Ever had a Evo moment like this?

  • Thread starter Moonbear
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    Evo Moment
In summary, the author had a bad day. The Evo moment happened when he was walking back from lunch and crashed. He has bruises all over his knees from the fall.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
I had an Evo moment today :D

It was definitely not a good day. Started off giving a lecture and had another rather surly faculty member interrupt at the end that he had a class waiting for the room. My hour wasn't even totally up, but I guess his watch was fast or something. :rolleyes: I wrapped up and was done on time according to the clock in the lecture hall. My students were appalled at the attitude the other professor had...they told me I should have said they were paying more tuition than his class (I was teaching the med students), so were entitled to the full lecture hour and thanked me for going ahead and finishing the lecture. :smile:

Anyway, that wasn't terrible, especially since my students were all backing me up and really nice about it afterward. Then after their lab was done, I had one of those meetings you just hate to have as faculty, which was with a student who failed last semester and was contesting the grade. I got dragged in because I gave the make-up exam. No good deed goes unpunished. That ran well past the lunch hour.

So, at 2 PM, I FINALLY got a chance to go get lunch. That's when I had my Evo moment. Walking back from the cafeteria with my container with sandwich and salad in one hand and a cup of soda in the other hand, I just crashed. I felt like a little kid just suddenly falling for no good reason. My only excuse is I was wearing new shoes and they had really grippy soles and I just hit a sticky spot on the floor and my foot caught and I toppled. There was nothing to trip on, no slick spot, no normal reason to fall.

At least the container with my sandwich and salad in it stayed closed, but the soda didn't survive the fall. Neither did my knees. I'm sitting here with ice packs on my little-kid-looking skinned and bruised knees. :frown: Thankfully, there was only one person around to witness this and she just helped me clean up the spilled soda while my more bruised ego sulked back to my office. I don't remember skinned knees hurting this much when I was a kid.

Oh, and the irony is that next week I give the lectures on the lower limbs. Usually I demonstrate normal gait and some gait defects (I call it my "ministry of silly walks" lecture). I think the only thing I might be demonstrating is what it looks like when you're limping around with a bruised patellar tendon. :rolleyes:

Okay, maybe it wasn't a TOTAL Evo moment...nothing seems broken, just bruised. But, how bad is it that we've had 2 weeks of snow and ice and I've managed to walk across the icy parking lots every day unscathed, then wipe out just getting lunch from the cafeteria?

So, that's all. I'm just shamelessly seeking some sympathy. Meanwhile I'm treating with ice packs and copious amounts of rum in my Pepsi. :biggrin: (By the time the day was done, several of us faculty were standing around missing the days when you could keep beer in the department fridge.)
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  • #2

So.. how did you fall down? Was it a near-syncope? An unsteady gait? Well I would sympathize and rub the boo-boo but this seems rather serious. Maybe it was the surly interruptor who ninja tripped you?

missing the days when you could keep beer in the department fridge.

Wait WHAT? You can't do that anymore?? Why would I want to become a professor at medschool now
  • #3

when i fall like that, it's usually on a boulder. it's amazing how much abuse the ulna can take and not break. i always land on the left one. and once my knee landed on a stone. that took a long while to stop hurting, but nothing serious.
  • #4

My knees ache just reading about it. Hope the rum works. I did a odd yet particular ice near fall, from what my co-workers said, its amazing I didn't fall, or at least do the splits.
  • #5

Evo Moon said:
Oh, and the irony is that next week I give the lectures on the lower limbs. Usually I demonstrate normal gait and some gait defects ...
Time for a demo change it seems. Maybe it can work well seeing the gait of a wounded knee.
  • #6

cronxeh said:
So.. how did you fall down? Was it a near-syncope? An unsteady gait? Well I would sympathize and rub the boo-boo but this seems rather serious. Maybe it was the surly interruptor who ninja tripped you?
I just tripped over my own feet. I think it would have been better if there was a good explanation. Lost in my thoughts, thinking about the frustrating meeting I had just had, and the possibility of more meetings, etc., and not watching my step I guess. That's why I compared it to the falls of a little kid, when they just topple for no apparent reason. :frown:

Wait WHAT? You can't do that anymore?? Why would I want to become a professor at medschool now

Tell me about it! :smile: I miss the beer and pizza receptions after the Friday afternoon seminars when I was a grad student.

And, yes, dlgoff, I think it's time for a demo change. Actually, as my knees are turning interesting shades of purple, I'm seriously thinking I need to get some photos for clinical correlations lectures. With all the bruises, it's more realistic that you're looking at the legs of someone who was just in an accident. :smile:

Edit: And, no, the rum doesn't seem to be working. My one drink already has me feeling pretty tipsy, but my knees still hurt.

I'm out of cold compresses too. I don't usually need more than one at a time, so have two...I can apply one and have the other chilling in the freezer. But, with both knees banged up, I have to wait for them to chill. I could just get regular ice, but the way the day has been going, I'm just sure I'd grab a baggie that has a hole in it and end up with a big puddle of water in bed as the ice melts (I decided the safest place for me is to just stay sitting in bed tonight).
  • #7

  • #8

Poor MB, I hope your knees are ok. Usually a freak injury is required to attain a true *Evo moment*, but the series of bad events during the day topped off with the injured knees comes close enough.

I hope the injuries are really not bad.
  • #9

I didn't know Evo was known for freak injuries with no rational scientific explanations.

How did your knees become so bruised? It seems that without a stone or something to fall on, they should be fine.
  • #10

ideasrule said:
I didn't know Evo was known for freak injuries with no rational scientific explanations.

How did your knees become so bruised? It seems that without a stone or something to fall on, they should be fine.
Just a hard floor. It's an old building with floor tiles over concrete floors. Since I had my hands full, I couldn't get my balance or brace my fall, so my knees took the full brunt of the impact.

Fortunately, the injury was limited to just huge bruises and no breaks, so maybe it's not a true Evo moment. :biggrin: :smile:

Evo, is it bad that you were the first person who came to mind as I was nursing my bruised ego?
  • #11

ideasrule said:
I didn't know Evo was known for freak injuries with no rational scientific explanations.
They might have rational explanations, I just have more than my fair share. Like when I broke the same arm in two different places in 10 days, the first time walking out of my backdoor (which was the same place I had broken the same arm almost exactly 1 year earlier), then walking to the mailbox.

How did your knees become so bruised? It seems that without a stone or something to fall on, they should be fine.
Falling full weight straight down on your knees onto a hard floor can be pretty bad.
  • #12

Evo said:
Falling full weight straight down on your knees onto a hard floor can be pretty bad.

See, Evo understands. :biggrin: :smile:
  • #13

Evo said:
They might have rational explanations, I just have more than my fair share. Like when I broke the same arm in two different places in 10 days, the first time walking out of my backdoor (which was the same place I had broken the same arm almost exactly 1 year earlier), then walking to the mailbox.

You break your bones just by walking to places? Got Milk?
  • #14

Pengwuino said:
You break your bones just by walking to places? Got Milk?
I've broken the same arm 4 times. :redface:

And it's not healed properly, right now I can't move it because it's swollen from when I had to shovel a bit of snow from behind my car a couple of days ago. My daughter's BF left me the shovel from when he removed a huge pile of snow from behind my car recently.

I'm worried about MB's knees, that kind of fall can be bad. I hope she can move around tomorrow.
  • #15

Evo said:
I'm worried about MB's knees, that kind of fall can be bad. I hope she can move around tomorrow.

Worried? Why? Then she gets to use a pimp cane and smack ungrateful students around with said cane.
  • #16

How bizarre. Last night my cell phone started beeping at me asking for more juice. I woke up after only about two hours sleep, walked toward the phone and fell sound asleep midstep. I fell down and hit my head hard on the floor, but so far there are no signs of concussion. I read that the symptoms can take hours (too late for that) or even days to appear. So I'll be on the lookout to see if my brain is acting normally. I asked my wife be on the lookout too, but she said I've had a concussion for as long as she's known me.
  • #17

Are you sure you had the rum after your fall?
  • #18

Why do bad things only happen to sisters?:devil:

*Hugs for moonie*
Hope you get well soon!:smile:
  • #19

Big kids have farther to fall. It's been a while since I skinned my knees, but your experience brought the sensation back to me.

Thanks to the kindness of strangers.

On the sidewalk ice two weeks ago I slipped but caught myself inches before my face did. I'm glad that I do push-ups on occasion, and this was one of them!
  • #20

I think Evo should register a trademark, so that it becomes Evo moment™
  • #21

Borek said:
I think Evo should register a trademark, so that it becomes Evo moment™
My attorney is working on it.

I hope MB's knees feel better today. She's still a spring chicken, so hopefully she's on the mend.
  • #22

Aw, poor Moonbear! It's been quite a while since I've tripped over my own feet (I hate it when that happens!) but I well know going from standing to landing on your knees without arm brace or anything to catch you or slow you down and landing, full force on a tiled concrete floor. Are you absolutely certain you didn't chip anything? You may not have outright busted something, but chipping a kneecap from something like that isn't unheard of.

And yes, boo! that you can't keep beer in the faculty fridge. Why not? We can't keep beer in the company fridge because a certain person absconds with it, but that just means that we hide the Baileys in one of the young people's desk cupboard and the wine in mine. (And you can tell we're not big drinkers because the Baileys has so far lasted for 2 months and we haven't even cracked some really nice bottles of wine yet. :biggrin: But, if we want to...
  • #23

Moonie, were you wearing new shoes, or shoes you don't wear very often?

Perhaps since you were so late for lunch, your blood sugar was low.
  • #24

Sorry to hear about this MB, hope things are better today.

Somewhat related: I was once told never to walk down stairs, or in icy places, with my hands in my pockets. You need free hands in case of a fall.
  • #25

Moonbear said:
Meanwhile I'm treating with ice packs and copious amounts of rum in my Pepsi. :biggrin:

Ahhhh, so it's not just the med STUDENTS! :-p
  • #26

jimmysnyder said:
How bizarre. Last night my cell phone started beeping at me asking for more juice. I woke up after only about two hours sleep, walked toward the phone and fell sound asleep midstep. I fell down and hit my head hard on the floor, but so far there are no signs of concussion. I read that the symptoms can take hours (too late for that) or even days to appear. So I'll be on the lookout to see if my brain is acting normally. I asked my wife be on the lookout too, but she said I've had a concussion for as long as she's known me.

Evo said:
I've broken the same arm 4 times. :redface:
That arm is probably going to continue to be vulnerable if you fall on it again. It's going to be weak where you've broken it before. Though, someone's comment about milk does bring to mind osteoporosis. Have you had a bone density scan done?

I'm worried about MB's knees, that kind of fall can be bad. I hope she can move around tomorrow.
Knees are okay today. They have bruises on them, but the swelling has gone down, and they are more bendy today than yesterday. So, that's all good signs. Just a little sore going up and down stairs or when I bend way down (like to get into my bottom cabinets), and of course the scabs sting a bit when I bend. I actually expected it to be worse today considering how painful it was last night. I just kept reapplying ice and took a good dose of ibuprofen before bed, and that seemed to control the swelling.

sas3 said:
Are you sure you had the rum after your fall?

lisab said:
Moonie, were you wearing new shoes, or shoes you don't wear very often?
They were new shoes. I've only worn them once before, and that was the day I bought them while in NY, and just to go out to dinner with my boyfriend, so wasn't going to topple over then because I had his arm most of the time we were walking. They have about a 1 inch heel to them, and I don't often wear heels. But, it seems that the reason I bought them is the thing that got me into trouble. Unlike most high heels, they have a rubbery sole rather than a slippery one. I think I'm used to watching out for slipping when walking in heels, and not having a rubber sole that actually grips the floor. I was distracted at the time, mind on all the events of the morning, so that was part of it.

One of my coworkers told me she thinks the floor is a bit uneven in that area, that she's had similar things happen there, not actually fallen, but had her foot just catch where there seemed to be nothing to catch on.

I think I was VERY lucky I didn't break anything with that fall. I definitely would have been better off to let the food drop and catch myself, but that just wasn't my reaction.

I've had other falls when at the farm and such, but never slammed down on my knees the way I did with this one. Usually my hands are free and I can catch myself. The worst spill I took at the farm (when knocked over by a sheep attempting to escape), I ended up with scraped up palms, but no other injury, because like Loren, I just ended up doing a push-up rather than face-plant into a concrete floor.
  • #27

The mere thought of this type of fall makes me grit my teeth. I had a similar one 37 years ago, and have had a torn tendon in my left knee ever since.
  • #28

Redbelly98 said:
Somewhat related: I was once told never to walk down stairs, or in icy places, with my hands in my pockets. You need free hands in case of a fall.

Don't stand on muddy planks at a construction site with your hands in your pocket - especially if you're a little overweight and your pants are too tight. Not only did the guy slip and land face down in the mud, he was laying on his hands and couldn't get them out of his pockets. :smile: (That made a very unpleasant day so much more bearable for the rest of us, though. :smile:)

As to MB, were you chewing gum at the time? That sometimes makes walking more difficult.

And some people have a tough time walking and talking on a cell phone at the same time.

From the article:
Mr. Nasar supervised the statistical analysis, which was done by Derek Troyer, one of his graduate students. He looked at records of emergency room visits compiled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Examples of such visits include a 16-year-old boy who walked into a telephone pole while texting and suffered a concussion...

And, later in the article, the insightful observation:
“An animal would never walk into a pole"


I guess I should show a little more sympathy. I hope your knees are feeling better, Moonbear.:smile::smile::smile::smile:
  • #29

BobG said:
As to MB, were you chewing gum at the time? That sometimes makes walking more difficult.
:devil: Hmm...that smiley just doesn't do justice to the evil glare I'm giving you right now.
I guess I should show a little more sympathy. I hope your knees are feeling better, Moonbear.:smile::smile::smile::smile:

Getting a little better each day. Thank goodness I didn't tear any ligaments or tendons like Danger did. Ouch!

I think the med students have jinxed me. They seem to be a wounded lot too. One started the semester on crutches, and another showed up last week with an arm in a sling. Normally they just treat me to a new batch of cold germs.

Related to Ever had a Evo moment like this?

1. What is an Evo moment?

An Evo moment refers to a moment of intense excitement or skill in a competitive fighting game, particularly those featured at the Evolution Championship Series (Evo) tournament.

2. What happened during your Evo moment?

During my Evo moment, I made a comeback from a near-defeat, executed a difficult combo successfully, or performed an unexpected move to win the match.

3. How do Evo moments impact the outcome of a match?

Evo moments can be game-changing, as they often occur during high-pressure situations and can turn the tide in favor of the player who executes them.

4. Are Evo moments common in competitive fighting games?

Evo moments are relatively rare and can only be achieved through a combination of skill, timing, and luck. However, they are highly celebrated and can become iconic moments in the history of a game.

5. Can anyone have an Evo moment, or is it reserved for professional players?

Anyone can have an Evo moment, regardless of skill level or experience. It all depends on the circumstances of the match and the player's ability to seize the moment.

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