Every Cauchy sequence of real numbers converges

In summary, the proof proves that if n≥N, then k≥K and nk≥N. If all three of these conditions are met, then the last line of the proof is true. However, the condition n≥N alone does not imply that k≥K and nk≥N. It is only when all three conditions are met that the last line of the proof is true.
  • #1

Homework Statement


I understand everything except the last two lines. I am really confused about the last two lines of the proof. (actually I was never able to fully understand it since my first year calculus)
I agree that if ALL three of the conditions n≥N, k≥K, and nk≥N are satisfied, then the last line is true. But why does the condition n≥N alone imply that the last line is true? Does n≥N guarantee that k≥K, and nk≥N?
Why is it true that n≥N => |an-an_k| < ε/2 ?
And why is it true that n≥N => |an_k-L| < ε/2 ?
Can somebody kindly explain the last two lines of the proof in more detail?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution


Any help is much appreciated!
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  • #2
kingwinner said:

Homework Statement


I understand everything except the last two lines. I am really confused about the last two lines of the proof. (actually I was never able to fully understand it since my first year calculus)
I agree that if ALL three of the conditions n≥N, k≥K, and nk≥N are satisfied, then the last line is true. But why does the condition n≥N alone implies that the last line is true? Does n≥N guarantee that k≥K
Knowing that [itex]n\ge N[/itex] doesn't tell you anything about k. That was why the proof says "Pick any [itex]k\ge K[/itex]" k is chosen to be larger than K. That has nothing to do with n. What the proof is really saying is "K is a fixed number so certainly there exist k> K. Also N is a fixed number and nk is a sequence that increases without bound so there exist numbers in the subsequence such that nk> N. Of all the nk> N, choose one for which k is also > K.

, and nk≥N?
Why is it true that n≥N => |an-an_k| < ε/2 ?
And why is it true that n≥N => |an_k-L| < ε/2 ?
Can somebody kindly explain the last two lines of the proof in more detail?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution


Any help is much appreciated!
  • #3
But at the end, we are supposed to prove that:
i.e. for all ε>0, there exists N such that n≥N => |an-L| < ε ?
(note that here only n appears, there is nothing about k)

Looking at the definition of an->L above, all we have to do is to construct an N that works. Just like every ε-limit proof, we have to find an N that works. And if we can find such an N, then the only restriction should be n≥N and nothing else, but in this proof we also have other restrictions k≥K and nk≥N which does not even appear in |an-L| < ε . How come? Please help...I really don't understand :(

Do we need all three conditions (n≥N, k≥K, and nk≥N) to be simultaneously satisfied in order for |an-L| < ε to hold??
  • #4
All you have to show is that given an [itex]\epsilon[/itex], an N exists. It doesn't really matter how you found it; you just have to show it exists.
  • #5
vela said:
All you have to show is that given an [itex]\epsilon[/itex], an N exists. It doesn't really matter how you found it; you just have to show it exists.

But what is that "N" in this case?
  • #6
It says what N is in the fifth sentence of the proof.
  • #7
vela said:
It says what N is in the fifth sentence of the proof.

So the exact same N there would work at the end?
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  • #8
Yes. That's the point of the rest of the proof.
  • #9
I've seen another proof of this theorem:

Given ε>0.
There exists N s.t. m,n≥N => |an-am|<ε/2
There exists M s.t. k≥M => |ank-L|<ε/2 and also M≥N.
Take N'=max{N,nM}
Then if n>N',

Is this proof right or wrong? If it's right, I have the following questions:

1) Why is M≥N?

2) Why should we take N'=max{N,nM}?

Does anyone have any idea?

(I increased the font size to make the subscripts legible)

FAQ: Every Cauchy sequence of real numbers converges

1. What is a Cauchy sequence?

A Cauchy sequence is a sequence of real numbers in which the terms get closer and closer together as the sequence progresses. In other words, for any small number ε, there exists a point in the sequence after which all the terms are within ε of each other.

2. What does it mean for a Cauchy sequence to converge?

A Cauchy sequence is said to converge if the terms of the sequence approach a single, finite limit as the sequence progresses. In other words, the terms get arbitrarily close to each other and to the limit as the sequence goes on.

3. Why is it important for a Cauchy sequence to converge?

Convergence is important because it ensures that the sequence has a well-defined limit and does not "oscillate" between different values. This allows us to make accurate predictions and draw conclusions about the behavior of the sequence.

4. How do we know if a Cauchy sequence converges?

In mathematics, we prove the convergence of a Cauchy sequence by showing that it satisfies the Cauchy convergence criterion. This means that for any small number ε, there exists a point in the sequence after which all the terms are within ε of each other. This guarantees that the sequence will converge to a limit.

5. Can a Cauchy sequence of real numbers fail to converge?

Yes, it is possible for a Cauchy sequence to fail to converge. This can happen if the sequence is not defined for all values or if it does not satisfy the Cauchy convergence criterion. In other words, if the terms do not get arbitrarily close to each other and to the limit, the sequence will not converge.
