Everything attracts everything else; F = GMm/r^2. If two objects are

  • Thread starter eurekameh
  • Start date
In summary: Considering that the speed of light is around 300,000 km/s, that means that the two masses would have to be separated by about 6.4 light years for the attraction to overcome the speed of light.In summary, objects at everyday-experience distances will eventually come into contact with each other due to the gravitational force. It would take a very long time for this to happen if they were separated by great distances, and a much shorter amount of time if they were separated by smaller distances.
  • #1
Everything attracts everything else; F = GMm/r^2.
If two objects are placed at an everyday-experience distance to each other and have everyday-experience masses on ice, where no other forces are exerted on the two-mass system besides the mutual gravitation attraction, will the two masses eventually bring each other closer together if given enough time?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

If absolutely no other forces are involved? Yes.

For everyday distances and masses, the forces are pretty tiny, and in a realistic setting, I doubt such a force could overcome even the force of static friction with the ice.
  • #3

Realistically, no, this would not happen because friction would keep them from moving. But if we could place two objects in a frictionless environment then yes, they would get closer together.
  • #4

How long would it take, really, for let's say, two 1 kg point masses separated at 1 m apart, to come into contact with each other (again, assuming they're both on frictionless ice).
According to my calculations, which I doubt I've done correctly, I've got ~34 hours, which seems to be an extremely short amount of time when compared with intuition.
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  • #5

Why does that seem short?
  • #6

The fact that gravity makes things come closer together is foreign to me, even if the concept of gravity is not, because we just don't see mundane things in everyday life do such a thing. So the idea that if you place two objects in a frictionless environment and it will come into contact with one another in just a matter of a day and some hours is just so strange.
  • #7

Well, I haven't done the numbers, but I can see it. Remember that gravity is constant, and it will continually accelerate the two objects towards each other. The fact that they are so small means it takes a very long time for them to get even the tiniest velocity. This contrasts to the Earth which will accelerate you to 9.8 m/s in just 1 second.
  • #8

We can skip the ice and just put them in free space. The space station or the now out of service shuttle would be excellent environments and one would think that they would have done it with two blobs of water.

Another possibility would be to put two buoyant spheres in water. Surface tension would present a bit of an issue there, though.

How else might we play this game?

How about an air hockey table?
  • #9

Without paying careful attention (i.e. setting up a real experiment), you'll never see the gravitational attraction between everyday objects.

One cool thing you can set up that can see this attraction is called a torsion balance. You can wikipedia it for details, but basically its a mechanism that translates the gravitational attraction between several bodies into rotational momentum of a rod: which is much easier to see.
  • #10

eurekameh said:
I've got ~34 hours, which seems to be an extremely short amount of time when compared with intuition.
I make the formula (π/4)√(d3/Gm), where d is the initial separation. That gives 26.7 hours.

FAQ: Everything attracts everything else; F = GMm/r^2. If two objects are

1. What does the equation F = GMm/r^2 mean?

The equation F = GMm/r^2 represents the force of gravitational attraction between two objects. F is the force, G is the gravitational constant, M and m are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between them.

2. How does the distance between two objects affect the force of attraction?

The force of attraction between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that as the distance increases, the force decreases and vice versa.

3. What is the role of the masses of the two objects in this equation?

The masses of the two objects play a crucial role in determining the strength of the gravitational force between them. The greater the masses, the stronger the force of attraction will be.

4. Can this equation be used for any two objects?

Yes, this equation can be used for any two objects that have a mass. However, it is most commonly used for celestial bodies such as planets, stars, and galaxies.

5. How does the gravitational constant (G) affect this equation?

The gravitational constant, G, is a universal constant that determines the strength of the gravitational force between two objects. It is a small number, which means that the force of attraction between two objects is typically very weak compared to other fundamental forces.
