which the star will turn the black hole,at this moment, the radius of this core will be equal to event horizon radius.And this radius value will determined by Schwarzschild radius.

Are these statements true ?
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  • #3
jedishrfu said:
You can read more about it here:


and here:


The event horizon is just a demarcation of where light can no longer escape the black hole. Once formed the collapsing star's matter collapses into a singularity with no discernable radius.
I looked the videos, second one is really interesting I was never heard such thing.

I understand that matter collapses and creates a singularity, then what's the difference between ##10M_ο## mass of star (A) and ##20M_ο## (B).Since both star A and B creates a black hole, they have singularity but their event horizon radius is different.How is that possible ? Is this means there's "different type of singularities" which affect the light in different way (Why event horizon radius is different , cause singularity is just singularity) ?
  • #4
The event horizon is where light can no longer escape the clutches of the black hole so of course a more massive black hole will have a larger event horizon since its gravitational strength reaches farther out into the space around it.
  • #5
jedishrfu said:
since its gravitational strength reaches farther out into the space around it.

Since the mass collapses into singularity why does the mass of the star matters ? Cause in any case all mass will collape so singularity,

Lets suppose we have an Earth and apple, they collapsed and formed black hole,I am saying they should have same radius cause they will form a singularity and singularities are same, but it is not, how ?
  • #6
Mass doesn't vanish it just becomes a singularity. The mass tells space how to curve. The event horizon around the mass demarcates the point where light can no longer escape the black hole. The mass determines the size of the event horizon. Singularities are defined by the mass that created them and other properties such as charge and spin.

Even leaving General Relativity aside and using Newton's gravitation law you can see that the strength of gravity increases as the mass of one of the objects increases. It is the same in General Relativity.


and here:

  • #7
jedishrfu said:
Mass doesn't vanish it just becomes a singularity. The mass tells space how to curve. The event horizon around the mass demarcates the point where light can no longer escape the black hole. The mass determines the size of the event horizon.

Even leaving General Relativity aside and using Newton's gravitation law you can see that the strength of gravity increases as the mass of one of the objects increases. It is the same in General Relativity.

It make sense that If it has a bigger mass the event horizon would be bigger but still a bit awkward to me...
  • #8
The problem with physics is you have to go back to the math to really understand what's what. For General Relativity, the math is really hard hence laymen and journalists use flawed analogies like rubber sheets to describe what is happening leading to confusion.
  • #9
jedishrfu said:
The problem with physics is you have to go back to the math to really understand what's what. For General Relativity, the math is really hard hence laymen and journalists use flawed analogies like rubber sheets to describe what is happening leading to confusion.
I totally agree with you.I am freshman physics student and GR is really hard to understand, the math is too complex etc.Without understanding them its hard for me to deal with such thing.Thank you for your help
  • #10
Arman777 said:
I looked the videos, second one is really interesting I was never heard such thing.

I understand that matter collapses and creates a singularity, then what's the difference between ##10M_ο## mass of star (A) and ##20M_ο## (B).Since both star A and B creates a black hole, they have singularity but their event horizon radius is different.How is that possible ? Is this means there's "different type of singularities" which affect the light in different way (Why event horizon radius is different , cause singularity is just singularity) ?

Due to the Pauli exclusion principle, it's premature to suggest that all mass inside the event horizon ever reaches a true state of "singularity" or anything approaching 'infinite density at a point". Be careful with that particular assumption. It's a pretty safe bet however that a larger mass object will have a larger event horizon.
  • #11
MichaelMo said:
Due to the Pauli exclusion principle, it's premature to suggest that all mass inside the event horizon ever reaches a true state of "singularity" or anything approaching 'infinite density at a point". Be careful with that particular assumption. It's a pretty safe bet however that a larger mass object will have a larger event horizon.
I see your point.I didnt and I cannot read the literature about this since I don't know the math and physics but from books about this issues or etc, I state that assumption,In simply way I guess we don't know how black holes form and hence what's there inside..Its pretty amazing.
  • #12
I also strangled for couple of months on this topic but then started from scratch once again to clear my concepts, bro kindly start from this article and then proceed to have a better understanding

Also found sciencea2z.net very helpful

William Blake
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  • #13
William Blake said:
I also strangled for couple of months on this topic but then started from scratch once again to clear my concepts, bro kindly start from this article and then proceed to have a better understanding

Also found sciencea2z.net very helpful

William Blake
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I didnt understand what should I get this from this article ?

Related to Event Horizon and the Mass of a Black Hole

1. What is an event horizon?

An event horizon is the boundary around a black hole where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it.

2. How is the mass of a black hole determined?

The mass of a black hole can be determined by observing the effects of its gravitational pull on surrounding objects, such as stars and gas. Scientists also use equations and formulas derived from Einstein's theory of general relativity to calculate the mass of a black hole.

3. Can the mass of a black hole change?

Yes, the mass of a black hole can change over time. As it consumes matter and radiation, its mass increases. However, it can also lose mass through a process called Hawking radiation, where it emits particles and loses energy.

4. What is the relationship between the mass of a black hole and its event horizon?

The mass of a black hole directly affects the size of its event horizon. The more massive the black hole, the larger its event horizon will be. This means that the stronger the gravitational pull, the closer the event horizon will be to the center of the black hole.

5. Can the event horizon of a black hole ever be seen?

No, the event horizon of a black hole cannot be seen directly because it is the point of no return for anything that enters it, including light. However, scientists can observe the effects of the event horizon on surrounding matter and radiation, which can provide evidence of its existence.

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