Everyone is so quality around here

  • Thread starter Live Fast Die Young
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Daniel.In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of posting nonsense on a forum and the consequences that may result from it. One user repeatedly posts under different usernames, causing annoyance to other members. The conversation also touches on the topic of reincarnation and the role of moderators in maintaining forum standards.
  • #1
Live Fast Die Young
Goodbye cruel world...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Just refrain from posting nonsense.
  • #3
I've never posted nonsense. And if you call THAT nonsense, well, take a look at what other people were posting.
  • #4
Live Fast Die Young said:
And if you call THAT nonsense, well, take a look at what other people were posting.

Yeah, like orgazmo. That guy's nonsense really annoyed the hell out of me. :rolleyes:
  • #5
Evo said:
Just refrain from posting nonsense.
Yeah that's right! We have to uphold those standards on the GD forum!

Put LFDY in his place Evo, you go girl! :biggrin:
  • #6
Live Fast Die Young said:
I've never posted nonsense. And if you call THAT nonsense, well, take a look at what other people were posting.

That was a quick return after the explosion. Next time, ask tribdog to help you set the fuse. You'll at least be guaranteed to wind up with some singed eyebrows or some second degree burns.

You could at least introduce yourself before telling us we're all mean and offing yourself on our board. Afterall, dumping a body is a lot of effort for a complete stranger, and if we do it for you, then others will expect it too.
  • #7
Moonbear said:
That was a quick return after the explosion. Next time, ask tribdog to help you set the fuse. You'll at least be guaranteed to wind up with some singed eyebrows or some second degree burns.

You could at least introduce yourself before telling us we're all mean and offing yourself on our board. Afterall, dumping a body is a lot of effort for a complete stranger, and if we do it for you, then others will expect it too.

Yeah that's right! We have to uphold those standards on the GD forum!

Put LFDY in his place Moonbear, you go girl! :biggrin:
  • #8
I'm not mean! Moonbear's not mean! And Tribdog's only ever been a danger to himself, anyway.*

* this may be a lie
  • #9
brewnog said:
I'm not mean! Moonbear's not mean! And Tribdog's only ever been a danger to himself, anyway.*

Hey, you're going to ruin my reputation here! :devil: See, I'm really mean. Grrrrrrr!

:rolleyes: :bugeye: Okay, I can never keep a straight face when I do that. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #10
brewnog said:
I'm not mean! Moonbear's not mean! And Tribdog's only ever been a danger to himself, anyway.*
* this may be a lie
Oh, I've been known to take a few others down with me.
  • #11
Live Fast Die Young said:
I've never posted nonsense. And if you call THAT nonsense, well, take a look at what other people were posting.

Now that's nonsense :biggrin:
  • #12
brewnog said:
I'm not mean! Moonbear's not mean! And Tribdog's only ever been a danger to himself, anyway.*

* this may be a lie

I'm vicious.

Grr Baby, Grr.
  • #13
Well, I don't know how fast he lived, but he died pretty quickly.
  • #14
I'm not MEAN.I'm above AVERAGE... :-p :-p

Why don't people accept that?? :rolleyes:


P.S.Since u have "0" posts,welcome to PF,LFwhatever... :cool:
  • #15
Maybe I'm being too sensitive, but this is the second post I've noticed in the past week that has said that PF is full of meanies. Isn't that cool? :devil: We're mad, bad, hellraisers with attitude. We have acne. We don't wash very often. We belch and think its funny. We consider f**ting to be one of the few legal highs left. We are MEAN I tell you, MEAN! GaaaAAAHHHH!

(Sorry if this post offends anyone).
  • #16
dextercioby said:
I'm not MEAN.I'm above AVERAGE... :-p :-p
Well technically, together we are all average...on average.
  • #17
russ_watters said:
Well technically, together we are all average...on average.

We need a twitching smiley so that i can properly respond to that.
  • #18
Tom Mattson said:
Yeah, like orgazmo. That guy's nonsense really annoyed the hell out of me. :rolleyes:
Tom, in case you haven't realized, I AM THAT VERY SAME ORGAZMO (also iodmys, James Dean, anonymous299792458, iodmys101), just got a different user name now.
  • #19
Live Fast Die Young said:
Tom, in case you haven't realized, I AM THAT VERY SAME ORGAZMO (also iodmys, James Dean, anonymous299792458, iodmys101), just got a different user name now.

Hmm...well, when you come right out and admit it, it makes it much easier for them. You know, if you signed up with so many different usernames, then you had MULTIPLE chances to read the forum policy you agreed to with each one, which says that's against the rules, as are all your other antics. And I think Evo may be just itching to test out her newly acquired banning powers.
  • #20
Live Fast Die Young said:
OOH OOH OOH! Look at me! Look at me! I can make multiple annoying accounts to make annoying threads to perturb decent PF members. I've done it over and over, please ban me so i can make a new accounts and do it again!

Edited for technical accuracy.
  • #21
Live Fast Die Young said:
Tom, in case you haven't realized, I AM THAT VERY SAME ORGAZMO (also iodmys, James Dean, anonymous299792458, iodmys101), just got a different user name now.
We all know that and we're watching you. Kind of like a cat watching a mouse. :wink:

In other words you're being given a chance, don't post nonsense, and you know what I'm talking about. The type of old posts you mentioned aren't going to fly here anymore.
  • #22
Live Fast Die Young said:
Tom, in case you haven't realized, I AM THAT VERY SAME ORGAZMO (also iodmys, James Dean, anonymous299792458, iodmys101), just got a different user name now.
This should go in the debunking forum as proof of reincarnation.

Used as they are, his user names seem more like aliases.
  • #23
Evo said:
We all know that and we're watching you. Kind of like a cat watching a mouse. :wink:

That's one well fed cat,huh?? :wink: Hopefully she's still slender enough to chase down and slay the mouse... :-p

  • #24
dextercioby said:
That's one well fed cat,huh?? :wink: Hopefully she's still slender enough to chase down and slay the mouse... :-p

Hey, I get plenty of excersize here. :biggrin:
  • #25
Have you ever watched a cat kill a mouse for sport? Its brutal - they bat it around like a ball of yarn for a good half-hour before finally ripping its head off...
  • #26
dextercioby said:
That's one well fed cat,huh?? :wink: Hopefully she's still slender enough to chase down and slay the mouse... :-p


:eek: I think you just called Evo fat! And even when you know she's itching to try out that new BAN button! Now you have to write "Evo is slender and beautiful" 1000 times in permanent marker on your forehead! (Hint, write small.) :biggrin:
  • #27
Live Fast Die Young said:
Tom, in case you haven't realized, I AM THAT VERY SAME ORGAZMO (also iodmys, James Dean, anonymous299792458, iodmys101), just got a different user name now.

:smile: Oh god this is fantastic! Just like in a film where the villain *sluuurps* off the rubber mask to reveal his true identity.

Please, Mr Whoever You Are, keep up this quality of work - it shows real talent.
  • #28
russ_watters said:
Have you ever watched a cat kill a mouse for sport? Its brutal - they bat it around like a ball of yarn for a good half-hour before finally ripping its head off...

Oh, that's exactly the image that came to mind when Evo made that comment. :biggrin:
  • #29
franznietzsche said:
Originally Posted by Live Fast Die Young
OOH OOH OOH! Look at me! Look at me! I can make multiple annoying accounts to make annoying threads to perturb decent PF members. I've done it over and over, please ban me so i can make a new accounts and do it again!

Nitchy, you swine. That was so... MEAN! :smile:
  • #30
Evo said:
We all know that and we're watching you. Kind of like a cat watching a mouse. :wink:

In other words you're being given a chance, don't post nonsense, and you know what I'm talking about. The type of old posts you mentioned aren't going to fly here anymore.
Ok, don't delete me (at least not yet), I just have a question. Does that mean that NO ONE will be able to even mention anything about their sex life/m*******tion? Oh, and if I didn't want you to know that I'm that same person, you probably wouldn't have.
  • #31
Live Fast Die Young said:
Ok, don't delete me (at least not yet), I just have a question. Does that mean that NO ONE will be able to even mention anything about their sex life/m*******tion?
If it's brought up as a biological topic, I believe you can post it in the biology forum. If it's just adolescent nonsense, it will be deleted.

A famous member was recently banned for repeatedly creating sex related threads. We're trying to raise the bar here. That doesn't mean discussions regarding sex aren't allowed.

I think if you remember the posts you've made that have been deleted, you will get a feel for what is acceptable here and what isn't. There are forums on the internet where you can post stuff like that to your heart's content, this isn't one of them.
  • #32
Live Fast Die Young said:
Ok, don't delete me (at least not yet), I just have a question. Does that mean that NO ONE will be able to even mention anything about their sex life/m*******tion? Oh, and if I didn't want you to know that I'm that same person, you probably wouldn't have.

If you are having difficulty understanding where the line is drawn between mature adult conversation and lewdness, I can offer you some advice from what I've seen on the board that is allowed and what gets deleted.

First, any discussion about topics that are illegal are off limits (such as child pornography) unless you wish to have an academic discussion on its illegality in the politics or ethics subforums.

Second, we really don't want to hear about anyone's personal sex life here (the exception is you can complain that you don't have one). When we discuss the topic of sex, it isn't about sharing personal details.

If you think you'd be likely to get slapped in the face if you asked a stranger in person about something, it isn't appropriate to ask here either.

Photos and links to sites with such photos are not allowed.

There are ways of having some fun and joking about topics that we recognize are normal behaviors of adults without being crass and crude about it. One sign of maturity is learning where that line exists. If you've been having your posts deleted and have been getting banned over it, you've crossed that line.

Regarding masturbation, we had a very scientific discussion about it in the biology section, we recognize that this is something people do, but again, we don't want to hear any personal details about it, or get too graphic about the process.

If you're serious about wanting a second (or 3rd or 10th) chance here, maybe you'd be better off just avoiding those topics if you're not sure of how to know if you've crossed that line between appropriate and indecent. Keep it PG-13.

The rest of us know that if we post something that goes beyond what the board management considers acceptable, they'll delete or edit it, and we won't be upset by it. We'll just know for the future that we went too far and not repeat that mistake. I know people don't get banned for making just one mistake, so you're not learning from your mistakes. I saw one of your deleted responses to Evo for one of the other deleted threads (I was quick before she got it deleted)...it wasn't a mature response and was offensive in many ways, and not just to Evo. If you are uncertain about board rules, use the PM feature and ask the mentors for help understanding what you did wrong and you'll go a lot further than if you insult them on the forum for enforcing board rules (insulting them via PM won't help either).
  • #33
Moonbear said:
(the exception is you can complain that you don't have one).

Or in Tribdog's case, complain that you do :smile: :smile:
  • #34
Live Fast Die Young said:
Tom, in case you haven't realized, I AM THAT VERY SAME ORGAZMO (also iodmys, James Dean, anonymous299792458, iodmys101), just got a different user name now.


Why do you think I named that one username out of over 16,000?
  • #35
moonbear said:
dextercioby said:
That's one well fed cat,huh?? Hopefully she's still slender enough to chase down and slay the mouse...


I think you just called Evo fat! And even when you know she's itching to try out that new BAN button! Now you have to write "Evo is slender and beautiful" 1000 times in permanent marker on your forehead! (Hint, write small.)
I think you just called dextercioby a pinhead! You know darn well he could write "Evo is slender and beautiful" at least a 1000 times on his forehead.

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